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booking doctors and reservation

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Um i would suggest you read my post on my consultations in Korea which i had last month. I experienced something at OZ which made me cringe :S. basically he had a consultation with me while he had a patient lying on the operating table because the surgery went for longer than expected due to complications. I don't know how skilled he is because he has never operated on me but that was enough for me cross OZ off my list of potentials.
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from the experience of going to many different clinics in korea, if you visit their with the intention that you are gonna get surgery or at least show that you are going to get on which date, they seem to give you more detailed consultation. but you need to make reservation first or you might have to wait so long.
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thanks for that, KCouture. have since checked your post about consultations in Korea. that was a wake up call i have to say! i have taken up your advice and decided to take time to check the potential clinics. Much appreciated!:smile:
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I has send email by English to BK, JK, WonJin, GranD. But after 1 week, some of them answer me, and don't talk enough information I need to know. And some of them don't answer me.

When I know a Korean girl,she help me send email by Korean to clinic, and after 1 day, I receive email of all clinic. What's up? :amazed:
So I decided hire her to help me translate and take care to me in Korea, because she is a Korean, she can talk Korean (oh sure :biggrin:), Vietnamese, English. And she know location in Korea to go clinic, shopping, eating, travelling, v.v.v. That's really helpful with me, because I really scare if go to Korea to make plastic surgery alone.
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Hi, do you mind explaining a little more? Did you have the consultation in the operating
room? If not, is it possible he was done with the patient but the nurses were finishing up
their part? How long was your consultation? I find it hard to believe a Dr would take time
out from a surgery complicated or not just to do a consult. Thanks for any further light
you can shed on this.
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no i did not have the consultation in the operation room. I don't know any doctors that would allow that since there it would require the patient's consent.

He was also not done with the patient at all. When i got the clinic his nurse asked me to come back in 2 hours because he was busy. I told her that that is not possible as I have another appointment during that time. Long story short he came out of the operating room, left his patient on the table and spent a good 20 mins or so in a consultation with me. He also gave me botox before i left......Go read my thread if you want the details. I dont want to double post so here's the link to it. #
Do any of these clinics offer an accurate preview of the results before surgery?
to be honest i did not see bother to take a good look at the before and after of surgery. Its never an accurate gauge because each individual case is different and some clinics have been known to use photoshop too. Every surgeon will have done unsatisfactory work by the patient at least a couple times and they will never show you before and after of botched jobs. The best you can do is to meet the surgeons and make an informed decision on your own. I mean for example, my friend got her nose done at id and it turned out great, but i wouldn't go there because of the disturbing reports i heard about that place.
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Thanks for responding and I also read the linked thread.
I'm a bit speechless. I have to believe he was done with
the patient. I cannot imagine the patient and nurses sitting
around waiting for the Dr to comeback and finish up.
Maybe he needed a 2 hr break after the complications.
I'm not able to wrap my brain around any thing else.
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