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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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U$60,000 is overpriced for full face transformation

On average full face transformation range from 15m to 30m (max!)

As we know now that she worked for SMPS, her procedure could be sponsored

Plus quoting U$60k is misleading members who didn't do enough research on procedure

Just my two cents thought....
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I can tell you that 1 clinic has quoted me 16m for the following procedures:
-cheek bone
-V line
-revision on nose
-revision on eyes
-Full face fat grafting
-thread face lifting

Other clinic quoted range Btn 16-20m (after discount)

Even one of the most discussed clinic in the main thread quoted me 27m (b4 discount)

So I don't know why was she quoted U$60k.

For members who had done diligent researches would be laughing at her price quoted
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Just to clarify that I am still in my country. I will be going to KR in May.

Once i confirmed my clinic and i have the actual quote for all my procedure i will share in the forum.
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Wow 60k USD? Would it even cost that much in the us?
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Hello I'm new here, I'm considering to do facial contouring in south korea. But I just started researching several days and I'm still confused on what surgery should I take. My face is virgin to cosmetic surgery, but I have surgery scars from accidents before on my forehead, I assume that one is easy to remove.
I have a wide and square cheekbone, chin is very protruding, nose is small. However I have chin line that I'd like to keep.
What I'm still confused about is the difference between the jaw surgery terms, zygoma, v line, jaw reduction, etc etc. not really sure which one is suitable...
I've emailed some clinics but havent got any reply back, and also at first I was considering to use an agent, since I cant speak n read korean at all, how am I suppose to even buy the food when Im in there :smile: Can anyone help me, I would be so very grateful thankyouuu...
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Hi, I just did my V-line surgery 2 days ago in Korea. I think V-line is reducing jaw and chin, jaw reduction is just reducing the jaw (i.e. the mandible), and I think zygoma reduction is reducing the cheekbone (some Asians have prominent cheekbones which they don't like, although it's considered quite desirable among westerners).

It's weird that u didn't get any replies back from the clinics, whenever I emailed clinics I got replies back within like 2 days. Did u email the big clinics? Maybe small clinics have less staff and so take longer to reply.

I didn't use an agent. I just got my food from the convenience store, u don't need to know Korean. One difficulty is when I take cabs, I have to bring a piece of paper or my laptop to show them the Korean address of the place i'm going to, because they may not be able to read the English words. But apart from that, it's not that difficult to stay in Korea without an agent or translator. :smile:
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Hi, I did my V-line 3 days ago at JK too! :smile: I'm from Singapore btw
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Hey wintergirl88, how is the post surgery going? May I know what clinic n the doctor's name that u went to? How was the experience? sorry I still cant use PM coz I'm new.
Btw, I already got some replies from clinics, Pitangui recommends Vline, fat graft, nose.
Does anyone has experience with Pitangui? or is the discussion in some other thread? I also got replies from wonjin n grand but I was just comparing prices.
I'm really interested with everM since they're also dental clinics, but I havent got any reply from everM, and I read that everM clinics only speak korean, what if this is the case?
Does anyone has experience with everM?
My jaw is wide n my chin is very protruding, my bites are okay, but when I move my jaws, they're like making noisy sounds like rusted joints.... that's why I'm interested with the doctor that is also a dentist...
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Heh V-line recovery is really tough. The first 16 hours after surgery, there was lots of pain, from swelling and injections. Because of general anaesthesia which causes nausea, I couldn't eat at all the whooole day, and for about 12 hours I couldn't drink a single drop of water. So for the period right after surgery, it's really hard to take. Honestly if I knew how much pain and discomfort there'd be, I might not have done V-line.

But now it's 4 days post-op. :smile: I'm horribly swollen, because 3-4 days after surgery has the most swelling. It should be going down slowly from now on. There's no more pain, except at night when u have to wear this compression garment on your face, that's really uncomfortable. But I'm now happy I chose to do it.

If u wanna do V-line, be very very prepared. :P Anyone who has done V-line will tell u the same thing, it's not an easy process. But after a few days, u'll probably be happy u did it. I know I am:smile:
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Hi Sylvia, the clinic is JK Plastic Surgery Centre, the dr is Dr Kim Sung-Sik. My experience with the hospital is great, the staff are really nice and professional, and the doctor is also really nice and helpful. I almost did surgery with Dr Kim from BK hospital, but I read on forums that he was arrogant and doesn't listen to what patients want and just does what he himself thinks will look nice on the patient. I think it's really important to find a doctor who will listen to u and work hard to give a good result. :smile:

I did not consult with Pitangui, but there's another thread discussing them. # As for Grand, I've heard they are the most sued plastic surgery clinic, so I would really discourage u from going there. If EverM staff only speak Korean, but u really wanna go there, you could hire a translator. This will mean extra costs though.

I really don't know why your jaw is making sounds, maybe u should do an internet search or consult with a dentist in your area? Just to find out what's the problem, so that u know what has to be fixed :smile:

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