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Post prices of Korean clinics here!

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Does anyone know the pricing for a revision rhinoplasty? I've had 2 closed rhinoplasties with silicone implant but I requested them to be removed.. my nose is back to normal but I'm not sure if the condition of my nose requires revision.
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Actually, foreigners don't get charged 3X more but they do get charged more for translation and services different from locals which I think is fair.
First of all those prices are on promotion for a limited time only, locals don't get that kind of pricing on normal occasions.
Also, no doctors names were mentioned doing the surgery? Its obviously a clinic marketing which a lot of people don't realize?
My bet on Banobagi and Regen's big clinic marketing strategy is for their younger doctors to work on locals since its a cheap price.
While foreigners pay more than locals, why should their head doctors settle for 2.5 mil of zygoma prices than a foreigner patient paying 5-6 mil for it?
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It depends on clinics, some clinics do charge 3x more. Plastic surgery business is big in Korea, I mean you don't charge 3x more for translation services. It's too much
But of course it's fair to pay more as they provide help and translation for you, I agree on that point :smile:
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Wow 3X more is insane! But whats the baseline in the first place? If we are looking at the Korean student promo someone posted earlier (2.5 mil for zygoma?) , that is even cheaper than what locals pay! I think my Korean friend paid about 4 plus mil for hers in a medium sized clinic and she's looking so good now! If we compare the student promo vs foreigner price range of about 5.5 - 7mil, it does look 3 times!! Different clinics can price differently since the doctors are different in terms of experience, specialty and board certification. I believe my Korean friend didn't get hers in the cheapest pricing since the doctor who operated on her is over 15 years in contouring experience.
Also, it is hard to determine a flat pricing for medical procedures since its not a physical product, as long as the results are satisfactory and perhaps within one own's budget.
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Of course, even locals don't pay 2,5mil for zygoma, this is just thanks to the events going on right now (and at every winter season) :smile:
It really depends on the clinics, but yeah small to medium clinics offer big discount especially in December :smile:
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6-7 mil for chin implants is a little on the high side. However, Banobagi is generally more expensive but normally you can bargain a little when you visit personally. Bano's 4 main doctors are pretty good so don't compromise quality for price. Maybe what you should do is to also consult 1-2 more clinics to get an idea of the rough pricing. Chin implants is not a difficult surgery relative to a jawline surgery unless yours is a revision.
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@cherrybear i have made appointment with april31 which quoted me 4mil, i was surprised that banobagi quoted me more than rhinoplasty for chin implant and i thought april31 was more exp. Tlps quoted me 2,500usd. So it doesnt make sense that banobagi quoted me that much.
will it help if i bring my korean friend along when bargaining? How much less can we get usually? Thanks
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3.5 - 4.5 million would be more reasonable for foreigners. If u get a 20% off at Bano 6 mil price, won't that be about 4.8 mil? Maybe they included the taxes in therefore the higher pricing. TL normally quotes before tax and generally they are cheaper in pricing. Depends on which clinic you are leaning towards. Try asking for a cash quote? Normally u can get some discounts except they don't say it in the emails or chats but only when u go into the clinics directly. Do the "I will recommend more friends" quote and most consultants will oblige if they see you are sincere enough. LOL. Korean friend can just translate for you but their consultants speak good English. What you need is a friend good at bargaining not a translator.
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@cherrybear thank u so much for the inputs, just now i told the consultant other clinics quoted me 2.5k to 4k, i told her that how come rhinoplasty is cheaper (she quoted 6k), and she said chin implant is more exp.. i was like.. duh?! I hate when people being dishonest , a major turn off for such a quality doctors. :sad:
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That's quite a turn off. I think its probably the peak season now so they can't really be bothered? April's chin implants are pretty good too. Their doctors are mostly quite senior. Have you inquired other mid sized clinics? Contouring specialists usually does more chin implants, but it is generally not a difficult surgery.
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You can try to bargain thru email/WhatsApp first.
Coz if you fly there, but you couldn't get a discount, is wasted money and time to go so far. Or else you can go with your friend who did ps at there before. So far they can give extra discount.
Same like me. I did eyelid surgery at Banobagi two years ago, next year Feb I will do rhinoplasty and friend goes for her BA. My consultant offered extra discount for us. And the price they quoted you was inclusive 10% tax so actually you can get refund at airport.
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I've consulted with 4 clinics and have done my DES with one of them. The chosen clinic will be withheld for now.

Banobagi (Dr Lee)
Incisional, ptosis, fat removal 4.7mil > 3.85mil

Gyalumhan (Dr Anh)
Incisional, ptosis 3.5mil > 2.5mil OR non incisional, ptosis, forehead lift 9mil > 7.5mil (a little strange he suggested this)

MVP (Dr Seo) incisional, ptosis, fat removal 3.5mil > 3mil

The procedure will be performed by the consulted Dr so maybe the price reflects that because Bano was the least flexible to drop the price but not impossible to go lower. Arm yourselves with some persuasive reasons to counter offer.

My chosen clinic did incisional, ptosis, epi, fat removal 3mil
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