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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Yeah come to think of it, I never really considered what she quoted was overpriced, I just thought that her result seemed so good that it justified spending $60k, but you're right, now that I think about it and from what I remember she had done, that seems way too high.

I have also been considering multiple facial surgeries and have been looking into a lot of them, but most likely will do v-line, rhinoplasty with osteomy, and a full facial fat graft. Do you mind if I ask what was the clinic that quoted you such a good price for all those surgeries?
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Hey wintergirl88, I'm also thinking about going to Jk :smile: . I emailed them my pictures and they recommended me v-line, rhinoplasty, and a fat graft, which is actually what I am most thinking about getting done. It's good to know you had a good experience there, can you already see some results? Also, did you get any other procedures besides v-line?
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I got quoted by one of the same clinics as PSP for:

square jaw+chin (v-line)
ptosis correction
rhinoplasty (alarplasty, osteotomy and tipplasty)

19M before discount (I didn't send pictures so they could only give general prices)
if I do my v-line and zygoma at another clinic, it would be 10M+6M = 16M. the other clinic's price might also come down to 16M after negotiation
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wintergirl88, wish u a very speedy recovery. I dont mean to be rude, if you dont mind, I really would like to see your before pictures n some recovery pictures if you have. Im also really interested in Vline. How is it done here, can you PM me? thanks.
Hi shinyglittery, so have u done your surgery or not? May I know what clinic that u n PSP got quoted from?
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Hi Nicole~

I'm only 5 days post-op, so i'm still too swollen to see the results, but I can see he definitely trimmed my chin a lot, while not making it too pointy. I'm happy about that because that's exactly what I wanted, I didn't want a very sharp chin, just wanted it smaller. :smile:

I didn't get any other procedures done, only V-line. I have to say that if u do V-line, rhino, and fat graft (which involves liposuction) all at once, the recovery will be really really tough. But I know u probably want to do altogether because each trip to korea involves expenses like plane ticket and accommodation. It will be a very difficult process. Btw if the lipo is done on the thighs I think u won't be able to walk around without assistance, so better to go with a companion. :smile:
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Hi Sylvia~

I really can't share Before and After photos yet, because at 5 days post-op, there's still soo much swelling. Anyway I don't have my camera here in Korea, and I don't have a camera phone. I've heard that even for those who heal fast, at 2 weeks post-op there'll still be swelling such that their face is roughly same size as before surgery. But after 1 month, 80% of swelling is gone. So probably after about 1 mth, I can PM you some photos. :smile:

I think i'm extra swollen because my surgery took 3 hours, whereas some V-line surgeries take about 1.5hour. I told my surgeon before surgery to 'please be careful', so maybe he did the surgery extra-slow, hahaha.

V-line surgery has 2 types--1 type involves just bone-trimming, 1 type involves T-osteotomy where they break the chin bones, remove the middle part of the chin, and use fixation screws to reconnect everything. (The fixation screws hold everything in place while the bones are strengthening, after 6 months your jaw and chin bones will again be as strong as before the surgery)

Actually my doctor at JK recommended the first type for me, because it's simpler and doesn't need fixation screws, but I asked him to please do the 2nd type for me, because using the 2nd type he can reduce the chin size even more. Nowadays in Korea the 2nd type of V-line seems more popular, but it's a more complicated invasive surgery.

If u email the doctor your photographs, he can recommend which method is more suitable for you. :smile:
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this is how i understand it
if you have a broad chin you need t-osteotomy
if you have flat chin that is not verylong (not much bone to cut out) that doesnt have a v-line but more like a u-line then you also need t-osteotomy to create the angle
you know if this is correct?
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this is exactly the surgery I wanted to get for the longest time! Finally, someone with firsthand experience. Do you happen to know JK's email? Sorry if you had to repeat yourself answering this question.

My flight to korea is on Jan 7 and ive been emailing a few clinics to set up an appointment for a consult. Did the clinics charge you a fee? I have so many questions! do you mind if i PMed you?:biggrin:
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Hi :smile:
Hmm according to the doctor and nurses at JK, they only recommend T-osteotomy for very broad chin, or chin that's not in the right location (e.g. it needs to be shifted forward or backward).
Then for the chins u mentioned which aren't very broad but more like U-line, they usually recommend just a bone trimming method, which they think is sufficient to reduce the chin. If u go to the JK website and see the before-and-after photo of the V-line procedure, the lady in that photo only did bone trimming and managed to get quite a dramatic reduction of the chin. But she also did a fat graft onto the chin to get a more 3-D effect. (I checked with the nurse, because I quite liked the result that that lady had)

So actually the doctor at JK prefers to use just bone trimming method because he thinks it's enough to reduce most chins. Usually he recommends T-osteotomy only if the chin needs to be shifted; its more complicated and requires fixation screws in the chin.
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Hi :smile:
JK's email is english@jkplastic.com. or u could just go to their website and fill out the online consultation form.

I don't think any of the clinics charge consultation fees, JK doesn't either. Pretty good right? Haha u could never consult a plastic surgeon in Singapore for free!

Yeah u can PM me. :smile: Remember to pack warm clothing for Jan, Seoul is very cold now
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ok thanku ^^ but i would want to have a permanent result, fat grafting is not... i wil have to think about it~ but what u said sounds like i thought it correctly, if there isn't much bone to cut out then you need something to add to create the depth and the 3D v-line, so add fat or add bone...

some clinics call just chin surgery without square jaw also v-line

hey wintergirl do you know if when i speak korean i'm supposed to use the korean pronunciation of the characters of my name? bcuz it's different from the chinese... if i write the characters wouldn't koreans pronounce them the korean way anyway? so should i use that way? what do other people do? just write the chinese pronunciation in hangul or alphabet?
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Hi :smile:
I guess what u want is a quite sharp chin, with a clear V-line shape? I guess T-osteotomy is more suitable then. But I'm not sure, maybe u can check with the doctor(s) if it's possible to get that V-line effect with just bone trimming? I think it's important to clarify everything with the doctors, because it's major surgery :smile:

Oh ok, I didn't know some clinics called chin surgery as V-line--so confusing! haha

Uh sorry I don't know about whether to use the Korean pronunciation of your name or the Chinese pronunciation. I don't know how to speak Korean at all--I can only say 'hello' and 'thank you' in Korean, lol.
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