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which clinic that does Facial Contouring (V-line) without Screws??

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Hi there

I have the same worries.

I thought of small face but some members mentioned they heard negative feedback about them. I am still looking. Have you decided which clinic to go yet? When are you planning to go?

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Hey! I did my facial contouring procedure at small face and um, TBH, I don't see much of a difference and I kind of regret pouring so much money into it. My friends who know I did the surgery say that my face did get smaller, and people who don't know about it and met me after the surgery always say I have a small face, something which I've never heard before. So I guess that's the only good part??

I regret getting my cheekbones shaved because 1, not much difference. 2, I later learned from another doctor that your cheekbones are the most important thing in holding your skin up, so if you shave it off too much, you'll look older cox your skin is kinda sagging and I've been freaking out ever since then.

Another reason why I regret is because, they cut at the skin below your lower teeth to get to the chin and for some reason, after the surgery, either the stitches kept splitting or it was infected, so the doctor had to keep sewing it back during my checkups. I believe that's the reason why I have this muscle kinda popping out below my lower lip whever I move my jaw slightly. Like I have to force my chin into a straight position and exert some strength in order to prevent the "muscle" from popping out :sad: I called them and told them there was a problem and they said they will get the doctor to call me back... which of course never happened. I want to get it done but I know it will interfere with my current active lifestyle, so I'm putting it off until I give up playing sports!
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my face is more like the face on the right (the after picture) (no i don have a chin that pointy but otherwise pretty much the same... my face shape is already not too bad) I have no sagging skin. my face is firm, bone with a little soft on top... but if you compare my face shape with my bone shape... it's exactly the same... because i don have sagging skin... so it would not help me... ^^ and i want to add length to me chin to make it more pointy to complete the v-line... that means add bone... permanent result. ^^ i also know because i have tried pulling the skin on my face towards my ears... and in every way to make it tighter, almost no chance... when i do that just makes my zygoma more prominent...
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  • 3 years later...
May I ask how old are you so you don't experience sagging skin?
May I ask how old ad
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