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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Well on my part it's because I get my braces off in 2016. I can't have jaw surgery with them on and for the others I'm not really sure. I believe it's a mixture of saving up and researching. A lot of people going in 2016 have just started thinking about going to Korea for PS.
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Like Callie, I am getting my braces off too at the end of this year, from then on I will have to wear retainers for a year or maybe two (I don't know how much FC would affect my teeth, but hopefully I will stop wearing them by then)..I also have to save money to finance everything and also I will go before I start at Uni..with a fresh look haha, I would rather do it before than do it after I have started in case people notice etc. I am looking forward to going with Callie and FlyingWind even if it is a bit far away~
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Jaw reduction / V-line. The side affect is getting saggy face in 2, 3 years. Because of our jaw is supporting the skin. Unless you have really big square jaw or you are celebrity, otherwise it is not worth to take the risk for rest of life.
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My general idea and plan too :smile: Better have a feminine face with a bit of sagging that can be fixed than stuck with a wide and strong face eh? (Not saying your face is like that lol!)
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It is a bit of a shame this happens, but it doesn't happen to everybody..it just depends on a number of reasons.
-how good your skin is at re adapting and how firm and elastic it is.
-How much bone is taken out..more= more room missing and more leftover skin etc.
-also how much muscle is taken out as well as muscle is like the walls on a house~your bones are the foundation and structure.
-If you do any other procedures~ Zygoma reduction is known to be worst for sagging because I heard someone say once that a surgeon told them “The zygoma are like the poles holding up a tent, you remove a bit and the tent sags and falters..etc”..

I don't know what the very long term risks are and I would like to find out!
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My Correction--- It is zygoma support your face skin. Not jaw.
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Sorry I wanna correct my word. It is zygoma support out skin face. Not jaw
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No, my face does kinda look like that. Atleast to me. That is why I decided to take the plunge and go to Korea to do something about it. I feel the features on my face are nice and interesting, but my facial shape and jaw/chin are making my best features harder to appreciate. It really is amazing how facial shape and structure can make someone pretty or not pretty.
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Don't worry, I was nervous about my jaw reduction myself. I would be lying if I told you it's a piece of cake. The reality is that it's major surgery that produces major results. Having gone through my surgery only just over a month ago, I am happy to say that my whole face looks smaller and more balanced. The specialist that you chose can determine your recovery and how long it takes. My recovery wasn't bad at all.
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Recovery period is long! Very swollen. But after three months you'll look presentable for sure. First week will be chipmunk face and lots of drooling and soft foods
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I've seen photos of people and the results are incredible. But actually, I really want a subtle change. My face is not even very wide, but I really hate the shape of my jaw. I think it's because I had a slight under bite but the braces corrected my teeth so that's no longer an issue. However, my lower jaw protrudes slightly and it looks wide from certain angles, like if I take a photo straight on. But from the 3/4ths view, I look like I have a v line.

That's why I'm confused and I'm not certain if this is the surgery I want.
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I mean in the sense that even subtle changes become dramatic because it can change the whole dynamic of your face. When I had my jaw contoured, I was amazed at how just that change made the rest of my other features softer and more feminine.
I think the best way to know, is to just ask when you go in for consultation. Maybe they could do a simpler procedure instead. I mean, you are the customer.
Have you ever had Plastic Surgery before?
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