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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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I'm planning to go to Korea in the first week of Jan next year for facial contouring and revision rhino. Is anyone else going around that time?

I've been reading so many posts on this forum to help me decide with clinic to go to. It has been so confusing because there never are any consistently good clinics. So far, I have narrowed down my consultation list to:

(no rhino tho but the consultant said they will recommend one to me if I do surgery with them)
Jayjun (I am actually leaning towards this one a lot because I really love their B&A on their website. I know it could be photoshopped but other clinics even with makeup and photoshop I still don't like their faces.)
The Face Dental ( I have a feeling that this clinic would be good if you need two jaw surgery, but for just a simpler FC job, they would give you a more subtle result. The reason I am still going to consult with them is because I feel their Doctor is honest about what I need, and doesn't try to add more. Prices are also very reasonable, the only thing is they don't do rhino.)

I am looking for a really dramatic change, in a good way ofc. I mean, you are spending so much money and travelling all the way to Korea, what's the point of only getting a subtle change? That's my opinion anyway.

I know ppl has said there has been deaths at Jayjun but we don't know the circumstances. It could have been due to a pre-existing medical condition or some other factor, not necessarily the clinics fault. But yeah, totally understand why it would put someone off.
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Do you mind me asking how much you got quoted for vline and rhino? Is that primary rhino or revision btw?

Thanks! :smile:
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i had a change of heart and decided on going to TL.☺️ I really liked their before and after photos and they haven't had any accidents within the last 18 years . That's comforting. They quoted me a decent price. It's a case by case bases.
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I'll be going in march. Do you have a kakao account?
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I'm curious as to why nobody here talks about Wonjin. From what I can see they're pretty reputable. If you look at their Facebook, especially compared to the other clinics that are talked a lot about on here, their popularity is much higher. They've got over 300k likes. Has anyone had any experiences with them?
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I'm here now from Japan, but ill be back in Feb or Jan! I'm thinking about Forever, Namu, GNG, or tako since my korean girfriends recommend them. I was gonna go in for rev eyes, alar, and MAYBE chin implant. I would love a buddy to jump consultations with!
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Nice!. DM me :smile:
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