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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Hey Cynical Orange! Do you have a Kakao? I would be grateful if I could talk to you about your procedures! :smile: I'm 17, Chinese/Caucasian, going to Korea in 3 weeks for rhinoplasty and some type of facial contouring/Accusculpting!
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Hi Hapagirl_99! I don't have kakao but do have wechat. If you want to add me just give me a pm :smile:
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cynicalorange: hows the eyes and nose healing? im doing the exact procedures like you as well and im worried about how im going to breath if i do both vline and rhino at once, not to mention the excessive swelling the next months after all the major surgeries! im also considering zygoma although it's smt i want to avoid at all cost bc of the risk of sagging
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Hi floweryy! My eyes are still slightly swollen, but is now looking more and more natural, which is awesome. My nose healed the fastest and looks completely natural now, and I can move it like before (like a normal nose) since the doctor used my own cartilage.
The combination of vline and rhino at once is pretty brutal, since right after surgery your mouth and lips are going to be super dry from the mouth breathing that you have to do since your nose is plugged. The first few days are hard and uncomfortable, but afterwards it will be okay. I did everything together because I didn't want to go through the recovery process more than once, so I think enduring a bit more discomfort is worth it in the long run!
As for zygoma reduction, only do it if you seriously think that your cheekbones are too wide. I wouldn't touch them if you never thought about them, because reducing the zygoma can make your cheeks look more full due to the decreased mid-face width (as well as add to your cheek swelling significantly, !!). But, if you do decide to go for the zygoma reduction, make sure your surgeon knows what he is doing. From my own research and what my own doctor told me, the best way to avoid cheek sagging for zygoma reduction avoiding techniques that involve actually shaving the zygoma, since this detaches the cheek muscle from the supporting zygoma bones.
Zygoma reduction is the only procedure that I sort of regret doing, but I lucked out and didn't see any cheek sagging, although I was so afraid at first since my swelling in the cheeks was so big (turns out its' just because I had major surgeries done and I'm slow at healing). I do think that zygoma reduction made my face appear smaller, but since the swelling hasn't fully gone yet the change isn't that noticeable (yet). Make sure your surgeon knows what he is doing and has lots of experience with the face!!

Since you are doing the exact procedures I did, I can definitely tell you that the recovery will be difficult and full of ups an downs; the first few months I was so depressed because the swelling made my face look like a balloon and I couldn't go out like I did before :sad: Even months after the surgeries, some days I felt terrible because of that stubborn 20% swelling that wouldn't go away; I felt that I looked worse than before I went under the knife. But I definitely became happier as the swelling went down and I began seeing the results.

I hope you all the best with your surgeries!
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I had both Rhino and V-line 2 weeks ago. The recovery of the rhino was fast and effortless, though my chin is still numb. The swelling from the double jaw has more or less subsided and looks decent, and my face is not quite as bloated as before. No more chipmunk cheeks, yay.

The first week after V-line was HELL. I seriously would not even wish this on my worst enemy. I can't open my mouth more than a finger's width, I can't even put porridge into my mouth without half of a spoonful spilling out. I was coughing out phlegm with blood, and every sneeze I took, my nose hurts and bits of blood would spurt from my nose. I can't wash my face, and because of that, my face broke out badly. I can't brush my teeth, only gargle with saline. I developed a toothache and decaying teeth as a result. My breath stinks so bad. I can't even talk properly because of the swelling.

Yes it's true, you have to breathe through your mouth for the first few days. Your mouth will be so dry and your lips will crack. So make sure you hydrate yourself well. Oh and one thing. If you intend to drink bottled water, make sure to stock up plenty of them before surgery, because they sure are heavy to bring home. Surely you don't want to carry that load when recovering.

The worst part was stitch removal. I dare say this is the absolutely worst part of my entire journey. The stitches in my mouth are of course dissolvable over time, but I opt to remove them manually because it's a nuisance to have them in my mouth. The removal process was so painful, I almost passed out, like literally black out. I had to gargle out blood after that.

As for the sagging, any good clinic will warn you beforehand of the possibility of sagging. Mine did, but I went ahead anyway. And luckily for me, there was no sagging. It's looking pretty good, just the numbness that's bothering me right now. So in conclusion, if you're considering V-line, know that the first week will be very tough.
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Congrats! Happy recovery!

May I ask which clinic did you go to and which doctors performed vline and rhino for you? Did you have the long curve or the t-osteotomy method?

Thank you :smile:
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I did my rhino and V-line at View Clinic. I know this clinic has received some terrible reviews recently, but for some reason I failed to read those reviews and did my surgery at View anyway. If I had read those reviews prior to my trip, I would almost certainly strike View off my list without hesitation.

But thankfully I didn't. The doctor who did both my rhino and V-line was Dr Lee Dong Chan. I had a good vibe about him during consultation. He's one of the few doctors I've met who actually knows what he's talking about. I don't know exactly what technique he used, and I told him I don't care what technique he uses as long as I get the results I want. My nose (at 2 weeks) already looks beautiful from any angle, and my V-line is looking good despite the swelling.

I'm planning another trip to Seoul with View for my zygoma later this year, and I'm getting Dr Lee to do it. I won't want any other doctor (including the rest of them at View) to touch my face. So yeah, this is one doctor I would highly recommend.
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Oh I see! For the v-line did he do a t-osteotome or a long curve cut? I mean, do you have screws or not?
How old are you if you don't mind? :smile:
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This is my kakaotalk id: rosie910 you can pm
me, very glad to share everything :biggrin:
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Out of curiosity, (sorry if this is a stupid question) but did you notice any teeth movements? I had braces before, and I wanted to know if most people who did vline or square jaw surgery would have to straighten their teeth again. Thanks!
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Hi, I'm planning to have rhinoplasty and zygoma reduction and maybe V-line. But I'm wondering if there's any permanent numbness at some parts of your face after swollen is gone (after 6 months or 1 year)? Thanks
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Hey, I am not going to View but thinking of doing rhino, V-line and zygoma at once. Did you do them both on the same day? How hard is recovery? ^^
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when are you planning to go? ill most likely do all three too. Temporary numbness is common, but i reckon nerve pain continues as well as numbness in lower lip + chin (after jaw surgery), but improving after 6m
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I did both rhino and V-line at the same time. The first week was quite terrible as I've detailed in another post. Although my nose recovered with little effort, it's the V-line which makes the whole week extremely unbearable. Basically you'll be on liquid diet, or porridge diet at best. You can't wash your face and you can't even brush your teeth. Cannot use Listerine, so its just swishing with saline. I had severe breakout of my skin from not washing for a week, and suffered tooth decay from not cleaning my mouth. The leftover food in your mouth will decompose and your breath will smell so bad.

You will cough out blood and sneeze out blood. You can't laugh, so don't think about watching funny TV programs. Don't watch any shows with food in it, because you will start fantasizing about delicious SOLID food. Seriously, its terrible. I think if you do zygoma, you will not be able to bite or chew anything with the back of your teeth.

That's why I decided to do my zygoma about 6 months after rhino/V-line because I know it will be hell for me if I do all three at the same time.
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That sounds awful :sad: Did you get a lift afterwards/notice any facial sagging? :O
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