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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Hi, anybody able to recommend a good surgeon in Korea for face contour like chin implant/fat grafting for chin and reduction for jaw? Jaw reduction is a major operation, anybody have any experience to share please??
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ive been looking around on this forum for some time now and there are great reviews and comments about doctor lee from DA/daprs, he used to work at View ps which i think is a good hospital to look at as well.

yo should search up daprs and facial contouring in the searc bar and i think alot of things will pop up :smile:
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Thk u very much for yr info, l just started searching so long way to go.
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It's been a while since I've been active on this forum-as some of you may know I was suppose to currently be in Korea getting fc done with my friend who is currently in Korea but I now have to push it back until probably July of 2017 or September. Anyone else plan on going around then??
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I plan to do v-line surgery in June or July next year :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys, I planned to get a V-line Chin Surgery & Cheek Bone Reduction procedures. Could any of you recommend me which clinic is best at those 2 areas?

I have done quite some research, but there are so many clinics in Seoul and it is so confusing. Some of the bad reviews make me even more scared of failure results. Any feedbacks and recommendations will be much appreciated. Thanks!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm probably gonna do it at Banobagi. BB isn't cheap, but they're good at contouring. But the thing is that I want to do some other stuff to my face as well which BB isn't very good at so I have a bit of a dilemma. But if you're just doing v line then BB is good.
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  • 2 weeks later...
hi girls I've been thinking about doing a long curve v line surgery a local doctor i consulted with said will fix my slight protruding mouth, wide and undefined chin. but I saw a picture of horrible sagging on real self after vline and zygoma reduction surgery and its made me fearful! cos seriously i could live with my face now.. and id rather that than cause premature sagging.. if i just wanted to make the front of my chin sharper what options would i have? is sagging very common with vline? read this thread but dont have enough info on successful vline surgeries :sad:
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ooh i also wanted to ask those who did vline. how many days do u think someone who wants to do vline should take off before going back to work - is three weeks ok? (of course the longer the better)

swelling aside, by the third week were there any problems with talking or moving your mouth?

thanks very much in adv!
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I've been researching plus going through this thread for almost three years and yes sagging is a common 'side affect' of v-line coupled with zygoma reduction BUT I have always heard and read that you can ask your doctor beforehand if you are a likely candidate for really bad sagging afterward. From the people I've talked to that have had both surgeries only two had sagging. One said she had bad sagging because she already had very slight sagging beforehand that became more noticeable after having those two surgeries, and the one said that she only had very very little sagging after a couple years after having the surgery but it wasn't something that was very noticeable so she ones fine with it. I plan on going in June latest July for zygoma reduction and square jaw and although I was told square jaw with zygoma reduction isn't as likely as 'v-line' to have sagging i was also told that because I don't have sagging right now plus because of the quick zygoma reduction I wanted to have I'll most likely not have sagging...I guess it's really up to your desperation. If sagging isn't something you could live with AT ALL and you can live with how your face looks right now I would go against zygoma reduction. Plastic surgery is always risky and since you said you could live with how your face looks at the moment it isn't something I would recommend :smile:
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And to answer your last question maliboo three weeks is plenty of time! Doctors recommend minimally that you stay two weeks to have stitches removed and for your two week check up but really I've read about people having surgery and staying maybe 5 days than heading back home to heal. Personally my friend just went down this past October/November and she stayed for a month. She had calf reduction and then two weeks before leaving she has zygoma/square jaw(long jaw) and she healed relatively quickly as far as being able to walk around and look pretty normal (minus slight swelling that obviously won't go down for a while for the actual results).
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I consider Banobagi, DA and View. But I'm not sure if Banobagi does the "fat repositioning" procedure so I'm hesitating between DA and View. Those places are the best for FC to me. I didn't check smaller clinics, which can be good as well but I have no idea which one is good or not.
And it also depends on the type of v-line you're looking for either the dolly v-line effect or the natural egg-shape v-line :smile:

Doctors recommand staying at least 2 weeks, so 3 weeks is enough, unless you recover super slowly lol. They recommand 2 weeks because the 2nd week they would remove your stitches. You can stay less than a week if you want to let your stitches dissolve or remove them in your country. I think all clinic use dissolvable stitches anyway.

Hope that helps :smile:
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