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Be ware of Korean translator or Korean who wants to introduce you to some clinics

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hey cookie - here's a small cheat sheet...as u can see i was interested in eyes, but i guess you can replace the word "eyes" with "nose" or "chin" or whatever

naver actual annoyed the cr@p outta me bc it's not very easy to use - u basically need to signed up and get an account. then u need to build up a reputation. what this means is that (especially) with the plastic surgery forums, people make their posts kind of like "private" until u get ahigh enuf rep to view. it's like here at tpf u need to do a few posts and need to be a member for a certain number of days before u can PM....kind of like that. if u google "how to naver" it'll give u more info from ppl that r better experts. i only needed for a certain purpose so am def no expert

우와 넘 이뻐요 ^ ^ Wow your eyes look nice
눈 어디서 하신거에요? Where did you get surgery?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Hahaha or LOL
병원정보 좀 알수 있을까요? Could you let me know which hospital you went to?
감사합니다 ^^ Thank you
눈 진짜 자연스러워영 ㅋ Real natural eye
수술 정말 잘되셨네요~ 부럽고, 축하드려요~ Congratulations on the surgery. It
병원정보 알 수 있을까요? Went well. Jealous. Hospital info?
우와 눈 정말 잘 되신거 같아요 너무 이뿌용!! Wow I think your eyes are going really well!!
전.후 사진 비교샷! Before & After photos comparison shot
자연스러우면서도 오똑한게 너무 이뻐요 ^^ Natural & straighter too – very nice^^
우와 넘 이뻐요 ^ ^ 눈 어디서 하신거에요? Wow your eyes look nice. Where did you go?

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Omg THANK YOU!!! I hope I'll be able to get more info on the clinics I'm interested in. You're a lifesaver!! :biggrin:
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Were you able to join cafes as a foreigner? I found that it is very restricted unless you have an i-pin.. unless there is another way? If so plz tell ^^
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hiya - yes u can join cafes as a foreigner, but not all of them. trust me when i say there are LOTS of cafes on plastic surgery so u don't have to worry about not being able to join all of them....just keep on trying. naver can be tricky, esp if u don't read hangul
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Wow the PS price for local Korean is at a fraction of the price for foreigners!

Assume we get our Korean friends to help us to mk online enquiry on price n bring us to the clinic for the consultation, do u think we will still get the local price?

Have anyone gone to the clinic with Korean friend (not the translator) and able to get the Korean's price?

Sure save lots of money for other procedure ya
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hey... so far i've been reading the forum of one clinic... it's a forum not a cafe ^^ but i've already seen a hundred b&a from them... i'm so happy because marir only had a few from them... but it's the only place where i have easy access to b&a.. it's all in korean ofc, I even wrote my own message in the questions section asking for prices (private question with a password so i'm expecting an answer... hopefully soon ^^ i'm sure they answer a private question even if not a public one!) i think i'm ready to navigate cafes... and naver... but i don't know where to start ;___; can you help me out... where to start? how to register? ^^ you can answer here or pm me... thank you... ps. where could i find View b&a's? the 19 marir collected were really useful but i'd like to see more... their website is no help... (and i want to see pictures posted by people not by the clinic... like in the forum i've been reading ^^ ) does anyone know if view actually does aegyosal? ^^
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ps I've asked in Korean... and a mix of Korean/English... and english... and gotten the "korean price"... and a clinic that would raise the price when i go there... knowing it was the same person... not a clinic i would go to... ^^ thousands of clinics... even over 1000 in Seoul alone... no need to worry about losing one ^^ also... not all clinics raise prices for foreigners... ps i read people here paying insane prices like 16-20+ million for v-line+zygoma... and other prices like that... i always think... 'these people must be rich to afford to throw away so much money"...
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thank you... i've been on that site but so many places.. can't remember all ^^ i will register... language is no problem, i'm learning korean and a dictionary and translator are helpful.. ^^

ps if anyone's interested, i got prices from smallface (in Korean (in STRANGE Korean I might add...), not that different from normal prices...)





translation=zygoma 5M
v-line chin surgery = 5.5M
square jaw surgery = 5.5M
combined square jaw+v-chin (this is what most people call v-line)=9M (combo discount)

by the way, smallface is the only clinic who sent a complete surgical description of the procedure and its variants... without me asking for it.

i still don't know about smallface... botched surgeries, mainly advertise for chinese people and blacklisted in some chinese forums as far as i know... but they've also had some successful results so i don't know what to think...

everM is 8M for v-line, i emailed them to make sure if it includes "square jaw" but as far as i know it does.... 8M would be super expensive for just the chin ("mini-v") i don't think anyone would pay that... but good to make sure! ^^

some clinics were clearly reluctant to say prices over the email... i think either because they don't want to mislead since prices depend on the person and the exact procedure... or because they don't want the prices to get out. (they wrote back in complete Korean so I'm pretty sure they though I was Korean so that shouldn't make a difference ^^ )
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  • 4 weeks later...
I agree with this so much! I was looking at some "medical tourism' packages like STU and noticed that the prices they list and the prices on some of the websites for clinics I'm researching are completely different and inflated by THOUSANDS of dollars. Like an extra 2k!! That's crazy. They say that the clinic pays them, but how does the clinic pay them? By being able to charge you an extra 1-2 grand per job. I think I'm going to DIY and hire a government translator. It's a but more money but like you said, I rather save money and get the results that I want. I think STU is legit in that they can help you find clinics that locals use, but the differences in price on their websites and what's listed on the clinics sites really bothered me, especially when you're already paying around 2K for their services alone.
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I know 125+ clinics in Korea... where they are and what they specialize in and if they're good or not... so do many others here... marir riko bella psp everyone who did any research... How many clinics does STU know or take you to? Like you said... They charge thousands of extra because people are lazy and willing to pay... And that's how they make their money. People don't want to do their research... I agree, it is crazy... Just read the forums, there is so much information here... So many people have done so much work to make it easy for everyone to find information here, please use it.

What are you trying to say... You pay for surgery everywhere... But you don't have to pay too much, you don't have to fly first class... You don't have to stay at a fancy hotel... You can save a lot ^^
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I'm not sure which clinics they work with exactly because I haven't given them any info, and as was warned by bella they seem to need all of your info before telling you any locations or offering assistance. They also want to know your top choices for clinics and what you want to get done. They also ask for a photo, so it's essentially guaranteed commission, no matter where you go (assuming it's to one of the clinics you tell them) even if you go 5 months later, they have your pic and can say "this was our client here is the proof."

They have pics of JW, Dream, Design, Seoul Slim and Kagnam Chiel on their site but I'm not interested in any of those clinics. I agree about doing research and I don't think it's absolutely necessary to have a translator if you do, do all the research needed. Bring pics of what you want and make gestures, use google translate. I've heard about people going with ' people who said they don't do commission but the receptionist goes ahead asking if the friend wants commission. Who knows if the friend said yes or no and if that's why the price suddenly increase by 500,000 won but the clinic instead tells you that it was anesthesia cost or something...

Another problem is like you said, people are willing to pay the inflated prices and thats definitely what you're going to get at a factory clinic that specifically reaches out to foreigners.
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I'm glad you have such a healthy attitude, I think you will be fine ^^ seoul slim? kagnam chiel? are those real names? never heard of them... and yes it sounds like a scam... all your info... maybe they will steal your identity too... hopefuly not many people fall for it.
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