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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Can you take time off? School should be easy so you need to get time off work... You should stay AT LEAST 2 weeks in Korea after v-line, just in case of complications~ And for the sake of proper healing~ Don't go if you can't stay at least that long~ You shouldn't travel too soon after a major surgery like v-line
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Please do not trust the photos alone... Photos can be manipulated... And carefully selected... Do your research!!
-BK is in top 10 sued clinics!!
-very bad aftercare
-the dr is a psycho
-many many botched surgeries and malpractice suits
-it's a "factory"...
(from my notes)

You should ideally find a maxillofacial specialist to do your v-line... Someone who's specialised in jaws. Usually a dentist, a reconstructive surgeon that does work on the skull and the jaw, like after accidents etc... In Korea EverM is very good for that. Dr Kang in Grand is also a maxillofacial specialist but Grand is #1 most sued clinic in Korea! The most malpractice suits out of all clinics! And it's not even the most popular clinic, still most lawsuits...
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Hi, how r u? I'm interested in same surgery, was thinking of Cinderella. Have u guys heard anything about that clinic? What do u think? Have u decided where to go yet? What is your decision based on? Hope to hear from u soon so we can chat about it more. :smile:)
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Hi there. I heard about Cinderella and heard mostly good reviews. The only downside to that clinic is that, that place is a lot more expensive compared to other places.
I'm definitely going to the view clinic and item clinic for a consult. I'm planning to email them soon to set up an appointment for a consultation. I just saw very good before and after pictures of both view and item clinic and heard mostly good reviews on them :smile: when do you plan to go for surgery??
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Hi Jade0816

May I ask how was your experience with TL? they quoted mr 11~12 mil for zygoma

its the most expensive quote i got

I heard only positive feedback so far

it would be great if you dont mind sharing your experience with us


if you dont mind sharing your experience
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what? 14M?? :o they quoted me 7.5M for zygoma (and they know I'm not Korean) still expensive... most places quote 5-6M or less ^^ 7.5M is really expensive! ps. i asked them for a combined surgery discount but they gave me prices without a discount... 9-14M for v-line haha! so expensive!
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here is a quote from them ^^





translation zygoma 5M
mini-v (chin) 5.5M
square jaw = 5.5M
(mini-v+square jaw)=9M (it's a weird small face way... really this means
v-line costs 9M and mini-v costs 5.5M)

so zygoma+v-line=14M = expensive... (they didn't quote a combined discount for zygoma+v-line so I think there is none)

hope this helps ^^
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I have seen so much drooping/sagging from Grand... i cannto recommend. BK is... well you should know... not recommended. i don't know enough about lifeps... i've heard good things but only about eyes ^^ maybe check out more clinics...?
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Dear Maryss,

Sorry to hear about your result. I pray that you can find good clinic to revise it.

May i know which clinic are you look at for the v-line revision?

God bless you, PSP
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Hi new to this forum planning to get double jaw (orthonathic ) which do you think is the best clinic for this kind of surgery 2014 is my plan but I'm really scared because of general anesthesia.

Tia for the help! Good luck to all of you guys
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