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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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I had eyelid surgery a 10 years ago...but I did that in the United States and it failed to make a difference. I think maybe the surgeon wasn't skilled. Anyways, after that I thought I shouldn't mess with my face, haha.

But the advances in korean plastic surgery and the incredible results make me want to fix things! I think you're right--each case is different and I will have to see them in person to figure out if I need vline or something simpler.
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I'm planning to get V Line, Rhino and Quick Zygoma in 2016 if all goes well. Until then I'm soaking up information. I have been browsing around for hours on end and all the information makes my head explode.
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hello me too, im going to do those 3d zygoma and v line jaw reduction surgery in 2016. im earning money now... and plan to go to TLPS:graucho:
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I like what you said about that being a major surgery that produces major result, how very true. I am seriously considering this kindda surgery right now as I think I have a big face (hate it!) but I am so very very very afraid of the pain, the recovery process, I guess its the trade off if we want something that will improve our looks.

theres so many diff kind, like V line, facial contour, jaw reduction etc that I am now getting confused and not to mentioned so many different clinics and hospitals to considered. I am doing my research at a few clinics like Cinderella, The Line, Banobagi (mainly because I read that not only are they good but they are safe, but the cynical side of me keep fearing the switch doc possibility as banobagi is a big ps hospital and that makes doc switching tempting and easy), I recently read about Face Line and Dream and Opera.

I know those clinics and hos are also popular amongst non Koreans who are looking at doing ps in korea and i too know that i will most likely be charged higher since those are popular clinics. But if i am going for this kindda major surgery which is going to either make or break my look, i am looking at the results and the surgeons expertise instead of prices. if they are able to give me the best possible result that i desired, then i am most willing to pay. (of course the 60 000 price tag simply OTT, and unless i am crazy, i would walk if that was quoted to me)

for ps, i know what i am willing and not willing to spend and if i have decided to go for it, i am definitely looking at the skills, the results rather than the price. and if what i paid gives me what i wanted, then to me, its a fair deal.

As this is something to do with my face and i am the one whos going around with that face and however it turn out, it will most likely to be permanent though some revision or correction i believe is possible to rectify the botched job but i dun believe in that as i rather have a 1st time success than a 2nd one, therefore i have/need to go for the better ones if not the best, when it comes to my looks, i will not be stingy.

lastly, i came across Face Line, anyone heard of this clinic? apparently they specialize in doing small faces, jaw work... anyone has any reviews or better still had work done with them?
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I am getting confused too. I don't want anything complicated, just some asymmetry fixed and my jaw made a little smaller. There are so many terms that I cannot understand what it is I should be looking to have done and have no idea of the price. All I know is I do not want 2 jaw because it is way too intense. x Jenna
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thanks for sharing, it also show JW plastic surgery
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am going for V-Line and fat grafting in less than 3 weeks!!

I'm doing mine at TLPS. Super excited but also v nervous becox it's such a big procedure.

I have been researching for years and I'm pretty sure I know what I'm in for in terms of recovery, swelling and possible risk of sagging but still hoping for the best!

My face shape is already a little bit V shaped but Unfortunately I have a long face so it's not cute -..-
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keep us updated hj88
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Hey, I'll be there in three weeks too--but no v-line, I chickened out lol. I'll just be going in for a consultation with TLPS for fat grafting. I hope you have a good experience with them!
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You too cakemonster! And please update on how you go with consult + fat graft.

I know I have to go back for top up of fat graft 1 month after the first. Are you doing top up too?

And where are you having FG to?
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  • 2 months later...
Hi HJ,

I did my full face fat grafting 3 months ago at TL ..... I was planning to go back for touch up but recently cancelled due to MERS outbreak. You said you will have to do the TOP UP 1 month after the first fat graft ? Which clinic tell you to do so ? I believe 1 month is too soon as our faces are still in the process of recovery.....
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No it's actually going to be nearly 2 months apart for me. I'm going back on Friday for my top up.

I don't think 1 month would have interrupted recovery as I was recovered by then. But now I am definitely ready for a top up. My result is very very natural.
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