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Sharing experience: Dr Jung from Shimmian

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Just got a threatening message from their clinic, a man called M.Kim, he said his clinic will take legal actions if I don't remove my messages.
One thing they need to know is that our messages cannot be removed on forums like this. Another thing is that they ask to remove messages to get a refund, and if not remove then no refund. And then they threat by saying they will take legal actions...

So they are pushing to make us remove the messages and then make us hope that we can get a refund. But what if the messages get deleted and then we never hear about them again? it's a very tricky way of their so-called "negotiation".
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How is your nose? :smile:

Did he mention what kind of action he would take? First of all, can he take some kind of action? If there is an obvious botching I mean, plus if you are an international patient. Korean laws apply to foreigners? No, right?
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  • 3 months later...
my nose is not good... i can't breathe properly, it makes me dizzy, with health repercussions.
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  • 2 months later...
Hi there I am more worse than you , did you find a good doctor or not ?
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  • 2 months later...
no they proposed me to refund me some money if i delete the comments here... but i only want to discuss with doctor while they don't let me, they hired a guy to handle this, he is trying to "negotiate" but it's ridiculous.
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first of all I'm so sorry to hear your experience with Dr.jung .I cannot believe how he is so rude and not competent at all ... i think he is not DOCTOR... just someone who wanna earn money.
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i don't know about the doctor because they don't let me talk to him, however the way people manage the place seems really fishy.
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  • 4 weeks later...
The clinic proposed me some refunds for a surgery in other hospitals but under the following conditions by proposing me a "Letter of Agreement" :

"Shimmian Clinic understands that X has experienced that the surgery did not turn out as desired. Hence, Shimmian Clinic will be compensating as much as $XX for not having the desired results for the patient"
"X shall, upon signing of this Agreement, no longer post comments in the form of letters, pictures or videos on the World Wide Web or the internet regarding his experience with Shimmian after the compensation as mentioned"
"X shall also work cooperatively with Shimmian Clinic in taking down the negative posts he has uploaded regarding his experience in Shimmian and the posts will be deleted by the end of this year, 31 December 2017"
"When the terms above are not met, twice the compensation fee, as much as $XX, shall be refunded to Shimmian by X" so it means they destroyed my nose and then they even ask me to pay!!! what is that.
"Now, therefore, Shimmian and X do hereby mutually agree that compensation will be made at these terms. This agreement is legal and binding and will be put into effect as soon as both parties have signed it"

And the letter has been under name of Jay Lee.

Just be aware!
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Omg !!! So what will you do?? :amazed::amazed: Such inhuman practices:annoyed:

Also, what do they mean surgery in another hospital? Which hospital? Who will operate?
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I am so sorry for you. They are really bad clinic.
I have seen law firm that specialized in plastic surgery in Korea before. Maybe they are willing to help you.
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This clinic sounds like it conducts business like North Korea. They're not negotiating with you. They're dictating what they want you to do which is scam you to get twice as much you paid them for surgery! I can tell they mess up people's noses by the nature they conduct business. No ethical and competent doctor's office would operate like this. This doctor should have his license taken away for allowing such behavior. Look into that.
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If you don't know how to report this doctor the medical board where he's licensed in Korea, you can at least write a complaint about his office practices to the societies he is a member of. I encourage everyone who has had issues with this clinic to do the same. This doctor is a member of the following societies, which is not many societies for a plastic surgeon to belong to.

Korea Society of Aesthetic Surgery Convention

ASACS (Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery)
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thank you for the information! would you have any links for that?
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I don’t know if the doctor wrote fake associations on his website because he doesn’t belong to any. I couldn’t find the ones he referenced on his website that I wrote in my last post. However, I did find these associations which are close in name but different. You could contact them and ask if he’s a member. He may be trying to hide the associations he is a member of so patients don’t complain to them if he’s actually a member. Ask them for help as to who you can complain to if he’s a not a member there. Try to find all the facial plastic surgery associations in South Korea and complain, complain, complain. Spread awareness to professionals in the field. Also, find out where he advertises his classes to students (and possibly allows them to operate on patients for a fee) and share your experiences with students. As an aspiring doctor, I wouldn't want to associate with such an unethical clinic.

The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

[email protected]

Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society (AFPSS)

[email protected]
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