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How did people react about your plastic surgery?

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I've been wondering the same thing. I plan to get a nose job and ptosis correction at the end of September, and I'm terrified that my coworkers/supervisors will react badly. I work at a hospital, too, so there's no way the doctors and nurses won't notice. Also, I do NOT live in a region of the country (like Florida or something) where plastic surgery is widely accepted, which makes things even more awkward.

I've seen some before/after pictures where people look COMPLETELY different from their old selves. The most obvious changes are probably jaw surgery and eyes. I have no idea how they how they pulled that off! My guess is that they either have very accepting families/workplaces, or maybe they moved to a new location/just graduated from college or high school/just started a new job. I wish I had gotten stuff done after college or in between jobs so that no one would have noticed.

The only good thing is that I know that your face swells for a bit after the surgery, so it's not like you'd return to work with a drastically different face the next day -- it takes a while for your face to "settle in."
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what surgery are you planning to get? i guess youre a nurse or something. i think perhaps if you can take a new job for a while and come back after, probably new employees, dont take any recent pictures or delete the ones you have and try not to take any public ones with people ><
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Nope, I work in health information management & technology. Yes, I was "forward-thinking" enough to refuse to get my photo taken for the staff directory when I started this position (so that people won't be able to compare my before/after).

I was going to get my nose and eyes done, but I may be only getting my nose done now because I have to be back at work the next week. Plus, I wanted to go to Teium for eyes, but the doctor appears to no longer be working due to health issues. I don't want epicanthoplasty or big dolly eyes; I just wanted enough space between my crease so that I can wear makeup & fix the ptosis on my right eyelid.

Actually, I had some really bad news from my dentist during my regular checkup... I started wearing an oral therapy appliance last year for TMJ/bruxism/sleep apnea (yes, I have all of those problems), and the stupid appliance caused me to get NINE cavities in one year! They suggested jaw surgery, but I have a very round face (which I rather like, actually) and I absolutely *cannot* show up at work (keep in mind, I live in an all-white state) with a new nose, new eyes, AND a thin face without being fired & sent straight to the insane asylum.

So, I am now attempting acupuncture on my jaw, possibly not getting my eyes done (unless I can find a doctor as competent as Teium's), and just sticking to improving my nose.
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  • 3 weeks later...
u forgotten to add a 4

4.)The pinnacle of jealousy , seemly striking out at you, assuming you suffers from some form of mental deficiencies thus subjecting one to such "great pain" and declare that u look fine intially and do not require ps,thus again implying character weakness of some sort.
i have alot of such friends , and axed an entire ****load of them,wish i brought shoes instead of friends,as red wings would give me a one for one exchange,with such ppl,the time and effort spent on nurturing the friendship is gone with the wind.
living fine living strong, the individual shall stand head and shoulders above his critics.i promise.
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I'm worried about this as well, no one I know has gotten surgery before. I feel like my asians friends will know for sure because plastic surgery is so popular, but others probably won't since I'm not looking for a drastic change.
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this is a very good post, I agree ^^ no one needs people like that, no one needs to even listen to their opinions! they're worth nothing... just be happy and get real friends that aren't like that~
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Hey guys.. As a friend to my friend L ,who had ps.. My first reaction was OMG!(She is already attractive)Then looking at her B&A photos,I congratulate her! And asked her how she feels,her procedure, her bravery. I'm happy for her,even tho when I met her face to face (I live overseas now) she looked different but her personality is still her. Now she's a finalist in a beauty pageant. She kinda gave me the strength to consider ps. In the end,I think only a good friend will understand,if there's friends that doesn't, eliminate them. You don't need negativity in your life. :smile:
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