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Post Your Experiences with Fillers Here

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I think you should read this forum to find out more about ID... before you make your choice.

the pictures they edited... those kind of results are possible. looks to me like simulated hump removal and lateral osteotomy, alarplasty and bulbuous nose reduction, square jaw reduction OR mandibular reduction and a sbutle v-line chin and maybe a facelift or face lipo...? maybe someone else can say better i'm not sure ^^; they didn't touch the eyes or the forehead or the zygoma. in addition i think they shifted things around a little unrealistically in a way that might not be possible in surgery (to add symmetry)...
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Yeah, they did say the picture quality wasn't very good, so that might have made the touchups look even more unnatural. I wish I could know how it would actually end up looking, but do feel like I got a better sense of what type of results are possible. I'm going to try consulting with a few other clinics to compare.
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Jade0816, I can't yet pm because I am new, but am wondering what doctors you recommend contacting. I have looked into id a little further and can say that I am more skeptical. One of the things I am attracted to about surgery in Seoul is it seems like they can make significant changes that look natural. I dont think and hope I wont look exactly like the computerized images, but I am hoping the surgeon I choose can achieve a good and obvious result.
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you should not take someone's recommendations as your only guide... you have to do your research... ^^ if you don't want your surgeries to fail... read warning examples here in this forum... but... i can recommend clinics, jade can, everyone can... just remember to research first... many clinics and doctors have different styles, some dramatic some subtle, some natural some not... so you have to decide yourself whose style you like... ^^
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Um the main reason I did not do v-line with american surgeons is because Korea specializes in v-line surgeries and american surgeons do not. I did not do any research into american surgeons but I have never seen decent results from american surgeons when it comes to jawlines or anything else, also Korean surgeons do hundreds of jaw surgeries per year and tend to get better with that much experience, whilst you'll hardly ever find american surgeon with that much experience doing cosmetic jaw surgeries, maybe Beverly hills but that would cost you twice the price of Korea.

Only thing is do extensive research before you go and prepare several clinics ahead of time that you want to visit.
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Are you looking for a good surgeon in the United States?
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This womans eyes look nice. I had Belotero injections in both eyes. But not for dark circles. Just some shadowing I had. I really love the results!. I would never do fat grafting. Fillers are the way to go. For me at least. :smile:
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