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Community Project: Clinics' Contact Info & Prices!

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Does anyone know how much regen charges for double eyelid and epicanthoplasty? I've emailed them alr but they replied asking me to fix a consult and ignored my question on cost. I wonder if I should reply them asking about cost again and justifying the need to know by saying that I need an estimate because I want to pay in cash and hence need a gauge to determine how much to bring. If I'm not wrong, the clinic would waive the 10% tax if the surgery is paid for in cash right?
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if you wanna be safe bring about $3000. the average for those two procedures usually add up to 2.5mil KRW?
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that is actually a good idea. try it and tell us if they tell you the price bc it's a good question, some people probably don't want to bring more than the cost of the surgery and a little extra so you should ask. but also be careful of them saying "we said 3mil on the phone so it's 3mil now" because it can also happen that they give you a higher price by email and then lower it in person (often they do the other way around and regen probably does too but some dr's are actually honest and see what exactly you need first then give you a new price based on that.)
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  • 2 weeks later...
hi shinyglittery , can you please send me the list in a msg ( i cant pm anyone yet ) cause its not showing well when i click on it ?
also would you know about lap band places ? and how much they might cost ?
have you heard about seoul sky hospital ?
thank you
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the images are bigger than your screen. if you see the whole image on your screen it's smaller than the real size. click on it to make it bigger or download it. :smile:
lap band? love band? the english name for aegyosal? any clinic that does eyes also does aegyosal. most clinics use fillers, some also use the "derma" material that is skin from dead people. it's permanent, fillers are not. aegyosal should cost 300-700k but some clinics might ask for 1M but I think that is too much. it's just a filler, it should not cost that much. some clinics also do aegyosal by fg.
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i ll try to re-open it :smile:
heheheeee lap band isnt aegyosal ......you might know it as gastric banding, its more of a big surgery where you go under and they put a band around your stomach inorder to lose weight .
there is 2 clinics that am looking at seoul sky hospital , 365mc hospital . did you hear about them or know anything about them ?
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haha oh! i'm sorry i don't know anything about that surgery. are you sure they do it in korea? maybe someone else can help you. :smile: if you find out more you can write it here.
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NP :smile: yah they are supposedly very good at it too but i cant find lots of places that offer it ...... it might also be due to the fact that its done in hospitals and they dont have really good english websites or publicity !! and i ll definitely write about it here once i do it
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Hi y'all! I'm totally new here, but I've stalked this forum for the last two years. And I've decided to go to Korea this summer for plastic surgery. I've sent an email to Banobagi and TheLine so far (they're my top choices) and apparently Banobagi emailed me that they (or maybe just the English consultant) is on holiday until the 27th. But TheLine sent me an email on their prices. And their prices are as follows;

+ The Barbie nose 3,750,000 KRW (3,590 USD)
+ 3D zygomaplasty (cheekbone reduction) 6,750,000 KRW (6,460 USD)
+ Power V contouring 3,000,000 KRW (2,870 USD)
+ chin augmentation 2,250,000 KRW (2,150 USD)

The good thing is that apparently the cost can be adjustable. So I think that if we bargin a bit, it's possible that we can get a 15% off.
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wow this is what ID quote me for fillers and botox , is this even right?

"Filler costs 1.7 million KRW per bottle and botox on the jaw musckles costs 600,000 KRW."

since i just want fillers and botox . is there any other reliable clinic with more reasonable pricing?
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I've just contacted ITEM, Banobagi, Grand and ID for V-line, revision rhino and forehead augmentation (fat or cement).
Grand quoted: 6.5Million KRW for rhinoplasty with silicone implant
4.4Million KRW for "chin augmentation" I am assuming this means a "mini V-line" as they said that I do not need a full V-line surgery for jaw reduction.
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Hi... I'm going to Korea on May 8-18. I;m considering those two too, base on my Korean friend who has a Medical family background. His family not in the Plastic surgery kind of medical. but he recommend me to Banobagi and The Line too. I;m still waiting for Their pricing.

PM me for Private ID on whatsapp, Line, or kakaotalk
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