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Post prices of Korean clinics here!

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  • 2 weeks later...
DA just quoted me $16,000 for cheekbone + mandible reduction (not even V-line...). And I even found a promotion 1 year ago that they do cheek + mandible + chin tip for only $4900 (So pretty much V-line + Cheek) ... Such ripped off -_-. When I ask to reduce the price since other hospitals gave me like $8000 for both, they said they can't dictate that and I have to come in ... Sigh, I was hoping since I heard good reviews about DA
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Yes it is. Incisional des alone should cost around 2-3k usd. It's just a case of charging foreigners an inflated price. Try looking for other clinics, there are so many of them in Korea.
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Uvom plastic surgery quoted me
- Mandibuloplasty (Chin surgery with angle Resection) : around 14.000.000 WON. (VAT Included)
- Fat Removal : around 2.000.000 WON. (VAT included)

They said that upon consultation that I can negotiate the price with them to lower it.

They were the only ones that gave me a more detailed facial analysis, plus they confirmed that ASO isn't needed for my case
( as I thought all along)
The only downside is the reply time with KakaoTalk

I'll add them to my list
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  • 4 weeks later...
I've been quoted around 7.5-8 mil KRW for a primary rhinoplasty by Dr. Kim at April31.

It's a bit more than their 6 mil KRW usual price due to nasal hump removal.

Does that seem like a good price? It seems that Dr. Kim has a good reputation so maybe it's worth paying more?
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I'm almost positive you can get a better quote if you have his aunt call and say she's calling for her daughter. I've been having my mom call and she's been getting lower quotes then what I've seen posted here.
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I see that banobagi is having 30% off rhinoplasty. Is this a good sign or bad sign?

Also my mom told me that she read in the Korean news paper there have been less Chinese tourists in Korea recently. So this would probably be a better time to go since clinics and hospitals will be less busy.
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Political tensions between Korea and China are not so friendly right now because of THAAD, so it makes sense that they're probably losing Chinese tourists. Korea is very well known for their ps though so I wonder how much it will affect medical tourism
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