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From what I know they are good but very expensive... and yes they have done celebrities and idols ^^ all the clinics that do idols and talents I don't know how personal they are with you if you are just a "normal person" maybe ask someone who has had surgery there ^^
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which clinic would u recommend ¿ basically i want to get a smooth skin and fix my acne scars . i also want to reshape my face a little to look like the celeb i wanted . i had asked some advices fr id n bk hosp(via email). , they didnt tell me wat procedures available .
fr id they said i will nid a cheek reduction and the price is 6 million won .
what do u think ?
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cheeck reduction? you mean zygoma? please don't go to ID... you are playing with your life... read this forum to know why... anyway you can get zygoma for under 6M too ^^ (but never go just because it is cheaper, always make sure the doctor is good!)

hus'hu is always mentioned as a skin clinic but it's a company that advertises visibly to foreigners but it is really not a very good clinic... I can't recommend it. I will not give you names like "these are good clinics", you have to do your research... but I will give you clinic names and you can look into them ^^ Magic Dermatology 매직 피부과 LJH Skin clinic and skin clinics, Eun Aesthetic clinic specializes in skin, pigment, acne, atopy, allergy, skin anti-aging and everything to do with skin ^^ Ahn's Aesthetic Surgery & Dermatology has a skin clinic, many big clinics have a skin clinic but you have to find out if the people working there are actually skilled or not... That should help you get started ^^ please remember that it depends on your face shape, if your bones are too narrow or wide or wrong shape compared to your idol, you cannot have a face exactly like hers... but you can have the same style maybe ^^ bk and id are not good, please look elsewhere... (i say this because you asked for my advice ^^ )
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Hi Shinyglittery :]

U are so amazing because of the list you provided to all of us about the plastic surgery clinics in korea:] It is soo sooo sooo helpful.

From ur list I saw that Everm, At clinic, and View are good a two-jaw surgery. Do you know any other clinics that are very good with two-jaw?...besides ID hospital LOL! I notice you have read korean cafes/forums as research for plastic surgery clinics, did you by any chance find people talking about good two-jaw clinics?

Sorry I am asking you all this, its just that I really want two-jaw surgery and because its such an invasive risky surgery, I really want to make the wise decision of choosing the right doctor. I heared horror stories about two-jaw of people loosing the ability to taste food, paralysis, or stop crying (tear nerve was cut)...so I want to limit these risks as much as possible:]

Again thanks for ur wonderful list and kindness to help all of us on the quest for beauty :]!!!!!!!!!
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thanks . so what are procedures [ chemical peel laser or anything ] is the best to get a smooth skin ¿ im always curious of how the celebs get a smooth skin . i know makeup does the tricks ... but they must hav done something like laser or spa ...if they hav fillers or botox isnt it their face look different when they have a second touchup¿ in my opinion i don really like bk hosp. hehe because i sent them an email for their advices but they insisted to ask me visit their hosp . im interested in cinderella clinic but i cant find their email address fr their official website.
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sorry, I don't ^^;; I know which clinics are good/bad and for some clinics I know their style but I know so little about noses myself... I need to learn more ^^;; I always ask questions here, learn new things... I concentrate so much on eyes and the rest of the face, I know too little about the nose :biggrin: it is always said nose surgery is the hardest surgery... but I see so many good noses and they all look the same and I like that look so I always just think "okay I will get the standard nose" haha :biggrin: I know Wang Ting specializes in rib graft but I don't know anyone else... sorry... dr Jung is not good for rhino! Please stay away... hope that helps ^^
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big clinics like cinderella have no problem with english... can you allow me to pm you? I will send you their email ^^
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I don't know that much about rhinoplasty because I think the "standard Korean nose after PS" looks good so I don't look for too many clinics for that because I don't look for "natural" or "subtle" anyway ^^;; I have one suggestion but I would like to PM it because I'm not sure about it... you would have to contact the clinic yourself and see if I got it right or if I made a mistake ^^ that's why I won't post it here so I don't give anyone wrong information by accident... I'm getting a lot done I think, but I will also see what the doctors say... if they say "you don't need all of that" then I will have less if I agree ^^
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you really need to do your research... ^^;;

Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad I can help people ^^ I don't know other clinics but I have seen amazing results from View, the doctor who did the surgeries left and founded his on clinic DA PS but from what I know he's very good so I think it's also safe although it's a PS clinic and not a dental clinic ^^;; PSP mentioned White clinic, I don't have the contact info but it's a dental clinic as well~ yes I read about those as well, the one girl who couldn't stop crying had her 2-jaw at ID, she killed herself, it was in the news... so sad...
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