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The Ultimate Korean PS Resource Thread ^_^

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The Ultimate Korean PS Resource Thread ^_^

~~~~~~Here you find clinics' contact info ++ B&A Pictures~~~~~
I have compiled the contact info and notes on over 70 PS clinics in Korea! ^_^
~Yes it was a lot of work but also a lot of fun!!~!

I divided the list into 4 images (click on the text "Image1" to open the image):

More known (to non-Koreans)/Easy to find:
1. Before&After
2. Dream
3. Grand
4. VIP
5. Regen
6. ID&Clinic9
7. Apgujeong PS
8. Pitangui
9. Teuim
10. Migo
11. JK
12. Dr Jung Rhino
13. Chungdam U
14. B&A


15. SmallFace
16. Banobagi
17. Item
18. Oz
19. BK
20. Samsung PS
Harder to find (you can find them here! ^-^!):
21. Life PS
22. AT Clinic
23. Hus'hu
24. Dio PS
25. Siwoo
26. Yangyeonmu PS (양연모 성형외과)
27. YK PS
28. TOP PS (Top Class PS)
29. CK PS
30. Namu PS
31. BeFor PS

32. Petit
33. EverM
34. Opera
35. CH
36. WonJin
37. Designer
38. Beauty Forever
39. Nano
40. 365mc
41. Faceline
42. O & Young
43. YnY
44. Jewelry
45. Namu (Yes, accidentally twice! xD)
46. Image
47. Bandoeye
48. Coco Line
49. Cinderella
50. Kangnam PS
51. Girin
52. TL PS (The Line/Trend Line PS)


53. View
54. NU
54. JW
55. Dr. Han (HanFace)
56. Golden Ratio Hospital
57. Magic Nose
58. SangBum
59. YonSei First PS
60. Ruby PS
61. Woojin
62. Foret (La Forêt PS)
63. Aphrodite Clinic
64. Kim Hansung PS
65. Fresh PS
66. Selanger PS
67. Conopi PS
68. Magic Dermatology
69. Labella Clinic
70. LJH Skin Clinic
71. StarM Clinic
72. MiPlus Clinic

There~! ^_____^

Marir did an amazing job talking to all those girls on Naver about their surgeries and collecting B&A's! ^__^ Thank you so much!!

I made it a little easier to see just the B&A's (or just A's) from different clinics~!

Click HERE for a gallery!

(Image name = clinic name!)

143 pictures from 39 clinics~!

I hope this will help you in your research~! ^__^

More tips: Some websites have webchats with real time assistance, even if the assistant doesn't speak English s/he can help you! If you put Korean words into English sentences and make them very simple they can at least give you the address, phone number, email and so on! Don't be frightened by the language barrier~!

Some prices (for Koreans, depending on your bargaining skills and many things they can be your prices too~ (I have been quoted similar prices by some clinics so it really depends!)

girin eyelid revision: $1526
girin: square jaw (v-line)+zygoma $6735, nose revision $4046
Regen zygoma+v-line = $9891 (combined surgery discount)
BeFor v-line $6286

We are all in this together, let us help each other~! Good luck ^__^ May your dreams come true~!
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I have more updates from JK; After more e-mails the ranges shrank as they separated into different procedures (jaw became two smaller ranges for v-line and two-jaw, rhino became two smaller ranges for reduction and implant, reduction on the higher end with implant on the lower end. It makes more sense now) -- I plan to have a face-to-face consultation sometime soon and return with more accurate information.

One thing I wanted to add, when I said rounded, I didn't mean so extremely round as it's written in the image, more so that the jaw didn't like it could cut glass like some clinics do.
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Thank you for your comment~ Oh, I hope people will read this comment of yours xD I'm sorry, sometimes things get "lost in translation" !

Cookie, Flytoseoul, thank you ^^

jade: would it be better if people only knew 3 clinics that only cared about making money off of non-koreans? many of the clinics here are good clinics with decent people that give you great results! if you mean knowing more doesn't make it easier then I think you're right to a point... but if you learn EVEN MORE then knowing more is better!! then you can know enough about many many many clinics to make the right choice! ^^
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Ah I hope my notes don't scare anyone too much! Like Lautan said some things might be worded a little too strongly... But the clinics with "malpractice" and "botched" and all that I really really advice you to take very seriously, they're not exaggerated! Migo... I kind of remember reading something about it having more unsatisfied customers (botched surgeries?) than other clinics...? I don't remember... no idea if it was nose or what~ (usually if I don't write "bad eyes" or "bad noses" or something then it's a general warning) But please understand: I didn't make any of the notes up! They're all based on something I read/saw, so if a clinic has a negative comment it doesn't mean you should avoid it (unless it says something really bad) but I think you should look extra hard at that clinic and its practices and stay alert at a consultation ^^ Maybe that's the best way to take my notes? Good luck finding the best place for you!

++ another super important thing: I've seen good results from almost every clinic that I mention are dealing with malpractice suits etc... No clinic delivers 100% bad results! But if you can choose between a clinic that doesn't deal with hundreds or thousands of malpractice suits and one that does... Make the right choice ^_^ Smaller risk is better!

That's why I think more clinics to choose from = good! ^_^ Because then you can cross off 20 clinics off your list and still have some left... haha xD not forced to choose anything for any reason... ^^
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you ever heard of this dr?

Homme & Femme Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic

which clinic in your opinion best for revision rhino surgery?
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first 2 wonjin, 3rd samsung 4th Fresh ^^ you can actually just look at the filename... (look at the title bar of your web browser) i named them so you can tell which clinic they got their procedures done at!!

(the facehan below isn't for you, just didn't want to make a new post ^^ )


Adding FaceHan blog (dr. Han's facial countouring)
I have never heard of that clinic :O I'll have to get back to you on that... but I can't comment on it at all! do you already have contact info? if yes send me a PM, i'll add it to my list... if you want me to find it i'll be happy to do that ^^

hm depends on what kind of nose you want! I'm happy with the results I've seen from several clinics but I know many people would consider many of those results too "fake" or "too thin" or something (there was a chinese girl here saying how in Chinese face reading a thin bridge is seen as a sign of a weak woman that's leeching off her husband and doesn't want to work... xD I personally rather want to look pretty than care about Chinese face reading interpretations... xD ) if you tell me what kind of nose you want i can maybe recommend something. if you say nothing i'll just suggest MagicNose View and Girin to check out :smile:
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based on what the table shown i will list out the so called good ones or so far no bad review ones.

Image 1:
dream clinic before and after
Pitangui seems ok
Chungdam U no bad reviews

Image 2:
Samsung ps has no bad reviews
Dio Ps
Siwoo Ps
Top class PS

Image 3:

Image 4:
Golden ratio
Magic nose
all seems ok

ok this is it.am getting confused..

so far the above i listed are the ok ones or ones with no bad reviews please correct me if i am wrong.

thank you
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i want a nose which is slim and narrow. I want a ski slope nose with a high nasal bridge. i have a thick skinned bulbous nose.. i want to look more feminine without my pollybeak.
do you have a clinic in mind for me?
i don't want to look fake but rather natural not my current nose

wow wonjin does such nice noses. heard of so many botched cases
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i didn't add notes to each and everyone I could find some reason to be wary of, because naturally almost every clinic has had unhappy patients... even if the doctor made no mistake! keeping that in mind... pitangui an dream might not be the best ones, though I can't think of any cases to base that on... call it a hunch and ignore if if you like! ^_^ chundam u is also for celebrities, i'm a bit wary of clinics for celebrities, might treat "normal people" differently... like ID and others. all of the rest are okay! but please remember... i only know very little myself... this forum had so much information it gave me the starting point and the confidence to search for more and i did soooo much research and now i feel happy and confident i will make the right decision... but i haven't yet made final decisions even for myself and won't before consultations (though I have a VERY good idea!!) and all my research... is incomplete~ never trust anything or anyone 100%... ^^ i am always happy to help... just please remember i'm not perfect ^^
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i sent you a pm. ^^
but what you going to do and so far how many drs you communicated over the email?
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yes... wonjin is a double edged sword... i think it's good for koreans. not good for non-koreans... i read a korean newspaper article about wonjin doing a pro-bono case and commenting negatively on children teasing other children because of their looks and the parents' responsibility in teaching their children to respect others... i don't know~

I love View's noses (at least most of them) but it's so personal... what is natural and what you consider a ski slope? here are some noses from View http://postimg.org/image/48w9xhsf5/ http://postimg.org/image/cq0dm5mht/ http://postimg.org/image/wupcdvqxt/ (<- that one might actually be the opposite of what you want? i'm not sure haha xD ) http://postimg.org/image/3tpli7vvl/ and postimg.org/image/f8r4jyejl/ tell me what you think and maybe show me an example of what kind of a nose you'd like and i'll try to be more helpful... ^^ ps. i don't want to seem like i recommend View to everyone (haha xD) it's just the clinic I have most info on...! i hope i can make more recommendations but i myself don't really care about natural so it's not something i usually look for... show me an example! maybe then i can help you more ^^
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