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Carboxytherapy for localized fat reduction

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  • 3 months later...
hi~ i am also interested in getting these shots but on my calves :smile:
the only clinic that has an english site that also have these shots is hushu. however i have heard some bad reviews about them. they market mostly to foreigners because their staff speaks really good english.


they told me that for 1 shot it is 80,000 kwn per bottle and you can only have a maximum of 10 shots in a day. they said they will be some bruising that will fade in a few days and the area will be sore but regular activity can be resumed in a few days.

i think most dermatology clinics should have these shots as they are quite popular there. i think not much clinics will have an english site because mostly people go there for plastic surgery and go to a dermatologist as an extra. also a lot of plastic surgery clinics have a skin/dermatologist sector like regen and chungdam u.

i have heard really great reviews about maylin clinic (http://medicaltour.gangnam.go.kr/jsp/en/pop_medical.jsp?seq=1094) but they do not have an english site that i can find. apparently it is a very popular clinic that even some celebrities go there, which is a good sign since lots of idols go get these shots weeks before they get back on stage. this clinic is on the pricier side and they have a set price list for everyone.

hopefully this is helpful!
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Hi onetrackmind, I think you can try 365mc for carboxy ! (: They do lipo too.
I heard that theyre very good in body sculpting cause they're specialize in obesity treatment.
HAHA but their customer service team come off rude though ! Thats one thing to be concern about but other than that, all the reviews and all their services are pretty well or i would say very very well done for lipo/carboxy/meso.

Here's their website for your ref. (:
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  • 9 months later...
I just emailed 365mc, and they replied to me one hour later.

Here is what they say:

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  • 1 year later...
Good to see some negative /honest reviews about cool sculpting. Did anyone try other non-invasive fat removal treatments such as ultra shape / Velashape / Vanquish? Might be under different names or machines for different regions, but basically using laser or ultrasound to remove fat.
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