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Korean PS terms, updated list

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안검 형성 = blepharoplasty
안검 하수 = ptosis (correction)
보형물 = implant, prosthetic
애교살 = aegyosal
눈 = eye
눈수술 = eye surgery

이마 = brow, forehead
이마보형물 = forehead implant
얼굴 성형술, 외부 개장, 모델 변경 = facelift (3 different words, all mean facelift)
안면 신경 facial nerve
안면윤곽 (수술) = facial contouring (surgery)
안면 = face, facial
(얼굴 = face)

광대뼈 = zygoma
광대축소 (수술) = zygoma reduction (surgery)

치과(의학), 구강외과(학) = dental surgery
상악과 = maxillo-
상악과 하악의 악궁 및 안면에 관한 = maxillofacial

수술 = surgery
사각턱수술 = square jaw surgery
V-line턱끝수술=V-line chin surgery
(사각턱수술+V-line수술)=both (can also be called V-line) ^^
(아래턱 윤곽 = jaw line)
(특히)아래, 턱 = jaw(bone)
아래윤곽 = jaw contouring)

융비술 = rhino
코의 미용성형 = "nose job"
코수술=nose surgery,rhino,nosejob
코 = nose
코수술교정 = revisional rp
교정 = revision(al)

실리콘(을)= silicone

지방흡입수술 = liposuction
지방=fat/adipose tissue

사실은 성형수술을 좀 했어. = "Actually, I've had some/a little PS done."

성형외과 의사 Plastic Surgeon
성형외과 (成形外科) plastic surgery
콤바인 할인 = "combined discount"

그 의사는 성형외과 전문의이다.
The doctor DOES faces.(=specializes in facial plastic surgery)

100만 = million (100xten thousand)
100만원= 1M won (remember... Asian counting in wan/man/... not western counting in thousands and millions ^_^ )

weekdays: monday: wul-yuh-il월요일
tuesday: hwa-yuh-il 화요일
wednesday: su-yuh-il 수요일
thursday: muh-gyuh-il 목요일
friday: geum-yuh-il 금요일
saturday: toe-yuh-il 토요일
sunday: il-yuh 일요(일)

한국어 =korean language

안녕하세요? = hello, hi, good day (greeting, polite)

상담원 = counselor (can mean consultant?)
술전 = before surgery (usually under "before" pictures)
비용 = price
비용요? = prices? / what is the price? (a short way to inform you're asking for prices, use it in email subject line for example)
거래, 협정 deal
값을 깎다 = haggle
안댐. . = not okay... (if you offer a lower price/are haggling for example)
아니요 = no
...얼마입니까? =...are(cost) how much?

(on websites)
삭제 = delete (your post etc)
목록 = list
수정 = modify

대단한 = spectacular
입니다 = is
없다 = to not be/exist
아니다 = not/is not (negative of 입니다)
A 는 B입니다 = A is not B

어디야 = where are you? [어디 = where]
지금 = right now/actually/currently
정말 = really/very

이상하다 = to be abnormal/strange/unusual

멘붕 = slang for mental breakdown


는 passive form
-에서 =from
-이 = in
미스터 = tell
말하다=tell please

한국어를 잘 하려면, 연습을 많이 해야 돼요.
을/를 = object particle
잘 = well
하다 = to do
연습을 하다/연습하다 = to practice [연습 = practice]

-아/어/여 보다 = to try to (do something)
보다 = to see
If used with past tense conjugation [conjugate 보다 to 봤어(요)], it shows experience or that you have done or tried something beforehand.
저는 한국에 가 봤어요. = I have been to Korea.

맞다 = to be right/correct
맞아요 = (It’s) right/correct.
틀리다 = to be wrong/incorrect/mistaken
틀려요 = (It’s) wrong/incorrect/a mistake.
아무 문제 없어요. = No Problem.
문제 = problem
없다 = to not be/exist

성형 =PS
성형외과 = PS Clinic

http://dic.impact.pe.kr/ <--- dictionary!
http://amberimnida.tumblr.com/ <--- blog for learning korean!

"example email... 1st line hello, 2nd line i saw your results on naver, they looked amazing
3rd line can you tell me...
4th line (v-line, rhino, rev rp, aegyo, v+z(jawcont+zyg(combined discount)) *clinic name* how much cost? ^_^

that means... "hello ^^
your results on naver were impressive... ^^
can you please tell me...
how much (the listed procedures) cost at BeFor Clinic? ^_^

Feel free to copy... after english in parenthesis is the korean name of the operation... replace these with the ops you want to ask about... you can remove any line you feel you don't need... like the compliment about naver ^^

&#50504;&#45397;&#54616;&#49464;&#50836;? ^^
&#44208;&#44284; naver&#51060; &#45824;&#45800;&#54620; &#51077;&#45768;&#45796;... ^^
v-line(&#50500;&#47000;&#50980;&#44285;),zygoma(&#44305;&#45824;&#48904; ),rhinoplasty(&#50997;&#48708;&#49696;), revisional rhinoplasty (&#53076;&#49688;&#49696;&#44368;&#51221;), aegyosal( &#50528;&#44368;&#49332;) &#44536;&#47532;&#44256; v-line+zygoma (&#50500;&#47000;&#50980;&#44285; + &#44305;&#45824;&#48904; (&#53092;&#48148;&#51064; &#54624;&#51064;)) *&#48708;&#54252; &#49457;&#54805;&#50808;&#44284;&#51060;* &#50620;&#47560;&#51077;&#45768;&#44620;? ^_^ "


Below a list posted by marir (I think) with Korean phrases

&#50864;&#50752; &#45336; &#51060;&#48848;&#50836; ^ ^ Wow your eyes look nice
&#45576; &#50612;&#46356;&#49436; &#54616;&#49888;&#44144;&#50640;&#50836;? Where did you get surgery?
&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619; Hahaha or LOL
&#48337;&#50896;&#51221;&#48372; &#51328; &#50508;&#49688; &#51080;&#51012;&#44620;&#50836;? Could you let me know which hospital you went to?
&#44048;&#49324;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796; ^^ Thank you
&#45576; &#51652;&#51676; &#51088;&#50672;&#49828;&#47084;&#50892;&#50689; &#12619; Real natural eye
&#49688;&#49696; &#51221;&#47568; &#51096;&#46104;&#49512;&#45348;&#50836;~ &#48512;&#47101;&#44256;, &#52629;&#54616;&#46300;&#47140;&#50836;~ Congratulations on the surgery. It
&#48337;&#50896;&#51221;&#48372; &#50508; &#49688; &#51080;&#51012;&#44620;&#50836;? Went well. Jealous. Hospital info?
&#50864;&#50752; &#45576; &#51221;&#47568; &#51096; &#46104;&#49888;&#44144; &#44057;&#50500;&#50836; &#45320;&#47924; &#51060;&#49100;&#50857;!! Wow I think your eyes are going really well!!
&#51204;.&#54980; &#49324;&#51652; &#48708;&#44368;&#49399;! Before & After photos comparison shot
&#51088;&#50672;&#49828;&#47084;&#50864;&#47732;&#49436;&#46020; &#50724;&#46609;&#54620;&#44172; &#45320;&#47924; &#51060;&#48848;&#50836; ^^ Natural & straighter too – very nice^^
&#50864;&#50752; &#45336; &#51060;&#48848;&#50836; ^ ^ &#45576; &#50612;&#46356;&#49436; &#54616;&#49888;&#44144;&#50640;&#50836;? Wow your eyes look nice. Where did you go?


More Grammar:

Possessive - &#51032;


&#9679; Add &#51032; to a noun. (Note: mainly used in a written form)


&#45208; + &#51032; &#8594; &#45208;&#51032; = my
&#45320; + &#51032; &#8594; &#45320;&#51032; = your
&#44536; + &#51032; &#8594; &#44536;&#51032; = his
&#44536;&#45376; + &#51032; &#8594; &#44536;&#45376;&#51032; = her

However, in most spoken Korean, they are simplified for easier pronunciation.


&#45208;&#51032; &#8594; &#45236;
&#45320;&#51032; &#8594; &#45348; (pronounced &#45768;)
&#44536;&#51032;/&#44536;&#45376;&#51032; &#8594; &#51172;,&#44116; (not commonly used)
&#45572;&#44032;(who) &#8594; &#45572;&#44396; (whose)

For all possessives, only &#45236; and &#45348;(&#45768;) are commonly used in spoken Korean. In most cases &#51032; is omitted.


My car = &#45236; &#52264;
Your shoes = &#45348; &#49888;&#48156; (pronounced &#45768; &#49888;&#48156;)
Michael's car = &#47560;&#51060;&#53364;&#51032; &#51088;&#46041;&#52264; (written form) or &#47560;&#51060;&#53364; &#52264; (spoken form)

Notice that &#51032; has been omitted, and &#51088;&#46041;&#52264; has been simplified to &#52264;.

&#45572;&#44396; &#52264;&#50556;? (Whose car is it?)
&#47560;&#51060;&#53364; (&#52264;) (You can either answer by saying &#47560;&#51060;&#53364; or &#47560;&#51060;&#53364; &#52264;)

In spoken Korean, 'he/she' or 'his/her' are rarely (almost never) used. Instead, his/her name is addressed as a subject in a first sentence, and then omitted for sentences following. This is the same for possessive forms. Instead of 'his/her', 'Michael's/Lisa's' are used.


Lisa's friend1: &#47532;&#49324; &#44032;&#48169; &#51652;&#51676; &#50696;&#48848;. (Lisa's handbag is really pretty)
Lisa's friend2: &#51652;&#51676;? &#45208;&#46020; &#44536;&#44144; &#49324;&#44256; &#49910;&#45796;. (Really? I, too, want to buy that)

Another thing to note is that &#45348; is attached to a personal name if a noun being possessed is a group/organisation. (Spoken Form)

Lisa's friend1: &#47532;&#49324;&#45348; &#51665; &#51652;&#51676; &#52964; (Lisa's house is really big)
Lisa's friend2: &#47532;&#49324;&#45348; &#54617;&#44368;&#46020; &#52964;. (Lisa's school, too, is big)


to look like, to seem like / – &#44057;&#50500;&#50836;

A&#44032; B&#46993; &#44057;&#50500;&#50836;. same as
A&#46993; B&#46993; &#44057;&#50500;&#50836;. same as
A&#46993; B&#46993; &#48708;&#49847;&#54644;&#50836;. similar to
A&#44032; B&#46993; &#48708;&#49847;&#54644;&#50836;. similar to

&#44032;/&#51060; and (&#51060;)&#46993;/&#54616;&#44256; interchangeable in most cases.

Notice they give examples like
&#52964;&#54588; &#44057;&#50500;&#50836;. [keo-pi ga-ta-yo] = It’s like coffee.
They add “it” which in Korean dropped, because it known from previous topic.
It’s actually written: &#51060;&#44148; &#52964;&#54588;&#44032; &#44057;&#50500;&#50836;
They even say &#52964;&#54588;&#44032; but write &#52964;&#54588;.

If you want to say A is similar you can say
“A&#44032; &#48708;&#49847;&#54644;&#50836;.” But it’s incomplete, unless you talked about B before. So you compare it B.

PS Example: Is Dr. Yoo's v-line like Dr. Han's V-line?
&#50976;&#49440;&#49373;&#51032; v-line&#44032; &#54620;&#49440;&#49373;&#51032; v-line&#46993; &#44057;&#50500;&#44620;?
or &#50976;&#50808;&#44284; &#51032;&#49324;&#51032; v-line&#44032; &#54620;&#50808;&#44284; &#51032;&#49324;&#51032; v-line&#46993; &#44057;&#50500;&#44620;? (if you want to say surgeon instead of dr)
Hope this helps you along ^^
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Thank you so much! You are so nice, and I think these are helpful!:woohoo:
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omg Shinyglittery

You are amazing

I see a lot of your informative postings

you did a lot of work for everyone who is looking to have plastic surgery in korea

thank you so much
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^_^ I'm happy to make others happy... I love helping people! i hope i can insprire others to learn a little korean... helps you a lot! english/chinese will only get you so far!
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