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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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I'm going for Jaw reduction as well :smile: You heard of Banobagi Jaw reduction (All for one)?
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Wow! 7 milliom KRW?! That's almost the price for Vline surgery :faint: Thread lift should be around 2-3 million KRW? However it won't have a dramatic result, some people don't even see any difference.
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Yup! I did the online consult thing where Hebe replied. Reduction from mandible angle to chin, masseter muscle reduction and facial lipo if needed. I'm afraid to find out how expensive my case is, though! haha. In addition to excess jaw bone, I have excessive soft tissue in the lower half of my face that I believe looks very "heavy", weighs down my face making it look long and unrefined.
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Does anyone know if where they cut the zygoma in the front and in the back standard? I don't really have a protruding zygoma body, I actually like my angular face but, where the zygoma arch is located; where my side burns are and my ears, I feel like it sticks out a little? It's not too noticeable and maybe it's all in my head but, would it be possible to just cut a small portion and push it/twist it in?

Or would burring/shaving it off be the better option?

Totally forgot to ask while I was in korea.
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My zygoma are higher and protrude at the side instead of the front too. Because this part of the zygoma is essentially an ‘arch’ as it is known, it is the thinnest and most fragile part of the zygoma so it is generally not shaven. The usual method used it the one you mention first, it is usually fractured/cut and shifted and then secured back in place.

Btw I love your picture and name~ Molang is so cute and I love strawberries haha xx
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I was quoted 7 milliom KRW for Angular Jaw reduction (All for one), there are also packages of Jaw reduction (All for one)+genioplasty for 10 million KRW and Jaw reduction (All for one)+genioplasty+zygoma reduction for 15 milliom KRW. And V-Line for 9 milliom KRW. Prices were quoted from the korea tourism after I sent them my photos, they consulted Banobagi and got these prices for me.

I heard of some complains from people who did buccal removal, not sure if it was Banobagi patients, they complained to look older after too much fats were removal from they're face. So I think its better to ask your surgeon if its really necessary to do
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That seems like Banobagi prices. Hmm, then what's the difference between their vline and all for one?

I am definitely hesitant about buccal pads removal. I dont want to look hollow or aged for sure. Im thinking more along the lines of superficial assisted lipo around the lower face/jaw/neckline area, and a "lifting" procedure.
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Thank you very much! It does :smile:
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Btw I did v line. One month and two weeks or so post op now. Lower lip still numb and swollen a big and not able to pronounce words with "b" and "p" properly. Just a bit retarded. This is normal right? How long does it last? Anything to speed things up?
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Hey! I did some research again and got in touch with my unnis that got theirs done and they kept saying to go to TLPS. I know a lot of people that got their noses and some jaw line work done there but, I didn't expect so many good reviews for the zygoma. I think it's called the quick zygoma? Geared towards those that need the arch to be pushed in. Supposedly it won't give you sagging since they don't completely cut through the body of the zygoma and that's their specialty (haven't seen or read of any other place that does this). On the other side, I'm still pretty scared because my zygoma arch isn't that noticeable and I want a small change and that it might not be worth it...

Anyhow, you should check it- they have a lot of info.

And thanks! I love molang tokki/strawberries too~:heart:
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From the people I know that got it done- it really depends on your body but, on average most said they felt 100% after 6 months or more.

I would just take it easy and not get stressed over the healing process.

Good luck!
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I am having several procedures tomorrow. Ahhh i am so scared, i havent been able to sleep. I have been reading everyones comments on here to help with what to expect and there have been quite a few of you that have shared your experience and i am very grateful! So i would like to share my experience with you all.
I came to Seoul from Australia on the 28th November.
I am getting my eyes, nose and v-line surgery done. I don't want to share too much at this moment as i dont want negative comments to fuel my already terrified state ☺ but i will be happy to share my experience post surgery.
All i can say right now is that as pre surgery preparation, i am not allowed to eat or drink anything for 12hrs so im so thirsty at the moment.. but i think its more of a psychological thing 😐
I can keep you guys posted if you like.. ☺
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Best of luck!! Please keep us updated. If you want to chat on kakao feel free to pm me~ I'd love to hear about your experience both before and after surgery. (I understand if you dont want to share your clinic or prices here just yet.)
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Yes kakao ☺ i have never heard of kakao until i got to korea. Everyone here has it! Six more hours til surgery time ahhh
My kakao username is je1an0ie0. Pm me with any questions and i can let you know my experience
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Hi ddalgi, could you ask your unnis which surgeon did their zygoma and nose? Also, is TLPS good at breast augmentation?
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