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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Yep, and even if they tell me I need zygoma to achieve optimal results, I'm still not gonna do it. Too many risks... Shaving down my jaw bones is scary as is. I'm doing Acculift along with V-line to remove the fat deposit around my jawline. Also I'm considering getting my eyes done--I have double eyelids already but they're really thin and puffy, and they turn into monolids whenever I'm really tired/after I cry haha. I'm thinking of doing partial incision with possible ptosis correction. So, hopefully I can have all three done in one go: V-line, Acculift and double eyelid. Here's my shortlist:
-EverM (I think they only do facial contouring though)
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How is acculift done? What are the procedures?
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I had a consultation there but chose a diff clinic for my surgery. :smile: the quotation was much higher and i was not sure which doctor is really going to perform my surgery.
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Definitely long curve--shaving from under the ear to the tip of the chin. T-osteotomy seems too invasive and I don't want screws in my face :P
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Yeah me too, even though I want my chin reduced..I am considering dissolvable screws as well, are you not? I know some clinics do them, but I had seen some time ago that Dr Lee from Darps said to a forumer that dissolvable screws aren't very popular know plus there are some screws that aren't really dissolvable, they just don't show up in the x-ray. Another forumer also said that one doctor told her/him that dissolvable screws aren't that strong to hold the bone in place and that's why the titanium ones are preferable. I don't remember though if that was for zygoma reduction or t-osteotomy, I don't know if there is any difference..
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Are you getting V-line done as well? What clinics are you considering? And I'm just not keen on having my chin broken and my bones held together by a foreign substance regardless of whether it's dissolvable :P honestly if it's true that titanium is preferred, I don't think it would make much of a difference whether it's zygoma or t-osteotomy. You mentioned you wanted a chin reduction--what do you mean? Do you want to shorten it, or reduce the width to make it narrower?
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I want to reduce the width definately, to whether I have to shorten it as well to look more balanced I still don't know, I think yes though.

I am considering Darps, Lavian, Dodream, Korea, iWell, Ruby, Samsung and many more for facial contouring, I have found a lot of clinics from various sources, many never mentioned here, but I still know nothing about them nor do I have read korean reviews about them yet. I am still in the research process.

For fat graft I am considering Kim Hansung or I will have it with the v-line in the clinic I will choose in the end (if I ever do v-line).

For acculift Sejin and for nose I will definately pay a visit to Trend and Dream, I prefer the closed method for my case.

But I repeat, I am still in the research process, these is definately not my final short down of clinics :smile:
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Ah I see! How would you describe your overall face shape at the moment? How many procedures are you planning to do in total, and do you plan to do all of them in the same clinic, or in separate ones?
I hear you, I'm still in the research process as well and it's giving me such a headache haha. I have not heard of most of the clinics you mentioned for facial contouring :Push:
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My face shape is oval I suppose when you look at it from the front, a little wider on the zygoma part, my cheekbones are not in perfect sync with the oval face shape they stick out a tiny little bit, but that's fine. My lower face has a lot fat even though I am average to slim, it always had though seeing pictures of me when I was 15 yeras old, and currently I have some sagging and fat loss from laser damage which has made my face look older and more angular in a bad way..

I plan to v-line, don't know yet with which method, t-osteotomy or long curve, but I am not sure if I need it, after I speak with the doctors I will have a better idea, acculift, full face fat graft 3 times, rhino (bulbous nose reduction), breast aug with autologous fat, and if the budget allows philtrum reduction and hair transplant.

My goal is to find a clinic that has all the doctors (with good reputation) that does all the procedures in one go, or else I will have to go on seperate ones. For example, I am leaning towards tha closed method for rhino but the only clinic I know thay do it is Dream. However I haven't seen any facial contouring results from their doctor so I don't really consider Dream for anything more than rhino (plus they are expensive):P

If you search deeper into the threads you will see that the clinics I mentioned have been mentioned here as well, that's where I found them!

Hope that helped :smile:
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Me too. they are quoted me that high. As foreigner, we are quoted high and treated as foreigner so it's still not good. I've heard that the doctor who are operated the surgery are different than the one who are consult with you. ;) But, i wasn't sure aboutit.
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I've hear about this somewhere but i'm not remember where is it/ The point is, it's same as liposuction but with new method which is laser treatment that is help to get rid of fat and improve the skin. It can also operated on your face and body. The good thing is, it's not that long so the operation are just short and under local anesthesia. Once you got them, you can going back home more quick. The result are impressive than original liposuction. :graucho:
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Lots of information here! :amuse:

I'm not sure if this is considered V-line, but anyone heard of "under ear jaw reduction"? It's also called minimal incision jaw reduction.
It's what I'm considering as my main concern is side view and the back of jaw. The con of this, from what I see from their diagrams, is that it doesn't reach as close to the chin as the more common intra-oral technique. The pro would be that it heals quickly and the inside of your mouth is uncut. Also, minimal effect when viewed from front, but a noticeable improvement from the side.

Long curve is my other choice if it is shown that I need to balance my chin with the jaw. I don't want a huge change though.
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I have the same question about this method too. Wondering if anyone has done this. Please share :smile:)
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