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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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You can check on the line clinic. They have the same procedure offer for those with facial contouring and specifically mentioned for younger individual. Hope this can help you.
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Lol they've been dating for only a few months I think, so not yet. Actually sadly she has told me b4 she thinks of breaking up, because of her own emotional issues. She already had some anxiety/depression before the surgery.

The girl from ID even told her new bf about the surgeries, and the way ID switched drs and then ignored her problems after surgery. The bf gives her all the help and support that he can. Her surgery was quite long ago, 2.5 years ago, and I lost touch with her almost 1 year ago. By that time, she was already with the bf about 1 year, and they were discussing a future together. Hopefully they will have a happy ending. :smile:

Btw I hope other readers don't misunderstand, I'm not saying "do surgery then a rich guy will like you". Nonono. I'm saying that girl doesn't like her face and thinks she's not pretty enough, but the guy she is dating can choose from so many gorgeous women, and he chose her. The flaws that we notice on our own face are sometimes not noticeable to other people. And we all have something attractive about us--maybe the eyes, or lips, or smooth skin. Other people usually notice the good part of us more, and don't focus on the 'bad' parts as much as we ourselves. :smile:
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Hi Tigervt2006, like what some other forummers said, there are face lift procedures that can lift the deeper layers like the muscle also. But at 30 years old, I'm not sure if the risks are worth it. It depends on how much sagging there is, and of course I can't see your face so I don't know. Maybe if u have the budget for more surgery, u could consult a reputable surgeon in Singapore.

It's bad that the Korean drs don't warn patients enough about the risks. I remember seeing an article this year that 30% of foreign patients are not satisfied with their results in Korean plastic surgery. I know a few of the clinics, like JK, don't advertise much. But some of the big clinics advertise all around--in airport, in the subway--and they don't tell patients about the high dissatisfaction rate...It's so scary that a young person like u says u got a lot of sagging after the surgeries. :sad: The clinics tell patients that it mostly only happens for middle-aged patients.

I recommend u try fillers or maybe fat grafting before considering face lift. Although fillers are expensive over time, they have low risks and they can give some lift to your face. I know because I have done some fillers to my cheeks ever since I was only about 20, because I wanted higher cheekbones. No problems at all.

Maybe fillers and fat graft cannot remove the sagging 100%, but if it fixes the problem by 80-90%, u will still be much happier right? At least I think u won't feel suicidal anymore.
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I'm not trying to discourage people from facial contouring surgery. But there are risks. It's more worth it if u have a really big face and too big bones. E.g. If your cheekbones are just a little bit too big, i think it's not worth the risks.

For me, one bad thing I didn't expect is, even though the difference in my face is not very dramatic, I feel scared to meet my old friends because I'm shy that they will realise I did surgery. So I avoid a lot of my old friends. It gets quite lonely and depressing.
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Hi again
No scarring as the cutting is inside one's mouth. Is it ONLY the 2 jaw surgery that affects the alignment of one's teeth? I read that on another site. The reason I ask is because I plan to have all my remaining teeth extracted and replaced with instant teeth screwed into the upper and lower jaw BEFORE I go to Kr. Not cheap about USD 60,000. I will have perfect white teeth without spending years at the dentist.
Power V lifting was recommended to me with a SMAS lift so I don't think any bone is touched although I would love to have a perfect oval face like my sister instead my round moon face but it does help in keeping you youthful.
Appreciate your time in responding.
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I have the same feeling like you, I'm not happy with this shape, my chin see from the view side like a hook
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I am 33 yo, I went for a consultation of v-line & zygoma reduction with the line. Dr rejected zygoma but think v-line with lift will help me to achieve my desired look. As she thoug i already sagged abit on the jowl area. It makes sense to me. But honestly, i was worried it may change my look too much so i back off.
I think wintergirl you are right. Sometimes it's not the bone causing the problem, it's the 3D volume we need.
Finding ourselves a good dr who has that "sharp eyes" to see for us is so important.
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Tigervt, I totally understand your feeling. I had done incisional double eyelid surgery 5 years ago. I had such a high crease that i could not recognise myself and hate looking into the mirror. Dr just told me to wait. I cant even hide my plastic surgery by lying becos it was so obvious. I was thinking of revision but my husband very against the idea. I was so depressed, i refused to celebrate chinese new year in my hometown for the last 3 years to avoid my relatives & former classmates. But started 2 years ago, friends & strangers started to compliment my eyes. I compare my pictures to see only these 2 years the crease became lower and natural. Probably, i finally get used to my look too.
I really hope you can find a solution and wish you all the best. *hugs*
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I'm not sure about that. From what they told me was that their services are totally free of charge and they'll even help to bargain for better price with the clinics. Whether true or not, I'll have to wait till I'm there then will know (: But so far everything is alright, they helped me with the appointments, contacting Banobagi, answer to my questions and booking Banobagi guesthouse and hotel (:
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Yes 2-jaw surgery affects teeth alighment, but normal V-line surgery and zygoma reduction shouldn't affect the teeth. However, some ppl have their chin shifted forward or backward with V-line surgery to fix a weak chin or too prominent chin(I didn't have that done, but some pple do), then that might affect the teeth alighment. U can tell the surgeon doing your V-line to not shift your chin position.

Omg removing all your teeth and having artificial teeth screwed into your jaw sounds like a very scary thing. Have u considered porcelain veneers instead? Frankly I think sometimes veneers look kinda artificial, but it still seems better than what u wanna do.

I think lifting can make your lower face seem a bit smaller, because the fat gets pulled upwards, but it is hard to make your lower face significfantly smaller using this method. It depends on how big your chin and jaw is, I guess. Please be very careful about choosing a good surgeon if u do SMAS lift!! It's a big surgery. =)
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Tigervt2006, I'm sorry about your sugging.. Be brave! I'm sure there is a way to solve your problem
did you have your OPS in Regen? mind to send your pic to me on [email protected] ? I may ask my surgeon in Russia to look and advise on what can be done for you.
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its okay hun, but how did your surgery go?
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Hi :smile: my consultation is scheduled on 9th. Do you speak Chinese? If so DA has an in-house translator, she is always online on wechat. Donno if she speaks English tho...
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Wauwau...I don't speak Chinese at all:sad: going there end of this month. Booked my ticket/accommodation.
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