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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Hi guys, I have a question related to V line, and since I am not allowed to start topics yet, I thought I would post it here since it is somewhat relevant. I saw an image of a male patient who had several procedures done, including vline, picture is below:


My question is, are these results actually realistic, and not just some fake photoshops put up by the clinic? This particular one is from View Clinic, which seems well known here. I am just starting on my research into PS, and I want my expectations to be realistic. Any opinions would be appreciated!
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For those of you getting the vline surgery, can I get a sense of where you guys stay after, post-op? Especially if it is that painful the first week, can I still get around on my own? I ask because I'm going solo.

I thought I read somewhere in this very large thread that there are special accomodations for post-op people like us where there is some sort of 'caretaker' available to help us ease through that transition in the first week.
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I've had online consultations with NAMU as well as The face dental, both have excellent reviews (majority) on Korean cafe's/local korean forums, however to expand my options I'm also looking at

The MAIN thing I'm worried about is actually death lol because if something does go wrong, you can always fix it but if you die.. lol.
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I think some clinics like Banobagi have a guesthouse or some kind of recovery housing where patients stay in at discounted rates. Others will have hotels of various class, also at corporate rates. The surgery looks painful but with proper care and maintenance, plus pain meds, the pain should not be a factor. Yes you can go out even on Day 1, do whatever you wish, but of course the bandages will be on you. Some of us may be apprehensive and shy about being stared at with all the bandages on, but rest assure that nobody will be staring at you. Seoul has a culture of plastic surgery and it's very common, so don't think that the people in Seoul is like the people in your city. As for your meals, I do agree that it would be inconvenient to go out to eat. Best is to do food delivery or room service because eating is at a great inconvenience after Vline. You would look weird sitting alone at the restaurant trying to stuff a spoonful of porridge into your mouth with half of it spilling out.

They are real and by no means photoshopped, though that's very good photography skills. BUT, don't forget that the patients in these B&A photos do not undergo just the Vline, they also did rhino, eyes, forehead etc. So when we look at the photos, they look great because they did everything, not just a Vline. So if you're looking to look as good as the after photos, consider the fact that the people in the photos did much more than a Vline.
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In a lot of pictures I see patient's faces seem to look much skinnier after a vline. I'm looking for possibly a facial liposuction (from cheek to above jaw) and wondering whether the vline will take care of it or would I need to look at getting 2 surgeries together? (which in itself may not be possible because it seems like there are very specific Korean hospitals that are only known for liposuction) Or perhaps it's just the illusion of a longer face that makes the face look skinnier? Thoughts?
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I'd like to know whether anyone has obtained recent prices for vline alone and what they are. I know there's another thread about prices but vline isn't getting a lot of attention there.

This info would be extremely appreciated thanks.
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Mega PS quoted me 6M krw and Apgujeong PS quoted me $8,200 USD
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I'm going to korea for my mom's plastic surgery at the end of this month.
Actually, last year I had face contouring surgery at VIEW which was very successful...
so I have plan to visit View again for my mom's lifting surgery..
for face contouring surgery, umm.... price is around.. 6,000 USD? it was not cheap..
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Now I'm just hovering between DA and View for my upcoming Zygoma surgery. Even though I too had a very successful surgery (rhino and Vline) with View 2 months back, DA seems to be a better option for facial contouring. But recently there have been negative comments about DA's botch contouring job and that makes me worried. So I may decide to go back to View after all.
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From the slight droopiness of the cheeks in the before pics, I think there was some major liposuction involved in addition to v-line surgery. Results like this ARE possible but always assume the pic could be enhanced by photoshopped. If you're a clinic posting pics online to lure clients, why would you post real photos when you can post even better photoshopped ones? As ****ty as it is, PS is a business and the most clinics prioritize money above honesty.
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Hi, can I ask what face contouring surgery you are referring to since they have a few. I received a quote for vline and it's MUCH more than that.
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Wow the Mega PS quote is very impressive. Just makes me think what a killing these PS clinics are making on each surgery!
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All pictures like this used for advertising and marketing are photoshopped. Some more so than others but still photoshoppp is used here. This looks like 2 jaw also and you say its v line also so the big change I think makes sense? Whether or not this is completely photoshopped or just touched up photoshop only the clinic will know but it will be at least one of the two
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