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ok so update from my clinic.
they said vline genio and t-osteotomy is essentially the same thing??
and that the genio means that you can either move the chin forward or backward in profile view?

i am not afraid of jaw surgery
i am afraid of the general anathesia. ugh it makes me barf when i wake up,, anyway,,,
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oh hi SHINY, i posted without reading this first. ok so i have a better understanding for sure after your informative posts.

the only reason why i am stuck on 2 jaw, is not so much because of a protruding/receding issue, but because from what i understand, 2 jaw can "shorten" the length of the face frontal view. they shorten the top jaw for the central portion of the face, and then shorten the bottom jaw to shorten the bottom portion of the face. basically, i would like a more baby style face as opposed to "womanly" lol lol lol lol.

but if the t-osteotomy can achieve the same look then this would be the obvious choice, however, im afraid it wont achieve the same look that a 2 jaw could achieve ??

i just asked my acupuncturist about 2 jaw surgery and he literally said i will die. im like, "youre joking right?" and he's like nope you will die, he said that is the most dangerous surgery with all those nerves in your face. ughhhhhh,,, so annoyed to hear that...... but i mean, almost every korean girl gets 2 jaw surgery for a smaller face right? if it was so dangerous, why would it be publicly available?
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and what are your thoughts on banobagi and white dental clinic? they seem to have the most dramatic results, but yeah,
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Think.Pink, I think I have warned you before about the risks of 2 jaw surgery a few weeks ago on this thread but at that time I didnt seem to be able to persuade you. Your acupuncturist is correct - death is a real possibility of 2 jaws, you dont seem to hear about the death case often in the media because

1. Before the surgery, you sign a document confirming you understand all the risks of the surgery, including death. So if that happens the family usually cannot bring this issue up to the media because it's you who agree to do it and your family cannot sue the clinic for it.

2. What you want to do is more dangerous than the normal two jaws (Because normal two jaws only realign the bottom but you also want to interfere with the upper part of your skull) Interfering with the bottom part involves risks such as nerve complications but for the upper part it's more dangerous because it might interfere with your breathing/airway which may cause death complication.

Why you thought many Korean do it and they turn out fine is because two jaw is the most expensive and produce the most dramatic results, so clinic likes to advertise it more to make you believe it's actually very popular and no risks. No serious dentist would advise two jaw purely for cosmetic reasons (if your mouth is not protruding). If any dr in korea advise you to do 2 jaws without your mouth protruding/ receeding chin, they're in it for the huge amount of money it brings but not for your safety.

And when you said "almost every Korean girl got two jaw surgery" - that's very naive. for face contouring, they dont do two jaws, they do Vline (which is mandible bone reduction, there is no realignment here and it's much safer) Cost of 2 jaw is minimum 15 million won for local (USD 15K) how can every girl get that kind of money? Only naive international patients who believe in the ads does and throw money at 2 jaws for cosmetic reasons.

In the end of the day, it's your choice, but do consider death is a real possibility, many thinks "it's not gonna be me" but it's real. would you rather stay with your current face or do other minor manipulation than having a 0.1% chance of death. I'll stop trying to persuade you about not risking your life from here, but if you insist make sure you fully know what you're into, what is it in the paper that you sign before the surgery, and also write a letter before ur surgery to your parents in case anything happens.
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Hi there!

I'm pretty new on this forum. I have been posting a bit on another thread for quite a while and trying to keep up with the ton of information which's on this forum. It's really hard for me to keep track of everything and as much as I'd like to, I can't seem to find posts about experiences with different clinics (Although I know they're here!)

I am saving up money in order to go to Seoul 2015 to get v-line, zygoma reduction, rhinoplasty and breast augmentation.
I have been looking in to Item Clinic, Banobagi, Cinderella and JK Plastic Surgery.
From what I've seen, Item Clinic gets me the most. But looking at the doctors I realize they're all from either BK or Grand and I don't feel too good about those clinics.. I've mostly heard bad stuff. But their results look very promising to me. Especially when considering rhinoplasty!
Banobagi also really grabs my interest, but they haven't replied yet, and It's been almost a month.
I'm loosing interest in Cinderella, and JK is simply very expensive (Only reason they're still on my list is that I've heard many positive reviews and stuff about them being very safe and never had any sort of accident)

I am really interested in hearing about any of your reviews on the clinics, prices, experiences and if you've seen any good or bad about these clinics. I've done a lot of research, and so far, these 4 clinics is what I've narrowed it down to, but I'm still having a very tough time getting further with my research, and I am desperate for help..

So far I've received emails from JK and Item Clinic with the following prices:
- JK -
V-line and cheekbone: KRW 21,000,000
Rhinoplasty: KRW 5,250,000

- Item -
V-line and cheekbone: KRW 11,000,000
Rhinoplasty: KRW 3,850,000
Breast augmentation: KRW 6,600,000 to KRW 8,800,000 (Depending on the type of implant etc.)

I didn't ask for a price for breasts at JK because I wasn't too impressed by their results on breast augmentation.

I would really, really appreciate any kind of guidelines and help in my search! This is a very serious and important thing to me, and I will do my best to repay you all with information about my trip to South Korea as soon as I get there!

To all of you who is or have been in Seoul by now; I hope you're doing fantastic and will love your results + experiences, and that you will heal fast and well.

- Much love!
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yeah after reading your post how could i possibly go through with it? your post scared the living daylights out of me,, ok at least this takes the burden off me, ill just stick with the vline, ya the 2 jaw sounds crazy,
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shiny - i just read your clinic list in the attachment, and saw your comment about banobagi, ok totally mentally noted !! good grief then where shall i go? "scratching my head" so maybe white clinic, everm, daprs? back to the drawing board
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Hi guys!

I'm going to Seoul next week and I would like to take advantage of the trip and maybe see a few plastic surgeons for two things:

1. Acne scars
2. Temporary rhinoplasty (with fillers)

Please give me some good recommendations!
Which clinics should I go to for the acne scars, and also for the fillers for rhinoplasty?

Thanks a bunch :heart:
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nobody here knows anything about white clinic, it was only recommended by one member who also recommends pitangui so i'm not so sure about that. at least i haven't read anyone else write anything about it. if you don't know anything about a clinic it's probably not a good idea to seriously consider them but of course you can always visit :smile: think.pink i know how you feel, i've been there myself "something wrong with every clinic, there's nothing left" but it's not like that :smile: just keep reading and researching and you'll get a clearer picture. the other two are good choices, mine too. i will be at the drawing board until I go to Korea, then after the consultations it's simply time to make a decision. i think anyone who spends a long time researching will get a clear mind after the consultations because all the information you gathered will start making perfect sense and you can easily figure out what to do. i used to feel like that too "oh no what to do" but now i'm feeling more confident again that in the end i will be able to make the right choices. i think you will make the right choices too, you are clearly taking this seriously :smile:
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that's the right choice, 2-jaw really isn't something most people here should do. out of 1000 people here wanting to get PS there's maybe 1 or maybe no one that have a real need for it. for the special 2-jaw surgery you (was it you?) suggested (cutting and reattaching both upper and lower jaw) more truthful picture is this: before the surgery, you have to sign only one document. it says "this surgery carries 50% chance of death and 8% chance of success. do you accept the risks? name, signature."
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"normal" 2-jaw is really dangerous too but not as dangerous as i wrote above. i was making a comment about someone wanting to do "double 2-jaw"
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Fantasyface, one of the most common causes of death (factor out the skills of the doctor) is that the patient violate what was asked of them: fasting before surgery. A call for all of you who is going to undertake surgery or thinking to: You MUST fast at least 6-8 hours before surgery, or 10 to be safe. Because if you dont, you'll confirm die. Under GA, nausea caused by body reaction to GA is meant to make you vomit, but since u are unconcious, the food will go into your lung, causing infections and block your airway > confirmed death. This is the most popular cause of death during surgery due to violating this most simple rule, they ask it of your for a reason, many people thought of it lightly and pay with their life.


Another cause is due to anaesthesia shocks but if the clinic do full blood test and all the safety measures they need to they will be able to identify this early.
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