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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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I am considering having a consult with Delightful Aesthetics, but not sure if they can do a more natural look rather than super 'v' line.. I will look forward to hearing about your experience and outcome though :biggrin:
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Hi Gentle wind, can you explain your logic to me? I ask because right now EverM is #1 on my list solely because their pictures look the best out of all the other ones I've seen.
Does being a dental clinic make them any less worthy? Have you heard any bad reviews? I did get a quote for the vline and it's unfortunately super expensive. Something I have to weigh in on when I do my rounds around the different clinics.
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What I'm really curious about is to hear from people who have had this surgery for 10+ years and whether they've had any 'difficulties.' It's understandable that there will be a lot of pain in the following 2 weeks after the surgery but I would like to hear more about the 'long-term' side effects of this surgery, if there are any. Have any of you heard anything?
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Me too! Also curious. But 10 years ago the technique might have been different or worse... And there is no pain in the following 2 weeks after v line btw! Just swelling and some tight feeling maybe in cheek or lip area! If there is pain, something is not right
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I have been curious as well about this since I started looking into it..I wonder if their are any major detrimental effects later on..I guess we will have to wait 6~10 years for some of the forummers on here to report back..I am thinking more 40+ years though later down the track when you age..will it all fall apart? Lol.. I think it highly unlikely though because a square jaw is an genetic overgrowth of the jaw bone and people who don't have square jaws don't have the overgrowth and have a similar jaw to the end result after surgery..so I think you will have as much chance as them to have any problems..I am more wary of zygoma reduction though because when you look at xrays and 3DCT images of the end result it becomes a smaller fragile bone against a bigger bone so it looks very unstable..I have heard accounts on other places of people's zygoma bones not bonding again and remaining unattached D: pretty scary!
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Hi ladies, thanks for the insight. I've tried reaching out to a few korean people in my community and before I could even ask them any in-depth questions, they tell me things like.. 'after the vline, some people can't even talk anymore' but if I probe them further, they can't seem to tell me where they heard this information. Any thoughts on this?
The other thing I'm curious about is what happens if after I fly back home and I have complications. Is there a lifetime warranty on these operations?
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I've talked to a few of my Korean friends and from what I've gathered unless your getting 2jaw surgery the likely-hood of not being able to talk or chew food afterwards is very very very low. But this also depends on where you go. Know your blacklisted clinics!!

I don't remember where I saw it on this forum (I believe if you go back far enough you can still find it) but there is a form you can fill out if you are a foreigner with major problems after having ps in Korea. (I think that you can find it on Google as well.) As far as I'm aware, there is no "life time warranty" with any plastic surgery clinics in Korea. Especially for foreign patients. It's pretty much you get what you get, more so if you don't plan on staying in Korea for the complete healing process. The good news is that with the boom in foreigners going to Korea for PS they have started to crack down on the clinics for their treatment through the entire process including any problems you may have afterward...but even still, the system is not always fair to foreign and non foreign patients. Your best tool is yourself. Do your research. Don't just look at before and after photos or even from testimonials on here. Know what you're getting yourself into and go in with the mindset that there is a big chance that you are not going to come out the other end without any complications after or down the road and know that you may not get the look you wanted. Plastic surgery is always a gamble, and truthfully you have to be the one to decide if it's really worth it.

I plan on getting zygoma reduction, v-line and possibly slidingG. and I've researched enough to know that long term I will most likely have sagging and I'm okay with that because I plan on taking action if and when it's needed (Which I'm hoping is not for a while). But like I said, you basically have to decide if the surgery is worth those complications.
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I have done some research and you're right, it's very important to know which clinics have bad reputations. That said, I did have an online consult with Grand (one of the blacklisted ones) and I have to say their customer service is exceptional. After I sent them my pictures, they even sent me a computer simulation of what I would look like after the surgery. They really took the time to answer all my questions it was super impressive. Maybe they're compensating for their bad reputation and trying to salvage what they can but regardless, even the price they quoted me was half decent. The only thing that stopped me in my tracks was when they told me which doctor would be performing the surgery. I looked him up and could not find a thing about him on google which I find very strange, especially if he's good at what he does.

I know some people here say don't look at before and after photos and I absolutely understand the rationale behind that. But at the same time, if the photos they choose represent the kind of work they do and you can tell there's a 'consistency' across all their photos, I think it's still useful when choosing the right clinic.

What you said towards the end in your last paragraph sounds very ominous and I think it's absolutely important to not set the highest of expectations. However, my plastic surgeries so far have been quite the success and I've had very little issues throughout the years - some of that is maybe due to luck but I think primarily because I do a lot of research before going and find the good surgeons. So while I know I may not get exactly what I want, I can't help but think that as long as I do the right research I'll at least come close. Thank you for the info about the form. You mentioned staying around for the full healing process and from what I've read so far, the most popular answer is 2 weeks for a vline. Is this answer accurate? I don't want to book my ticket for 2 weeks and then find out that I need to extend my stay.

You mentioned sagging and I have looked this up before. From what I read, I see a lot of complaints about sagging but mainly due to the zygoma reduction vs the vline, which logically would make sense. That said, I'll continue to do more research and hopefully I'll find out more about the vline risks. If only I could read Korean.
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I completely agree with you as well. I guess I should of made myself a little clearer when I talked about the before and after photos. I absolutely believes that everyone should look at the before and after photos of a clinic, even if they do add in a bit of photoshopping to "clean up" their photos. BUT I don't think that people should rely solely on those things because again, most of the photos ARE photoshopped, even to the smallest extent of lightening skin tone or hair color. Like I said, by all means look at the photos but just keep that in mind.

As for my last paragraph sounding ominous, it very well can be. I don't mean for it to sound as if by going to Korea to get PS you're automatically not going to get the results you wanted-that's not usually the case. What I want people to understand is that a lot of people (especially on this forum) go to a clinic after looking at their before and after photos and saying they want the look that a model in their B/A's had and then become disappointed when the doctor gives them the same look but it doesn't look good on them OR what I also see happen a lot is that someone won't really go into a lot of detail with the doctor about what they want and end up with a result they're not happy with. The moral I guess is to just know that everyone has a different look and what may look good on one person may not look good on another. And don't be afraid to go into A LOT of detail with the doctor that will be performing your surgery, the more they know about what you DO and DO NOT want the better. Remember you are paying (most of us a lot of money) for the look that we want, so don't think your wasting anyone's time by going into a lot of detail and more than likely you are going to get exactly what you wanted.

Yes, 2 weeks is the usual amount of healing time for v-line. I personally plan on staying in Korea for a month with a couple of the foreigners on here when we go (in 2016). We agreed on a month because we plan on having at least 2 surgeries (zygoma and v-line) and a month just seemed like the optimal healing time just in case we had any problems and this way we heal enough to know if it's the look that we wanted and this way if it's not we can discuss with the clinic what to do next. That, and we want to enjoy Korea while we're there and the extra time just means more exploring time as well :smile:

I don't know when you plan on going but I definitely suggest learning basic Korean (Especially Hangul!). In my opinion it will make the entire trip a whole lot easier! :smile:
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I strongly agree with you. With v-line, if they just trim the excess of your jaw bone, it is much less harmful/risky than zygoma. And 4 years ago, when I started looking at options to reduce my face, zygoma was not widely advertised. I am still waiting and doing my research. Even though it's very attempting that zygoma + v-line will probably achieve a much smaller face look I desire, I'd still avoid zygoma. Because breaking the check bones, reshaping them and then put them back really worries me. I think the skull is naturally a whole piece, and the thickness of different areas serve their purpose of distributing pressure/stress. Yes, the re-shaped bone pieces will bond again, but I am scared of deformation when I get older as my bones are getting weaker. These doctor's are not mechanical engineers, and I don't trust them on face reconstruction unless they are specialized in maxillofacial.
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Could I ask what is SlidingG?
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Hi CallieCat, What month in 2016 you plan to go to Kr?
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