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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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hey, im planning to do zygoma reduction, v line and ripho, how was your process so far, can you share your before and after pic with me? which clinic ? thanks
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Hi gals,

I haven't been really active in this forum for awhile as I was busy preparing for my trip to Seoul and my actual surgery. Plus I'm kind of lazy too, to be following the threads and typing even after work... Haha. However, I believe there are many people who are already in Seoul or those who are preparing to come for their ps journey, and it is not an easy decision to make when it comes down to choosing and filtering out the clinics of your choice. I have been through the exact same dilemma and trust me, I was so confused and afraid of choosing the wrong clinic and ruining my entire face. There are so many mixed reviews for each clinic and i wasn't even sure what I'm reading from the forum were genuinely from some kind soul, who takes the time and is truly willing to share her experience, or just a consultant of some clinic trying to market their clinic to the unsuspecting potential customers out there and earn a commission from there. I would know, as I was a victim before and had to do revision because of some unscrupulous marketing. I urge you all to choose the right clinic the very first time, and save the time and money, not to mention the emotional distress in seeking revision.

Anyhow, I didn't mean to preach and be so naggy... Back onto a happy note, I had my surgeries done! I did a quick zygoma reduction, vline with genioplasty and an endoscopic forehead lift. So far, I am really pleased with my results even though it is only my 9th day post operation, and I am heading back to my country! Weeeee! I don't have bruises from my zygoma and vline surgeries surprisingly, as I met some forumers before I went for my surgeries the next day, and they were sweet to prep me mentally for the tough recovery ahead. So I was mentally prepared for huge swollen lips, extreme bruising as I bruise easily, unable to eat anything for a week except drinking juices and my protein shake I brought as I will be unable to open my mouth etc. it doesn't help I came alone for this invasive surgery, and all these prep talk made me really nervous. I didn't have anyone who could pick me from the clinic to send me home either. Talk about being pathetic huh. I literally walked back my apartment by myself, looking like a car accident patient. Those gals whom I met during my recovery will know what I mean. All wrapped up like a mummy, the only exposed parts of my face was probably my swollen eyes and nose. Lol. I tethered carefully and slowly back to my apartment, taking extreme care not to trip and fall with my limited vision ( I couldn't wear my lens due to my swollen eyes and I too couldn't wear my specs as I had no ears, all under bandages, doesn't help that I had a degree of 500), and I probably did freak some Koreans out coz they did stop to stare at me... Haha. Thinking back it's really funny, but when you're in that situation, it was no joke really.

I'm glad all these is over... I'm looking rather normal now, or so I will like to think, except for numb lips and swollen lower cheeks near the vline. No bruises for my zygoma and vline, only some minor leftover bruises on my eyelid from the forehead lift which makeup can easily cover. The people whom I have met on this trip have mentioned that I'm healing really fast from such a major surgery. I attribute that to the surgeons' skills, causing minimal damage to my surrounding tissues while operating on me, and also being extra gentle. I guess that's why I didn't bruise much. Feeling thankful to Dr Park and Dr Oh of April 31, for truly listening to my requests to what I want to achieve, rather than just giving me what they thought was pretty for me. Oh, I will think the supplements I took helped to a certain extent with the faster healing too.

I'm surprised I had the patience to type this long. Lol. It's like 5am currently in Seoul now and I haven't had a wink. I shall go finish packing my luggage.

Thank you to all the gals who made my stay in Seoul much more bearable. I couldn't exactly have much fun during this trip as the recovery wasn't too pleasant. But the encouragement and company made each day more pleasant and positive. It's really nice to have support. Made some good friends too. I'm thankful for everything. :smile:

Till next time. Ciao!
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Hey, wjiajia, how did your eye revision go, if you underwent it? i saw your another writing posted in aug or sep that you are gonna have eye revision in oct, if im correct. wanna hear from you, if u did!
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hello, jeweles45, i also fly to korea in the mid of dec for my eyes, nose, and maybe breasts. do you mind sharing info with me? if you don't, plz pm me!
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Thank you so much for sharing!
I am so happy for you! I'm glad that you r recovering fast��
Still debating if I should get mine done. It's so nerve wrecking.
Take care n happy recovery!
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I didnt! Went back the my old clinic where i did eyes. He said i should wait longer cause it seems like thick scar tissue needs to go down which makes my one eye crease higher....
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Hi guys,

Thanks for the information, very useful
I'm thinking of going to Seoul in April (or maybe even January) to undergo double jaw; v-line; rhinoplasty (shortening/reduction) ... and I'm considering a hair transplant too. Anyone have any experiences with undergoing so many surgeries at one time? I will be flying from the UK so I'm a bit concerned about a long-haul flight after surgery.
So far I think Grand is the best option for me ...
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Hey! I would definitely look through this forum-I know it's a long haul, but I recommend starting at the VERY BEGINNING . There is really so much helpful information, and while I have never had surgery done at Grand I have heard some bad things about them being on a blacklist for botched surgeries so again RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. As for performing so many surgeries at once it has been done and while most doctors don't recommend it because of the massive amount of swelling that comes with jaw surgery +rhino, it is ultimately best if you consult with your doctor and ask him. Best of luck! x
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hi , which clinic were you did your zygoma and vline? i'm planning to do it as well, saving money now. planning to do it when i was 31 years old, am i too old for that but i dunt have enough money right now.
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They did it at April31st Clinic.
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Thanks for replying! After reading all the forums and getting information overload, i decided to just use Seoul Touchup to help me with the consultations. Im getting chin nose and eyes done so its been really hard trying to find that "All in one place".
I will be flying in from Southern California. My kakao is Jeweles45 So if you are or anybody planning on going in December and wanna chat hit me up. Maybe we share some ideas and research.
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Hi there,
I have a question.
I'm debating on getting vline, and Clinics have been suggesting to do zygoma as well.
Is it necessary to do both?
I've read a post saying that if just doing vline with wider cheek bones, it's not gonna slim down your face.
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