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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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hi yorashi, how r u?..did u went to TL? done with ur surgery or consultation? How are they? ur experience? I have consultation with them on 31st Dec but Im thinking to cancel due to I don't have much time and other clinics became my top list. tia. xoxo
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Hi =) The actual surgery was considered successful. I really can't complain about JK's work and service, they're good. But I wish I'd listened to the dr's recommendation to only do bone-cutting and not T-osteotomy for the chin--I would have had a subtle result that's still very nice and feminine.

Still I think my result is considered not too dramatic--for those pple I didn't tell, they just thought I lost weight. And I realise after the surgery, got more pple saying I'm cute. Lol. Last time hardly anyone saes I'm cute. The smaller chin gives a cuter look.
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I am new on this forum from Switzerland. There are so many interesting information.

I'm also planning on doing V-line @ REGEN or The Line or @ID Hospital but after reading so many bad reviews from ID, will be only visiting REGEN and The Line.
Have you heard anything good or bad from those clinics?
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ID Hospital is well known to be a 'factory' clinic and is known for ‘Surgeon swapping’ (a process where the experienced doctor starts your surgery or is there as you are anaethetised but when you are unconscious they hand the procedure over to a inexperienced or new surgeon) it is known for bad results and bad after care (I have heard there is basically no after care from people's reviews, they perform surgery on you and then move you on, sometimes pretty much straight after you wake up after surgery, hence the 'factory'). It is blacklisted in a lot of places along with the clinics BK Dongyang, Grand and Wonjin for similar reasons. Other clinics known for unsatisfactory results are Pitangui and Oz clinics. There are variables however and some few people have gotten great results from them, but this seems a quite rare occurrence.
I have read some good reviews from Regen, but not many..there don't seem to be many (I've seen) on places like Naver blogs and Soyoung (Chinese beauty and cosmetic surgery site). A lot of people bring up the Singaporean blogger BonQiuQiu as a successful case, but you must remember, and I'm not saying this is always true or relevant to Regen, but she was sponsored because she was a popular blogger and often (like on Korean surgery makeover show Let Me In), surgeons will do their best to 'showcase' their work to people if a large amount of people will see it. It would of been terrible if Regen (I'm not accusing them of doing this AT ALL!) had surgeon swapped or the surgeon stuffed up the surgery then she went and told all her followers about the bad result :sad: I have to say though, I hope this reflects Regen's constant work because she had quite good results, I thought, even though she has had some sagging probably from her Zygoma reduction but this is pretty common for the procedure.

The Line clinic has had some good reviews for FC/ Vline,except for one case that was posted on here of a woman who had Vline there and instead of cutting her jaw in a gradual curve for a more natural look, they cut it straight and too high which may be a reflection of a lazy or inexperienced surgeon and made her look pretty unnatural. This is probably just one of those uncommon cases though and is probably not a reflection of their constant work.

There was a table posted a while back..which for the life of me I can't find >:sad: which is really frustrating, but it had a list of the clinics that were blacklisted and which procedures they were good or not good for. I remember though, because I am interested in FC/Vline too.. That the clinics that were listed to be good for this procedure were Girin and Banobagi. These clinics (especially Girin) are popular with locals (which is usually a good sign :smile: ) and a user (this also I cannot find grrrr!) collected before and after photos from Naver users and the different clinics they went to which was super helpful and interesting, and there were a number of Girin patients there with nice results.

Nonetheless, I think you will get great results as long as you stay away from the 'factories' and blacklisted clinics like you said with ID. At the end of the day it is really up to what you want, whether you like and trust the clinic and the surgeon after you do the consults.

Btw when were you planning upon going?
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Dear TaRAunnie,

First of all Thanks for positing a very detailed information about chose clinics.

I saw pictures from Girin & Banobagi. It is certainly Nice but not what I am looking for.

I hate to say that I like à photo from a girl from this forum who did her facial contouring with Dr Hong from Bk. Problem is I dont like to be operated in this clinic for personal reasons...so my korean friend told me that Jw was also good and DA clinic website is darps if you need to search it.

I was initially planning it to go to seoul in April but without enough information i wont be confirmation nor flight nor hôtels. There is a website real reviews that is quite interesting in which we can see before and after pictures where they tell us about their surgeries and name of surgeon. Pictures speak louder than words.

I know for a fact that there are a lot of people for customers here for thé clinics unfortunately until now after reading through many pages of this website I still dont trust any surgeons for such a important and risky procédure. Would you?

Even for eyelids surgery . I want to remove the fat from my upper eyelid and do thé cat surgery but I Didnt see any real photos reviews that I like and of course I cant rely on their photos on their facebook pages nor from their website...

So now according to you The line has one bad review. Not so bad. Still in the running list for me ;)
Then Regen ...you are so right with qiuqiu. It is a promotional surgery I do understand that. Best advertising for them.

I hardly see anything from cinderella except that they are popular and expensive . Does not mena anything to me. But no bad reviews either.

Then Jw clinic then.

and Daprs .

My best friend told me that the best places to go they dont need international customers at their clinics and ô believe It is to some extent True. I will avoid factories clinics as you suggested because they do not have time to care about you.

I did Rhinoplasty revison with Dr Jung from Shimmian and he changed my life and treated me so Nicely. I made friends with one of his nurse and the chinese intern who was there at that time. So he could do that being so much caring because it is a small clinic where he operates by himself. This Was nearly 6 years ago now. ...

How about you,? Are you planning to go to seoul this year? Where are you from?
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No problem, I'm here to help if I can (:

Yes, with the BK girl you mentioned..I know what you mean ;-.- I have seen a few before and afters from people's candid surgery at ID and Grand and they looked really good, but I don't think it is worth the risk with all the info and reviews surrounding them.. Even though a small part of you thinks “maybe I could get those results if I took the risk" or "maybe the reviews are over reacting and they can do some good surgeries" .. Famous last words haha x
I will check out that website you mentioned, it sounds really interesting-thanks (:
Cosmetic procedures, especially in somewhere like Seoul (where there nearly six hundred clinics) take a loooot of pain staking research and elimination processes to find suitable and reputable clinics..That is why this forum is such a help and so brilliant - I don't know what I would've done without it (Probably have been drawn in by ID's slick and attractive advertising as I initially was and gone with them-eek!) and I am also glad that you are not going off as you were going to with limited research..It is not as instant and easy but it is rewarding in the end!

I know what you mean though, after reading about so many complications, dishonest practices and clinics..it does make you have second thoughts about having the procedures and whether you can trust any clinic or doctor - after all it is your life in their hands and their responsibility to not screw your face up and leave you with long term complications.

It's such a great shame that your best friend cannot go with you..she seems very knowledgable about the clinics and she'd be great for moral support for you :'( she is exactly right about clinics not needing foreign patients if they get enough business from locals already- I could imagine that if you wanted to bargain the price if you thought it was a bit high, they could possibly be quite disinterested and not accept a lower price simply for that reason. I have looked into JW a while ago and I like their results and extensive sources of them such as both stories and videos on YouTube which were interesting to read and see. But then there was that story of the Chinese woman getting bad surgery and leaving her 'deformed' and 'asymmetrical' (<- I put them in apostrophes because I don't believe it to be entirely true and I didn't see it, even from her 'before and after' pictures), I don't know how true this was and apparently one of JW's surgeons offered to review her case and help her, but even so, she spent a week or two protesting outside the clinic, so I don't know....

I read a couple of people's reviews a while back and they said Cinderella produces quite fake looking results which were reflected in the staff there which told them that they get discounts or (free?) surgery for working there and also the before and after photos at the clinic were similar.. I don't know personally though because I have never really looked into the clinic.

Wow! Sounds like you had an above fantastic experience at Shimmian, So lucky~ I hope mine is similar (: even proves more how much better smaller clinics are for care.

Um..It is my first time to get any procedures, but I want to do facial contouring/ vline and maybe zygoma, cheekbone reduction..but I haven't decided completely yet due to the sagging factor :sad:
No, I am planning to go in late 2016 because there are a few other forumers going and we have arranged a group..and it gives me time to help finance the trip hahax Oh and I am from Australia..I am guessing you are from Switzerland haha (from your name)!?
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It is good that you go with a group.
You'll be able to bargain even more altogether and support each other.

By the way, I was shopping earlier and i met a korean girl in France. He face looks totally destroyed and I feel sorry for her. Sometimes, we want to look better but we never expect such bad results…it would be so depressing.

I am originally from Belgium with asian background. And now working in Switzerland. I come to Sydney once a year to visit my friends there.

There are so many surgeons here in Switzerand, France and The UK…if i wasn't asian, I wouldn't go to Korea. When i had small surgery @ BK, had fat grafting done by Dr Kim, it was like i was going shopping. a bit scary when i look back.

But still amazed by how it can change our state of mind, self confidence and for some people, it can change their lifes in a good or in a bad way.

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Yeah, I hope we will ^^

Ohhh that's so sad and terrible :,( poor thing x Thats the last thing you want to happen when you get a procedure but it is always a small possibility....What was the main problem with her/what do you think she had done that went wrong?

Ohk, I would like to go to Europe after I squander my money on cosmetic surgery then save it again haha..just joking I believe it is worth it. Why did you decide to move to Switzerland..if I may ask out of interest?
Yeah I like Sydney (and Melbourne!) both are great cities! I was down there last week to see an exhibition at the art gallery. I love it there is so many great cultural things to do (like most cities) and so much great food ^^ If you like fresh bakery items make sure you go to Fujipan next time if you haven't already..it's a great and cheap Japanese bakery that's really popular :smile: Don't know how it would compare to all those amazing bakeries in Europe though D: I live four hours north of Sydney in a small town for now so it's a novelty to go there for me haha..I'll be moving soon though x Do you like Sydney? It's great you can come and catch up with your friend I want to make friends overseas .. One day.. So I can travel and visit them (:

Anyway *back on topic* (sorry I got carried away haha!), it's interesting you should say that about doing surgery in Europe if you were Caucasian, I don't know how it differs in numbers from Europe (per countries) but Australia has a number of cosmetic surgeons too, but the reason I chose Korea was because they offered procedures like vline or facial contouring and cheekbone/zygoma reduction which aren't accessible or available here and would probably twice the price if they were. Also I see it partly as a holiday and an adventure which would be a good bonus! I love travelling in Asia and I have wanted to go to Korea for a while..I am even thinking of doing WWOOFing there beforehand haha!
Oh I am Caucasian btw but I trust Korean doctors have a good enough handle on the anatomy and bone structures that race won't matter too much.

Oh! I forgot to ask how many times have you been to Korea and what procedures did you get? Was it just atShimmian and BK?
Yeah, your BK experience sounds a bit scary..it's as though surgery like that has become so commonplace there that it is simply a 'service'..did it turn out ok though? There are so many bad reviews of BK that I was just wondering if you had a better one? Maybe they are only for bone related procedures idk? How did your fat graft go and how long did it or is it lasting? I am thinking of it on my forehead but I don't know heaps about it..

So true, it is amazing how it can change people's lives! Hopefully for you and everyone here it changes your life for the better and you gain the confidence and happiness you deserve (:
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where are you going to get your surgery done for your rhino and DES?
Which clinics interest you?

Now after help from other girls from this forum, my list is as below:
-1. Girin
-3. View Clinic
-4. The Line Clinic
Last but not least EverM for facial bones surgery as they are specialized in that only, which is a good thing to me.

(before reading the posts, my mind was set on Cinderella, Regen and ID).

DES is important and i saw results that i find attractive at View & The Line. This is just my personal taste.

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Hello everyone, First of all to all the girlies here that have taken their time to write about their own experiences or share their research and information, a big salute to you all!! It's so handy to read through all the comments and get a notepad and jot all these things out then cross them, then write some more haha...After stalking these forums for about a year and half I have finally decided to gather my strenght and take the plunge! :smile: Booked my ticket and accom from April 1st 2015 - April 18th!! So freaking nervous but excited at the same time, but more nervous haha.
I'm hoping to do V line surgery with quick zygoma reduction and double eyelid surgery, and have short listed my clinics to: JK, EVER M, DAPRS, GIRIN, THE VIEW and BANOBAGI.
While I'm in Korea I really really really want to do inner thigh lipo too. I was thinking a day or two before the facial contouring, so trying to find people that have done a facial contour and lipo combo and read if recovery is manageable?
Anyways feel free to give me advice or point me in the direction of people that have done both in one trip as I would love to hear their story before I add mine here in April :smile: xxx
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I didn't decide it yet... I guess Cinderella and Regen are pretty famous clinics. I have few Korean friends and asked for REAL information about clinics in Korea. I am waiting for their answers.
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Hello, lolipop32Swiss

I had eyelids & rhinoplasty in Girin last year.
If you visit to Girin for Rhino, than u can meet Dr.Lee. he is facial contouring and rhino specialist.
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I am thinking of seeing Dr Lee at Girin. Did you enjoy your experience there? Is Dr Lee a nice person or is he arrogant like people have said a lot of Korean surgeons are?
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