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Community Project: Clinics' Contact Info & Prices!

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Hi, Thanks for posting this info. I was just wondering Pitangui comments was not noted. I am planning to have my eyelid surgery and perhaps rhinoplasty with Petangui clinic. Nicole Jung, the consultant replied that they'll pick you up at the airport and will make a hotel reservation for you. Their fees they quoted me are the same as your list. Plan to to go next month October 2013.
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I don't have enough info on Pitangui yet to write anything in the comments section~ All I can say is I considered Pitangui for myself and the only reason it's not my #1 choice is because I found clinics that seemed better at the specific surgeries I want... In other words, I haven't heard/read anything bad~ It is a pretty big clinic though, and big clinics are always... big clinics. Other than that, I don't see why you shouldn't have your eyelid surgery and rhino with them~ If I remember correctly Pitangui is a very posh clinic... I think they had a white concert piano in the lobby xD

If anyone has any additional info on Pitangui or surgery experiences to share please do ^^
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Hello Kittygaga,

Please share with me your result after your surgery with Pitangui. I kinda like their subtle result and unbelievable price (but pricing is my secondary concern, i am more concern about the end result and the experiences of the surgeon)

I actually have Pitangui (#2) & View (#1) on my list for full face transformation - cheek bone, v-line, revision on nose & eyes revision and fats grafting (maybe face lifting if they find my skin a bit sagging???). I prefer to find a clinic which can give me a harmonious full face PS instead of going to different clinics.

I was a bit turn off when View's consultant replied to me that i need to 'fracture' my nose bridge to have a more defined nose bridge which i never wanted a 'pencil-thin' nose bridge because too thin nose bridge is not a good facial feature to Chinese as it presents weak and dependable on man for money (plus my nose bridge is not really too thick to begin with). I like all her replies for my face except on the nose.

Haiz... this goes my hope of doing everything in one clinic.

However, when i am in Korea i will go for face to face consultation with View surgeons and I hope the doctor will give me a better suggestion especially on my nose.

Then i will decide whether i will stay with them for all procedures or do the procedure individually with different clinics.

EverM seems to be the 'new kid on the block' after ibenlim posted in the forum with good review on cheek bone and mandible (i am wondering does EverM do nose too because some of their models have better looking nose after the surgery). I am very impressed with the face results!

I am still looking for good clinic to work on the revision for my nose and eyes. I want to go to Dr Kwon for eyes and Dr Jung for nose. But the PS recovery journey would be too long (need to rest min. 1-3 months interval)

Is there a good surgeon who is good in both eye and nose revision? Please suggest to me even if he/she is a Taiwanese doctor too.

If i decided to go to EvernM for face conturing, then maybe i rest in Korea for 2-4 weeks, go for revision on nose and eyes with another clinic, rest for another week before coming back to Singapore.

Sorry for the lengthy post, i am planning to go for my surgery soon (either Oct 13 or April 14) and i appreciate any kind suggestion.

I am planning to go to KL for my vaser liposuction in Oct 13. After 3 month of wearing the compression garment then i will go to Korea for full face PS. As Jan is very cold in Korea, so i will do it in April 14 when it is not that cold and my sister can accompany me there too. If i decided to go to Korea for PS in Oct 13, then the vaser lipo will be 3 month after the PS.

Love from Singapore, Ms. Vanity - PSP
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You know not all Chinese believe in that stuff... ^^ I think everM does nose too but it is a dental clinic so... It's NOT a plastic surgery clinic, the doctor there is specialized in jaw, mandible and dental work... but he has a very good aesthetic sense (from what I know and have seen anyway) so they can do it for plastic surgery reasons as well~ The doctor does a lot of reconstructive work for accident victims... he doesn't just make their face right again but also pretty ^_^ since everyone wants to be pretty, good to combine the two...(I never get it anyway... if you're in an accident and something happens to your face... why get a doctor to make it into what it was when a doctor can make it into something prettier? ^_^ )

Ps. I made a new better thread! Please use it from now on... thank you~!
# But anyone can post any clinics' info in this thread that are in Asia but not in Korea since that thread is only for Korean clinics ^^
Hello Shiny,

Thank you for the details on EverM. I love it!

I also feel safer to go to EverM for my cheek bone n v-line as they are the specialist with the jaw bone. Chance of failure is at its minimum.

In my own opinion, EverM's result is dramatic yet not too 'plastic-mode'.

From your research, does the skin sag after the face surgeries in EverM?

According to your research, it seems that sagging skin could be the aftermath with View's technique. I won't mind face lifting if it is necessary instead of just some consultant trying to mk me pay for something that I won't need.

I can't read Korean. Please share with me where did you read that EverM also do nose?

Do u know of anyone in the forum did their nose in EverM? So far are they satisfied with the EverM's nose? what is the cost for revision on nose? I like the round pointy nose like Vivien Hsu 徐若宣

I am actually looking for a clinic to do face n nose together.

So after resting for few weeks, I'll go to another clinic to work on my eyes for higher cease (like Vivien Hsu and Kim Tae Hee's high cease eyes). I already have a pairs of beautiful eyes but I'm just greedy to have higher cease. LOL

Shiny, Thank you for all the hard work. The list takes hours n hours to compile. Ur kind work helps me greatly n shorten my process of selecting the clinic to work on me.

I will contribute back to the forum like you when I complete my Vaser liposuction n PS in Korea.

However, I'm not sure whether I can write as details as you.

Love you, PSP
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EverM is the safest option and they can deliver pretty results... but i'm greedy! haha... or.. I saw View results... their results are a bit more dramatic I think ^^ more radical than everM~ ah I really don't know xD I've also though about Girin but honestly i'd like to see more from them... what i've seen so far is impressive though!! so hard to decide... :biggrin: I hope EverM can do as dramatic/like I want... I have a feeling EverM is a place that might say "no, that's too much" or something! I hope not!

It should be the last place where you have to worry about that... since they only specialize in that!

Really? I didn't write anything like that about View but I remember REGEN has a huge skin sagging problem after v-line huge huge... did you read the wrong line? ^^;

you can email them and ask... but if you don't want to i can do it for you, i have already been emailing them before... ^^ i can ask if you want?
sorry i don't know anyone here who did their nose there... also i don't know the cost but like i said i can email them... or you can... what do you prefer? xD if you email them you can ask prices for me too... haha *lazy*

You're welcome ^_^ like I said I did it all for myself... it would have been so unfair not to share it... I want to help everyone ^^ and yes it was a lot of hard work... took so so many hours... haha... but it was also fun!! ++side: i can now spot words like "gangnam-gu" and "sinsa-dong" and "seocho-gu" from Korean text SO FAST... like... fraction of a second... haha xD Korean reading skills improved... selectively... haha xD Where are you getting vaser lipo? i don't know much about vaser lipo... can it not burn you or your skin? :o i heard something about it and didn't sound like something i'd want... i think if i get lipo i want the normal lipo... :biggrin: thank you for your reply and thanking me for my work, it means a lot ♡
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Omg I finally got an email from Cinderella Clinic!!! Their prices make me want to cry...

They say it's just an estimate:

[FONT=맑은 고딕]Cinderella Multi-dimensional Celebrity Circle Eyes 2,200,000 won ~ [/FONT]​
[FONT=맑은 고딕]Circle Epi. 1,700,000 won ~[/FONT]​
[FONT=맑은 고딕]Circle Lat. 1,700,000 won ~[/FONT]
Total: 5.6M won

I don't want lateral epicanthoplasty but they seem to suggest it.. .__. I just wanted double eyelid surgery originally but now I'm fine with medial epi but lateral seems a bit excessive?? >.< Omg my max max budget that I had was 3M won for both epi and eyelid surgery :sad: And I was hoping it'd be less than 2.5M.
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Dear Shiny,

Oops... it was Regen. I almost done View injustice.

Wow! now i am confidence with VIEW again (except the nose).

Shiny, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be a kind soul to ask EverM about the nose revision? The material that they will be using to create the round and pointy nose. Also the costs?

Btw, are you Korea? Can you read Korea? Do you think i will need a translator when i go to View & EverM for consultation?

if i can do both face & nose in EverM, then i'll do the revision for my eyes after 1 month (either in Korea or Taiwan). Maybe i won't even need it eventually??? LOL

As for Vaser, please check out www.vaser.com

Vaser is the latest technology in liposuction. More fats exacted and lesser blood. Less bruises and no lumpy skin as compare to older generation of liposuction. Can return to work after 1 week. You can immediately see the result the next few days.

Check out the following Taiwanese's blog (in Chinese) with details on her vaser journey:

I have check out the price in Asia for full body Vaser Hi-D:
Prune, India - U$5,000
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - S$10,000 (this is a very special price because i am also doing fat grafting for my breasts)
Bangkok, Thai - U$12,000 -U$15,000
Taipei, Taiwan - S$20,000 - S$25,000
Singapore - most expensive per area is S$16,000!!!

I planned to go to Prune, India for the Vaser years ago but due to the raped cases in India; i took much longer time to save up and decided to go to KL for the surgery instead.

I will post my vaser result after the surgery. I will try to be as detail as possible.

Thank you once again, PSP
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way too expensive... ^^ ask around... and i think they're trying to get more money out of you... lateral and epi should be included in circle eye... i think? ^^
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oh... so expensive! i wouldn't pay more for something i don't know is better... maybe i'll look into it... ^^ but normal lipo works... if surgeon is good... it will look good... vaser... i don't like new things... they get tested on people first... then if they really work... doctors get better and better... i don't want to be a test subject... ^^

I'm not in Korea, I can read Korean but I only know a few words, I use a dictionary to write korean emails and write in korean to consultants who don't speak English...

both EverM and View have an in-house English translator...

if you need a translator, hire one that doesn't work for the clinics... that's the best thing... ^^ anyway... no "zoe" or "nicole", no "translator" (who is not a real translator) will take you to EverM... i don't think EverM makes illegal commission deals with "translators"... View I also don't think so... but you never know... ^^;

okay I'll send them an email! ^^
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no, I don't think so :sad: They just name it circle eye but it's just for double eyelid. It's similar to the prices I've seen from other posters. Someone got quoted 6mil for the full circle eye surgery which I assume would include both medial and lateral epi with double eyelid surgery.. ahh

i'm not saying the price isnt a rip off but i think its their price for foreigners :sad: probably heaps cheaper for locals..

and where can i get a translator that doesnt work for the clinics? :O been wondering that for a while since people were against the ones that got commission. i may need one >.<
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not from this forum... haha. go to korea, find a translator... ^^ talk to people, someone knows someone... don't tell it's for PS, otherwise a "Translator" will find you... only tell them when you have someone... ask if they're okay with it...

and that's really expensive... T__T cindy is expensive... for Koreans too I think... but 6M is way too much... haha... I'll look for a different clinic... ^^

hey... though i made that huge list... i don't know the contact info for IOU xD can you give it to me? too tired to search... ps. i posted the conversation with the weird consultant... you can get words and sentences out of it maybe if you want to try writing in korean... ^^ i think it helps a lot in finding information...

I sent the email... i'll tell you when they reply... ^^
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Hi Shiny,

I was eager to ask about the nose revision at EverM and I called them today.

I was being informed that no one speaks English and Mandarin @ EverM

I will need to find a 'Korean' friend soon.
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