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bargaining with plastic surgeon in korea on mutiple procedures

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hi girls... ..

i am planning to go to korea next year in march( i know it's still a long time but it's the only spare time i got)

i was wondering if it's okay to bargain with a plastic surgeon? if you get multiple procedures...? i plan to have full face fat graft... and rhinoplasty (dermal graft and cartilage only on bridge and tip,,, no silicone) and maybe alar base reductionn

i'm planning to go to regen/pitangui/grand..
in regen the fat graft isn't too expensive about 3.5 million won, but the rhinoplasty he quote me so high,, about 4.5-6 million...
in pitangui fat graft in 4 places is 3.3 milion but the rhino is cheap 3.8 mill won only...
grand hasn't replied

i will bring cash

so how do you bargain with the plastic surgeon?? just say.. oh i am going to do 2 procedures can you please take the price off?

HOW MUCH discount can i expect?

care to share with me(real experiences please!) i am especially interested at regen because i think they do good faces...and miranda kerr goes there(lol)
so if you got experience there PLEASE SHARE!!

if you got any suggestion where to do good NATURAL rhino and fat graft.. please let me know
much much much appreciated :P:P:biggrin:

ps. if i have a succesful plastic surgery, i will definitely write a review and also share pics...

thanks :P
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Hi, I am also in the process of getting my surgery done. Still consulting with several clinics. I think it really make sense to bargain. We are giving them business anyway. hehehe.... Especially, if you gonna do multiple surgeries in one time and you will pay cash. :P
Too bad, I don't have real experience as of now. I am in touch with Nicole from Pitangui and waiting from other clinics to reply for my email.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi I'm going to Korea, later this month to consult with some hospitals for several procedures. When I spoke to ID on the phone, I was given per-procedure costs for each of the procedures that i was interested in. The costs were rather high so i just flat out asked for a discount. She replied that when I arrive in Korea, i can request it from the Manager. I have had work done by several surgeons here in the US and i have always asked for a better price.
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The clinic I consulted in is SMPS in gangnam.

Heard that the fat graft is 1500USD one area and four areas is 3500USD.

I did mine previously at ITEM (no i dont like it there), at around 2.3mil won for cheeks and forehead.
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I would ask them 'can you give me your best price because I have other clinics to check out and compare?' I always bargain when spending a big amount of money and I ALWAYS get something, either they reduce their price or throw something in for free.
I want to do all the procedures that you're interested in and i'm thinking of going at the end of the year.
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hey just wondering why you don't like item? :P
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thanks..!! have u chosen a clinic yet?
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Hi Flojo, I was going to go with Pitangui after consulting a few others but I just received their quote today and they are not that cheap. Others on here said they're the cheapest but they quote me: Nose bridge and tip 2.5-3.0 million Won and alar reduction 1.0-1.2 mil. Simple madibular to correct facial asymmetry i 5.0-6.0 million. I will probably decide which clinic after doing face to face.
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  • 1 month later...
Well noted, thanks @plasticbuns

I'm planning to go next year January.
Def going to say what motherhen mentioned the above while bargaiing. Thanks
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this is very true, I have learned this as well. but some clinics will give you a combined discount over email. this might mean you can bargain more face to face or it might be the final price. some clinics have fixed prices, including FIXED discounts for combined surgeries (usually a percentage like 20%).
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:amazed: WHAT!!! How did you do that? SGD$4800 savings!!!
PLEASE TEACH US!!! What did you say?
What procedures did you do (for 10m won).

Seems you r not happy with yr fat grafting, please share with us reason and the name of the clinic if you don mind me asking. :biggrin:

Wish u speedy recovery
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