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SeoulTouchup packages -- are they worth it?

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Anna, u try to do as much research on the procedure that u want as possible.

Write to forum members who posted that they went to the clinic (but beware that some of them are actually the promoter for that clinic)

If u read the main thread long enough u would pick up who are the promoters....

Then write in to the clinics. Most of the clinics will reply you. And you check with them do they have any in house consultant who speak English (so you won't need to engage translator)

Post in the forum to see anyone going to Korea the same period as you (but don't let them know which clinic u are going n the actual day u are arriving) Only share info when u really meet each other in the hotel or in Korea.

Book a hotel like Hotel Highland or Lex Tourist Hotel which is near most of the clinics.

Walk in for consultant, then decide where u want to go.

Bring along necessary items such as the photo of the type of nose, eyes u r looking for to show the doctor

Bring along iPad or laptop so u can ask question in the forum while u r in Korea.

Enjoy your research
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i went to the site, I didn't see a price, just a description... can you tell me how expensive it is? I'm curious!

PSP gave good advice but... a real hotel isn't the best choice if you want to pay less, there are guesthouses and hostels/motels where you can have your own room and private bathroom for $20-$30 a night... or... $280-$650 / month... ^^ and don't be afraid to engage a translator if necessary, just not from here... or anyone who knows anything about PS. those are illegal consultants that will get into legal trouble once the Korean authorities get to them. you want a real translators. There are government offices in Korea where you can ask for an official government translator, it will cost you but if you really need translation and think perfect translation could save you money, then engage one of those... contact your consulate to help you know where to find official translators if you have trouble... ^^ they won't be your servants, they will only translate, and they will not be interested in you... but they will also not take any illegal commission form your surgery behind your back.
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it is okay if you don't agree ^^;; I think the difference is the doctors choose to be doctors... some maybe just for money, but many do good work, help accident victims... they do not go to medical school for money only, they have to be interested in the human body and helping people... but these agencies come out of nowhere, go to no school... they are purely for money, they do not save anyone's life, they don't do any work with their hands, they only translate, transport, and take money. I think that is different from a doctor... ^^;; that is why I have a different opinion...

like I said illegal agent is not the only option, legal translators exist... i think you can trust them more because they have no interest, they already work for the government... so you have more choices... not just alone or illegal agents... but you are right, it is always about trust in the end... but with surgeon, you trust one person... with a surgeon, a translator, an agency you trust 3 people or more... more risk. do you see what I am saying...? ^^
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I understand... but look at all the "official member of agency" clinics, for example

Hucheu hu (hus'hu) "Official Clinic for Medical Tourism Familiarization Tour by Korea Tourism Organization"
and when have you ever heard anything but bad about that clinic...

agencies usually take you, regen, VIP/bk, ID... why? those clinics have 55554 people who speak perfect English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and 314101010 other languages.... so why an agency... see what I'm saying? how can that be honest?

if you want to pay extra to an agency please do... ^^ I will use the money for other surgeries~ you can get 10+ perfectly done surgeries and procedures for 20M... or... you can pay an agency and pay high prices and get 3 procedures done for 20M... and no guarantee they are well done because you trust your research to a company instead of doing it yourself... your choice... ^^

if you don't believe you can pay 20M for a surgery and get horrible results. at a clinic where the doctor speaks good English and some of the staff speaks perfect English.. read this forum...

please 請顾 do your research...
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