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Sharing experience: Dr Jung from Shimmian

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Has anyone had surgery with Dr. Chang of Shimmian? I've already booked my plane ticket for Seoul to have a consultation and surgery with Dr. Jung for a revision rhinoplasty, but after reading all these negative posts, I'm very worried about having surgery with him.
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If I can objectively contribute to this forum and help people considering to have a nose surgery I will.

After the surgery at Shimmian, the doctor looked at the nose and said it's a success. But I could clearly see that when Mr. Lee seen it I could see on his face it was not.

One thing that is really bothersome is that Mr. Lee always stays next to you when you are talking to the Dr. so don't expect any privacy with the Dr.

My nose ended up being crooked and not symmetric. The tip is not right in the middle as well. As far as for the breathing, which is something I told them to check, it didn't improve at all. It even got worse. When I told them about that, first of all Mr. Lee will categorically refuse to let you talk with Dr. Jung. He is not a Doctor but he allows himself to answer you as if he had the competency of a Doctor. As far as nose questions come, he just tells me to come back to clinic and have an appointment again. But before surgery, surprisingly he would answer to any questions by email. Doctor as well would answer by email and evaluate pictures. After surgery, once I told them my breathing got worse, the only thing Mr. Lee found to tell me is to check with a local ENT doctor. So it means they completely consider themselves not responsible for the consequence of the surgery. They deny any responsibility.

As far as the result of the surgery I am not happy with it. My point of going there was to straighten my nose, but it ended up by being crooked anyway.

As far as from current emails request to the clinic, there is almost no answers at all. If there is an answer, Mr. Lee would just say that I have to go back to the clinic. So don't expect any evaluations by e-mail, it's useless. The way this clinic deals with patients is just terrible. Be aware of this because it's what we can call as a black-hearted business. They care only money, but if the result is not what you expect, they will not provide you with the follow-up you need, especially deliberately knowing that the patient has been depressed about the result (you can just imagine your face not being as attractive as it used to be, and just take it as it is from now). They will just tell you to come back to the clinic, and this perfectly knowing that most of their patients live abroad and are not able to go to Korea for a clinic-visit.

Hope I have been helpful in giving an objective evaluation about a clinic that has been a very bad experience for me. I'm really disappointed i have been there. But of course, time-machine doesn't exist so... at least letting others know about it might help a little.

Take care everyone!
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Sorry to hear about your terrible experience. I can't believe some of these clinics!

About the breathing issue- do you have difficulty breathing through your nose or just in general? After I came back to the states, I had difficulty breathing in general so I went to see a doctor. I was given anti-anxiety pills to take for about 2-3 weeks and I feel normal now.
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Hi,Iam having a big problem too with this doctor you mentioned.If you can send me a message pls.do so.I have a few questions to you.Thanks.
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Sorry to hear those who had terrible nose job result and bad service with dr jung. After reading your experiences, I decide to cross shimmian out of my clinic list. Thank you all for the sharing.
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In my case I do not think it is due to panic issues or something. Only my left nostril does not properly breathe. The right one has a good air flow. And the doctor did clearly say that he helped me to fix my breathing issues.
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Hi to all.Iam also a victim of this clinic and planning to sue them.what kiki said is exactly the same treatment that I got from them.and what left to me now is a crooked nose,uneven nostrils and more.We maybe signed an agreement before the surgery,but after what we have experienced,and the results...we can invoke our rights and have this clinic learn their lessons.What they are doing is unethical ang against the human rights.I also read so many people at different websites telling their horrible experience and result.If we people,sue this clinic ..we can even have the best lawyer in SK.All is just in the power of sharing.In any absence of any member during trials..we can have an atty.in fact for that.
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I totally agree with you. This clinic, its doctors and management need to be sued! I had exactly the same thoughts as you about suing them. I once even tried to add M. Lee on WeChat or other chat apps. This guy will block you! and change his id !!! Or when you call him he will pretend he can't hear you well after you tell him who you are!! before you tell him he surprisingly can hear you very well haha it's really amazing... and when you try to add other workers of the clinic they will also block you by first telling you that you need to visit the clinic again... they are extremely dishonest and really deserve to be punished by the law.

Another thing I read about them is that once they put you asleep, they will actually let their Chinese interns doing surgery on you to let them practice!!!! but since you are asleep there is no way you can be sure if yes or not it's true. But it wouldn't surprise me that this clinic would do such evil things. Seriously it wouldn't surprise me...
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What is the name of Dr Jungs clinic?
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The name of Dr. Jung's clinic is Shimmian Clinic. He or his students botched my nose. I know a student stitched up my columella incision. Maybe that's why I have an unsightly wide and indented scar that I need revised. It's good that the poster didn't let Dr. Jung touch her nostrils. He thought my nostrils were too small and recommended enlarging them, but I ended up with two uneven sized and shaped nostrils. First, he made my tip way too long with rib graft, then he made it way too short. I wish I kept my tip way too long and looked like ab freak until I could get it later revised by a skilled doctor. Although he said he could use ear cartilage to fix my nose, he ended up cutting my chest open for a rib graft that I never consented to. Before surgery, I was asked to skip over the rib consent forms since it didn't apply to me. I know what others mean when they said they cried when they saw their nose. I also know what you mean about Mr. Lee (Dr. Jung's Business Manager) not giving you a chance to speak to Dr. Jung. My advice is to bring a translator with you and kick Mr. Lee out of the room...but don't bother visiting this clinic at all. He gave Dr. Jung faulty instructions or maybe Dr. Jung got it mixed it up himself. But, he tells Dr. Jung it's all your fault. It also seems that he tells Dr. Jung things to make him mad at you to make him want to mess up your nose even more. Since he told me that he hates Americans, I would't be surprised if he told Dr. Jung that I hated Koreans. Whatever he told Dr. Jung when I was crying about my long and droopy tip, Dr. Jung gave me a look of hate instead of a look of sympathy and said, "You wanted an ugly nose so I gave you one." And Mr. Lee wouldn't let me leave the clinic until he recorded my voice on his phone stating that I consented to a rib graft before surgery. THIS WAS AFTER MY SURGERY. Of course, I refused to state it because it was a lie. He said he would tell Dr. Jung not to do my revision surgery unless I said it. Fortunately, a student walked by. Then, Mr. Lee asked the student to tell me to confirm that I consented to a rib graft. I said, "I told Dr. Jung before my surgery I didn't want a rib graft because there were too many risks." When the student responded, "There aren't any risks with rib grafts," Mr. Lee stopped recording. Not only this, but they don't sanitize their dirty instruments so I developed a deadly bacteria infection that another patient also developed. Despite that I requested them to try to find the source of the deadly bacteria in their instruments, they refused blaming the infection on me. Overall, this is a very scary clinic to deal with. I don't know if Koreans hate Americans like Mr. Lee, but I felt very hated there. He's a poor spokesperson for international relations. He told me he has a degree in marketing from the USA, but he came back to Korea because he hates America. I see how he uses sales from his marketing degree to sell surgeries. Although he said my before nose was so ugly, it was much better than what I have now.

Mr. Lee also committed credit card fraud. I filed a merchant dispute because I prepaid $1000 for Alloderm, which was not used. However, Mr. Lee asked one of the students to write that I prepaid for rib graft. He knew what he was doing was illegal so he asked a student to do it for him. My credit card company just saw the receipt for $1000 that I prepaid so they didn't know what happened, and I had to pay Shimmian for Alloderm that was not used.
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Are you kidding me?!? He told you that you wanted an ugly nose so he gave one to you?! WTH that's like a horror movie....

In my case I had two surgeries by him. It was to fix a crooked nose... first surgery and nose got crooked... then i had a revision and the result was crooked again and with some weird hump on the down cartilage side of the nose... The nose tip is deviated also because of him... and last thing is my breathing got worse... while i hoped he could fix my breathing.

I feel my nose is very hard inside now... feeling uncomfortable.

Please let me know if you can successfully contact them... because in my case they ignore any requests and this i am sure is done on purpose.
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It was like a horror movie.

My breathing is also much worse and my tip/columella feels so hard and stiff after surgery with him.

They ignore you after you have problems after surgery. But, I wouldn't want to go back to him for a revision since he just creates more problems than you had.
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Your story is really shocking... I'm sorry to hear what happened to you there. If I knew they had such evil practices I would never go to this clinic.

I'm surprised how come they are still able to legally pursue their business. The thing I read about they took a rib graft without asking is really shocking...
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It is not only taking rib graft without my permission. Because the doctor messed up my nose with rib graft, it is much harder for other doctors to fix it now than without rib grafts. I still have pain in my rib years later so something was not done right with the rib grafting technique as well. I also had to get the unsightly chest scar revised.
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