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SeoulTouchup packages -- are they worth it?

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I have not used Seoul Touch up even though I was considering it. Instead I saw a lot of people recommend local translators especially Zoe, so I emailed her. She booked appointments for me at clinics I choose, accompanied me to these clinics and translated all my conversations with doctors which was very helpful as I wanted to explain in detail to doctors what I want. Not all doctors speak good English and it is helpful to have a translator. She accompanied me on my day of surgery and follow up checks and helped me shop for random stuff I needed.

She can arrange taxi pick up from airport to hotel but taxis are expensive from airport to hotel (100km) would of cost me anything from 70-100$ when subway cost like $4 full trip, I only had 2 bags. Inside city hotel to clinic though only cost me 10$ on taxis and 2$ on subway. Pick hotels close to Gangnam district.

Depends on your budget too. I am just a student and extreme saver, after buying out a house and spending rest on surgery I wanted to spend as little as possible in Korea. Seoul Touch up and other places offer tours etc which would probably cost several hundreds when I saw exact same attractions with friends I met at guesthouse for total 20$ on subway. I think you have more fun DIY style as you can plan your trips and see every place instead of following a program. I stayed in Korea for 20 days, first 12 of which I did nothing but stay in hotel because I was extremely swollen. By 12th day most of my swelling went down and I moved to guesthouse because I started getting depressed sitting alone at my hotel, best move ever. I made so many friends that spoke English with whom I explored Seoul and had so much fun last 8 days.

Here`s Zoe`s email I used to contact her, she was really helpful and I do not think I would of chosen clinic I have chosen and got such good results on my surgery without her help. [email protected]
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You usually spend one whole day visiting clinics and deciding on best clinic for you, at least that`s what I did. She doesn't pick you up from airport but arranges an English speaking taxi for you that will wait on you at airport even if you late. I do not know price of that as I used subway that cost me like $4.
She can recommend clinics but I provided my own list of clinics after my 1 month research on these forums etc.
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  • 2 weeks later...

how many clinics would it be realistic to visit a day? or how many did you visit?
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Hi greenderss,

Did you contact the clinics yourself and got quotes? If you did, were the price different when you went to face to face consultation?
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No I did not contact clinics or set up any appointments myself besides doing 3d virtual surgery previews on websites with some of the big clinics like ID, BK, etc. I just emailed Zoe list of clinics I wanted to visit and she set up appointments for me. I visited ID, Regen, and Face-line in one day and did not want to bother with other clinics as I did facial contouring and ID Face-line and Regen are one of best facial contouring clinics from my 1 month research. A lot of negative BK reviews so I did not bother with it.

Also Zoe knows a lot of people in each clinic and knows all consultants, doctors personally as she was one clinic consultant previously and doing translation service for like 5 years.

Prices, I do believe that Korean clinics and hospitals charge foreigners more. It has been proven even with non plastic surgery general hospitals as I saw a couple trusted articles and interviews or hidden cameras. Even some Koreans that requested prices in Korean language then in English saw that prices when asked in Korean were almost 2x smaller. But, unless you're local Korean or speak perfect Korean there is no way around it. The price is still less than in US, but most importantly Korean surgeons have more experience with facial contouring and v-lines as opposed to american surgeons.

You get quotes after you talk with surgeon and tell him what you want. He lists all procedures and then you talk with a consultant that calculates the quote. The quotes in different clinics will be different so shop around as Face-line quoted me 25mil for just v-line zygoma reduction and chin reduction, while Regen provided all that + upper, lower eyelid surgery, skin lift and free filler.
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Did you get a 2-jaw surgery , because you mention your cost came to 25 mil. Prices I have been seeing have been 10 Mil for v-line at Regen for jaw and chin. and 5 Mil for zyogma.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I did not get just v line zygoma reduction. I got:
Zygoma reduction
Chin reduction
Chin genioplasty
Upper eyelid surgery
Lower eyelid surgery
Thread facelift
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so you mean zygoma + square jaw + v-chin + genioplasty + eyes+facelift+fillers?

weird to separate them all like that, oh that's right faceline... i don't remember if it was faceline or smallface but they also separated procedures like that to make it more expensive i think... i just laughed at their quote.

cheapest you can get all that without the facelift (because i don't remember the price for a facelift) is 10+2+2.7+0.75M = 15.45M + facelift... so i think 25M for all that is expensive ^^; by the way... some koreans also end up paying more, not just foreigners... but i think anything aimed for "easiness" and "comfort" for english-speakers/foreigners is probably going to be really inflated/overpriced...
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I don't know where you get your prices but nobody is gong to give you v-line and zygoma for 10k be more realistic, sounds like a joke, most places according to everyone get quoted 10k just for v line
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