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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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She didn't just do Vline, she did zygoma and genioplasty too. I realized that Banonagi always recommend these 3 procedures together. It's quite apparent that she's sponsored, I think. I must say her results are very natural, after surgery, the contour is very smooth. I went with Banobagi and DocfinderKorea last year too for rhinoplasty. The results were also pretty good and natural. So natural that most couldn't tell I have something done. But that's it isn't it? Plastic surgery today is all about subtle enhancement rather than unnatural and obvious results of yesteryears.
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Hey Christina, care to share what did you do, at which clinic and if there's sagging? It's currently the top thing I'm worrying about.
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She has already shared these, check her posts:smile:
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Halo..im newbie here.im planing to do v line surgery, rhinoplasty and fat graft in my cheek in korea. I have read aaaalll post in this forum.it is help alot and give me more information about v line surgery. This is my list:
-The Line
-JW plastic surgery
Im have online consultation w/ TLPS and they respond quickly. The other clinics still not respons yet. (Im just kakao/email them yesterday). Im still wondering which clinic is the best fo rhinoplasty and the cheapest one..
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  • 1 month later...
Hi everyone, im new here. I have been talking to HERSHE plastic surgery and dermatology via email consultation. I plan to have facial contouring done there. It's not called Vline on their website, but just refereed to as square jaw reduction. http://hershebeauty.com/index.php/html/523

The website shows all the doctor's qualifications as well as the registrations of the doctors and the clinic. Seems very legit. I have been researching and found so many horror stories of sensory loss and asymmetrical disasters that i am quite scared of. I am looking to go have the jaw surgery done at HERSHE. I sure hope and pray it will go well D:
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Good luck ^^ I am doing facial contouring too, but have not decide on a clinic. :smile:

Which clinics have you seen the horror stories for?
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Hi Jessica,

Oh then i hope the best for both of us in the pursuit of beauty! :smile:
There are a few posts that i flipped through here actually, detailing some of the clinics that have a bad rep. ID, Aone, WJ, TLPS..etc are just some. There's this whole thread dedicated to clinics that people have personally "blacklisted" as places to stay away from actually, i cant seem to find it now, i did flip through like 20 something pages last night on here....

Have you started looking into clinics? and have you got a mental list of the ones you are interested in? So far i kind of stopped after i found HERSHE, but then again, i'm planning to go to Korea sometime mid 2017, so i still have time to do more digging around for other clinics.
HERSHE's prices are steeper, but if that means i am in safe hands, then i rather pay abit more money than coming home with a wonky face. So for this year i'm working hard to safe up for this trip next year!

HERSHE have emailed me a brochure for their Foreign customer services and some quotes for Jaw reduction and double eyelids, which are the 2 surgeries i am looking to do.

I'd say, as a word of caution to everyone that's planning to do something this invasive, is that do not let these "sales people" (as i call them) push you into doing additional surgeries that you never planned on having. When i contacted HERSHE's english serivce, the English customer service staff responded very quickly, and since i sent them a photo of me, he said that i should maybe consider also having zygo reduction and gave me a quote on that too. From what i read so far on this forum, when zygo and jawline are done together. it increases the risk of sagging due to the excess skin to an almost definite possibility. So, if by the time next year I've decided on that i'm definitely going to HERSHE, i will be telling them thanks but no thanks to the cheek reduction they suggested. Especially when my face is not too wide and i just want a slimmer jawline, as atm my face is on the square-ish side.

I am interested in hearing if you have looked into any clinics so far? And if you are interested in HERSHE i can post the infos they emailed me to you. :smile:
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Oh i found it, this is the thread (it was on the front page after all!
# And this http://imgur.com/vQOSJr3
This was posted by a member commenting in the thread, i believe they mentioned this lady had her facial contouring done at TL. To me that look like they have gone way too over the top and saved just about everything off her face. That scares me.

But yes, there's a list of hospitals there.
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Thank you. :smile: I have seen the thread yes ^^

I am still thinking of TLPS though because a lot of their before and after pics I like. I have tiny lips etc. so want a place that does dolly style faces instead of natural. Also, I have a very wide face with strong cheek bones (I am half German) so it would be very hard for them to take too much off hehe. But they are not my first choice

Yes :smile: I don't speak Korean though so I can only view clinics with English sites. So far my list is:

-Regen (a blogger called Qiu Qiu went there) http://bongqiuqiu.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/vline-chin-augmentation-zygoma.html
-MVP # -Face Dental (cheap, but a girl posted a few days ago about going to a "new dental" clinic that gave bad results, I think it might be this one. She said she will post the name in May after trying to get revision from them, I will let you know)

I was considering these surgeries too but no longer:

-Wonjin (horror stories)
-Banobagi (expensive, but I am more turned off by wanting major results, and I heard from a girl on here who knows people who went there they cannot see difference)

I found TLPS consultant a little pushy regarding putting deposit down. I have emailed Regen and TLPS so far, both have recommended the same thing I want (zygoma, jaw and chin). I am not sure of the exact names of the medical things I want done though (e.g. T osteotomy etc.) Do you think it matters? ^^

Yes, I am worried about sagging too. I have a chubby face but I am thinking of losing a few pounds before I go (in summer probably) so my skin is tight hopefully.

I have not heard of HERSHE actually, that would be great :smile:

Where did you get the clinics you were interested in from? Are there any else that seem good to you?
Hi dear,

I try my hardest to read Chinese, (my family's chinese, but i grew up in New Zealand), and venture into chinese forum that's apparently all the rage now with people who flock to Korea for surgeries and i see their reviews and personal dairies. Very interesting.
As for HERSHE, there's very limited stuff on them, and even less on their facial works. Most of the jobs i seen them do is for breast augmentations and noses. This lead me to think that they are pro, but pro at body contouring and skin treatments, it seem like people like else where for face and eyes. Plus their prices are pretty high compared to others.

I have started looking at JAYJUN http://eng.jjprs.com/
This is a clinic i came across while i was fumbling through the chinese plastic surgery diaries. They seem to do quite nice jobs, have you heard any negatives for this clinic? :smile:
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Can you tell me in which clinic you will go? Because I plan to do the same surgerys :biggrin:
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I've been to New Zealand on holiday twice, very nice country ^^

Yes, I was on their FB (I posted my findings on the Hershe thread) and most of the pics are of body contouring, they keep using the same before & after face ones. I emailed asking for more face pictures, I will let you know if I hear back.

The no accidents thing is definitely a huge plus for Hershe. If they have that reputation they probably take more care generally so less risk of bad surgery but no accident either.

No :smile: I haven't heard of them actually (I will reply to your PM). They look good!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, I'm gonna go to Korea next week, Having done lots of research for a right clinic, I decided to choose DA for my plastic surgery (cheek bone redution+ Square Jaw Redution). I'll be in Korea next week, may 6th
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