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Sub-Q is meant to last for about 18 months as it's thicker than other Resty products but, yeah, somehow filler often lasts longer than expected in me (not sure what that means!).

For tear trough, I would only recommend Perlane. It's light but lasts longer than regular Restylane, very mouldable when injecting and very much a worldwide favourite for under eye area. Sculptra is far too dense/heavy for such a delicate area!
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Heard Teosyl's Redensity is gaining popularity for tear trough.

Btw are you pushing your trip earlier or later (coz of national holiday)? If you going later, I'd suggest you to go after 10 Oct. Since it's China holiday 1-7 Oct. I'm guessing it will be busy with mainland Chinese that 2 weeks.
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I knew October 1 was a holiday but completely didn't think about 3rd and 9th until I saw the reminder in the other thread (the clinics I have been speaking with made no mention). So, yes, I'll be changing my travel plans and hotel booking to arrive on the 10th or 13th.

The Juvederm equivalent to SubQ is Juvederm Voluma. I haven't used it but they seem to be pretty much the exact same product.
Just my own opinion, but I think at this point the difference between Restylane and Juvederm products are probably like Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Little difference (they're both just hyaluronic acid) but people like to remain loyal to one over the other, lol.

Some people say Juvederm is smoother (or at least, that's how it's marketed), but I also read that Restylane is more cohesive (i.e. better at staying in place). TBH, I think any patient would probably be fine with either. It's the experience of the physician that will get you the result you want, not the micro differences between the two brands.
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Thank you dear,
I'm looking for at least 1 year effect so fillers shouldn't be on the list :sad:
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Hey, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
I have one question about your chin implant if you don't mind.
What did you have for chin implant? Is it silicon? I'm looking for permanent effect but i'm so afraid of deviation caused by silicon implant (I'm having the same problem with my nose now)
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I'm not getting my chin implant until October (I had been using fillers in recent years), however deviation in a chin implant is supposed to be pretty rare as they heal against the bone.
Chin implants are slightly sturdier than nose. (I think because nose has to be securely placed in a proper pocket [[is that the word?]] and under tip cartilages. It's still secure but faces a little more risk with it being in a more delicate space).
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
hi, can anybody recommend a good doctor in singapore for fillers? I have been contemplating in getting fillers done on my nose more for practical purposes than aesthetic reasons. I'm allergic to contact lenses and with lack of nose bridge my glasses keep on sliding down.
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I just added alloderm in tip of my nose cause my tip dropped. Now i read you used perlane for your bridge and it lasts for ages! May i ask where did you do it and how much it costs? Maybe i can do that after my alloderm dissapears! Thankyou haha :smile:
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I've had it topped up at four different clinics over the years in London and Seoul and all have been great as its a pretty easy area to do. I found that by not rubbing my nose too much or aggressively scrubbing while washing definitely helps. The filler I currently have in the top of my bridge has not been topped up since last July and it still looks solid and smooth!
The place in Seoul I did it was B&A (Before&After). They're great with fillers IMO.

(I know this sounds weird but it's also worth noting that filler generally lasts ages in my face - maybe double what the docs say. I don't smoke or drink and eat a healthy diet. I'm v active but don't do running [which ages the face and also wears down fillers]. I also don't get any aggressive facial treatments or facial massage [unless I know I'm going for a top up soon).
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Just my quick 2cents on my experience. I did perlane for my bridge and tip about 2 months ago. It's subtle but did make a difference. How long it lasts depends on the person. For me, I think I have 60-70% left?

I have heard that fillers can help disguise a hump nose. But remember, it's just "filling in" the surrounding space. It's not removing any tissue or bone. So whether your nose is suitable depends on the individual and their existing structure.
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  • 1 year later...
I think people who consider filler should just go for surgery. I feel like nose filler is practically a stepping stone for rhinoplasty anyway hahahahahaha . I know sooo many people who did filler but just ended up doing surgery anyway
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Hi. New here so sorry if this has been asked to death.
I am looking into going to korea for surgery and for some adjustments on my face. I had been looking into FG but reading here I don't know anymore.
I want to get rid of my tear troughs since they always have made me sad, but what would give the longst lasting result? I do not have the money to go and do it every 6 months, I would maybe be able to find the money once two years, but I want them gone.
Also, for the smile band and beginning wrinkles in the forhead/between the brows, what is there the best to get?
Sorry for asking something I am sure many have asked. (i did read the thread before writing here)
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