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Sharing experience: Dr Jung from Shimmian

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Hi all,

I would like to share with you all on this crucial information I found about Dr Jung from Shimmian. I hope this will help you all in making better decision.
I am glad to be able to help in any way possible. =)

So here goes from TOWNSTORY from Purse:

to the people who is considering Dr Jung
Dear all, I am not sure how many people remember me here now, I was very active in last couple months, then I was silent for a while. If anyone is interested, please click my name and check my previous posts for my whole story.

I am a Chinese girl living in Australia, I used L shape silicone implants for my first nose job in 1997. The result was good and I can see the great improvement in my nose, but then in 2008 I started to feel painful in my tip area. Did not want to bare the risk of protruding implant, I rushed myself into an Australian Plastic Surgeon (who is from Korea). Unfortunately, my nose was contracted a bit during years because of the silicone and this surgeon did not consider this condition and put Gore-Tex in my nose, as you can imagine, it was crooked badly. I was so depressed, so a week later, the surgeon decided to operate on me again. This time my nose turns out a lot nicer and I was happy with it, but one and half year later after the surgery, the Gore-Tex moved and my tip area (used ear cartilage)is separated from the Gore-Tex, so there was a line breaking through my thin skin and I can see my nose as two separate parts.

I went back to my previous surgeon and asked him to give me a solution, he sent me to Korea to Dr Jung. He said that is his teacher and he will do a good job on me, since my nose is very hard to operate for him. Until now, I was not happy about this surgeon's result, but I was really touched by his after care, no matter how many troubles that I have to go through, he was always there to give me a bit of support. So my conclusion to this doctor is he is a very kind doctor with a good heart but he needs more experience in cosmetic surgery area.

This year in March, I decided to make my Korean trip, I took six weeks off work and made my managements extremely unhappy about me. But at that time, I had a dream to have a perfect nose and I could not care less. On 9th March 2010 I went to Dr Jung's clinic, it was a very small clinic in an old building with an extremely small lift. There were a few other girls in the waiting room, but they are all from China and said they want to have nose job in Korea by the most famous Dr in Korea. I was in the waiting room for about one and half hour, and I did not see a single Korean girl came by. Finally I got to have the consultation with Dr Jung. He was smiling and looks nice at the beginning. Then during our consultation, he did not go through things carefully with me, I felt he was very rushed. I explained my situation and asked him to do a good job on me, coz I really did not want it to be failed again. He pointed out that my nostrils are extremely uneven, so I need a procedure to cut both of my nostrils to even them up. I did not agree on that procedure, which I can clearly tell that he was not too impressed by it. When I asked about the material to be used, he said Gore-Tex is the best. At that time, I actually kind of set my mind to Rib Cartilage, but how lucky, I did not insisted to go with rib with him. About five minutes of our consultation, he stood up and said he has to go. So my first impression to him: Very commercial doctor, not famous in Korea at all, but good at making his reputation overseas. Since my surgery cost will be covered by my previous surgeon, I felt that he knows that I will not have a second choice of the Dr and he just did not care about me at all.

My surgery was scheduled the same day in the afternoon, and when I entered the surgery room, I saw about ten Chinese Doctors standing there and the nurse explained that they are here to study and learn from Dr Jung. After my surgery I was lucky enough to talk to one of the Chinese Doctors, he told me they paid really high tuition fee to Dr Jung to come for a two days' "hands -on" course and he will give them a certificate to hang on their clinic's to prove that they are qualified. What'd hell is this? From this behavior, we can see that he can achieve two results at the same time. First make more money by doing this: second, build his reputation in China and make people think that he is the best doctor in Korea. He just did not care about whether those doctors are truly qualified for the plastic surgery, as long as they pay the money; they will have the certificate from him. This is kind of funny, as he is an ENT doctor and not a plastic surgeon.

In the surgery room, I felt very stressed, as you can imagine, more than ten people were standing around you, and they were breathing and talking, so poor me have to bare a much higher risk of infection. After about one and half hour later, my surgery is finished and he woke me up and the nurses helped me into the recovery room. In there I took a small rest and then they asked me to walk back to my hotel.

I was not happy about Dr Jung's way of operating his clinic by then, but worse things are just yet to come. The after care service in his clinic was extremely poor, I did not get to see the doctor much, it was always a nurse helped me with my dressing and so forth. I can only see him if I have a good reason and keep on begging the nurse that I want to see him. I thought he should check my nose each time I go to the clinic to make sure everything is ok, but it did not happen at all. Then the nurse told me to massage my nose, which is squeeze the implant in to help desawallen. Without much consideration, I started to massage my nose 20 times a day per nurse's instruction.

Two days after the massage, I noticed that my nose become narrower and I can clearly see a line around my implants at the right side of my nose. I was very concerned and worried, I rushed myself to the clinic and asked for help. Dr Jung checked it for around one second and said, “I can't do anything right now, you have to wait for another half year to see the result and do the revision". I could not help crying in front of him, but he just stood up and asked me to go back to my hotel. I came back to hotel with great depression and disappointment. Each time I woke up at that night, I couldn't help crying. I believe each single ppl who had nose job before will understand me, having one botched nose job was enough stress to put on, and I have to go through that kind of stress and depress for three more times.

On the day when I supposed to go back to Australia, I went into his clinic to ask for a final confirmation and check up. When I came in, he saw me and he left me on the treatment chair, without greeting me or anything, he started to brush his teeth in front of a sink in the same treatment room. There was awkward silence in that room, and he was really taking his time to clean up his own teeth. I considered this behavior is extremely arrogant. If only he has ever had a heart for his patient, he should understand their feelings and give their consultation priority to his own teeth.

As you can imagine, he did not tell me what to do again rather just told me to wait. By then I knew that no matter how much I hated it, I have to go through for another revision, when I asked him what kind of material that he has used, he told me that he used Gore-Tex and my ear cartilage. I found out now after another surgery, that he used donated rib cartilage without discussing with me. What happened is half year later, the donated rib cartilage filled area got fully absorbed and my nose is more deviated.

This is actually the first time I decide to post my experience with him to the everyone in this forum. As a girl who has went through so many nose jobs, I fully understand how important it is to choose the right doctor. I hope my post will warn anyone who is interested in Dr Jung, please just remember: First he is not a plastic surgery doctor, he is ENT and his cosmetic result is very limited. Second, he is a good in making himself famous in overseas, but he is really nothing in local Korean area. Third, he is very money driven and he does not provide good after care and all in all, he doesn't care about his patients at all.
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Kiki, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience, it sounds very traumatic for you, and something you shouldn't have gone through. I hope you are okay. I'm from Australia as well, and this is one of the things that worries me about going overseas. We are so strict about ensuring appropriate qualifications, aftercare and fixing up botched surgeries.

What are you planning to do, go back to someone different or find someone here? That's the main problem though, I don't think Aussie doctors are as skilful on Asian faces.
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I think there are a fair bit of negative reviews if dr Jung online. One lady complained of a terrible infection.
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Thanks for sharing the experience, xkiki. My friend is in Seoul now for consultation. I've told her to be careful of this clinic.

Hope you will find a suitable doctor. When are you planning for revision? Any doctor in mind?
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xKIKI didn't have surgery with "dr Jung"... she quoted another member of this forum

yes there are many negative reviews, even a blog dedicated to a bad experience by one patient... please read them :smile:
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  • 9 months later...
I just had my surgery with him a couple months agi, yes you are so true!!!!! Im upset with his attitude, but his managing director was the only nice person in that clinic. Yes he is an expert in rhinoplasty but he is very commercial, he concerned in making money rather than his customers satisfaction
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Angry to hear of existence of such doctors. A good p.surgeon should be busy without having to try and make money. And such a surgeon has enough TIME to consult u properly both before and after an op. Thank you sharing this information.
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ure right. they aren't unfortunately. Even my surgeon here advised me to go to Seoul for that very reason
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  • 5 months later...
First off I'm so sorry and feel bad to hear your bad experience with that doctor. I feel your frustration as I myself have gone through the nightmares of rhino revision. I have had my nose done 5 times. All failed surgeries from 3 different surgeons in the Philippines. The last surgeon who revised my nose got it all wrong. He was the one who operated my nose 3x. Its been now 10 years after my 5th revision yet the emotional scars stays with me. Now, I have a very small nose with deviated bridge(the surgeon used silicone implant to supposedly lift the bridge), so obvious giving me the appearance of having a really flat bridge and nosetrils so small (the cut them way too much)they are not matching my face, not in harmony with my profile.
I still feel very upset and depressed about this. Im still hoping to fix this and have a revision. But with who? Thats the problem, I need to find a good skilled and compassionate surgeon to revise my nose otherwise i just cant take a risk anymore. Im already very emotionally fragile because of all of my repetitive failed surgeries.
One thing for sure, I will NEVER ever go back to the last surgeon who performed the last 3 failed nosejobs on me. Thats my experience with Dr James Joaquino of Clinica Manila, New Life Plastic Surgery Centre. He ruined my nose and almost drove me into a serious depression. He has no concern, arrogant temperamental. He was a nightmare.Sadly I still am carrying his botched work.
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my gosh. I was about to confirm an appointment consult with shimmian. as the consultant yuki was quite pro active. however, when she emailed me the clinic website was actually appeal clinic website instead of shimmian. I replied her asking if shimmian and appeal is the same clinic. but have not get any reply from her.

did they change the clinic name already? I was puzzled.
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Hello Everyone,

I am sorry about your bad expérience with Dr Jung. I am from Belgium and had secondary rhinoplasty with him.

I have posted à very long review back in 2009. I had Goretex implant with ear cartilage for tip. He took so much time to answer my émails back then and I remember I came everyday because I was stressing out so much and I even made friends with one of the nurse from his clinic. I had actually 2 opérations with him. One without implant as I Didnt want to and the second one he did the opération for free when I changed my mind..as thé 1 st time I Didnt want the implant.

Now it is True that is an ENT rhinoplasty specialist and it is recommended because I couldnt breath after my very first rhinoplasty and he fixed that for me. It changed my life. Now it is True that he doesnt make as beautiful noses as other clinics I admire like in Cinderella, thé Line or Regen but it dépends on thé degree of difficulty of your rhinoplasty. If I have to do my first rhinoplasty I would have gone elsewhere. But to me and another Guy from Singapour Dr Jung was very Nice and I have a much better nose than before meeting him. I Didnt know any other ENT rhinoplasty specialist at that time in Korea and If ever you guys know anyone I ll be more than happy to have this information as I ll be in seoul in 2015

I know how difficult it is to search for a surgeon and hope you will find one who will exceed your expectations
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  • 2 months later...
Same for me here. Absolutely terrible experience with Dr. Jung. His clinic is only thinking about earning money. Once they operate you, they don't care you anymore. Before you pay they are kind, polite and answer to all your answers. Once you pay, completely different story. They don't answer to you anymore.
The clinic manager probably tells his employees too to ignore the unsatisfied patients. They basically tell you to come back to the clinic. But since most of their customers are foreigners, it's not that easy. Doctor, and Mr. Lee do not answer to your requests. And if you literally call the clinic, he will answer. If you request him you want to talk to the doctor he will keep telling you the doctor is busy or is on business trip. Any kind of dishonest excuses to not let you contact the doctor.
I had a bad experience with this doctor. The point was to fix a crooked nose, he didn't fix anything. Instead, nose remains crooked, with some weird humps on it. Very terrible experience.

Be ready that if once they operate you, you might take the risk of having ZERO after care except the medicine they give you and the recommendations about nose massage.

I think people need to be very careful by going to that clinic. The result is far from being the ones they show on their website. To me it seems like a misinformation and total dishonesty.
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