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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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My friend did her nose in JW and went with docfinderkorea. I think you can also ask more information from
Docfinderkorea too. For my case, I went banobagi to have my jaw revision. But I heard JW dr Suh did good jobs with nose also, my frd was recovered already, her nose looked very naturally and nice. She didn't want dramatic nose, and the result came out well:smile: I don't have kakao tho, but I think you can contact docfinderkorea to know more about dr suh or jw:smile:
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I've been here for a while but Docfinder seems like having cooperation with Banobagi. fishyyy.... but I don't know much about nose job in JW :smile:
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This is regarding my previous post! JW offered me a revision with a discount (3500USD- ) i'm going to remove the silicone implant as it is crooked and my nose is red :sad: i guess i'm in that unlucky group where there's an intolerance to foreign bodies! not gonna raise the bridge again ; just a tip plasty to balance it out with the bridge! I'm gonna go for it in November! fingers crossed !
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Is your nose red because of an infection or because your body just doesn't tolerate the implant?

Can't they use your ear cartilage from your other ear and septal cartilage to raise your bridge? So basically you are just going to remove the implant and shorten the tip so it matches the lower bridge?
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I don't think i have any septal cartilage left! and they don't use ear cartilage for the bridge.. just the dermofat and rib.. i just can't tolerate another surgery after this, as above mentioned cartilages can also cause complications
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Hello. I mean docfinderkorea also cooperate with JW(as I used them before, JW was in their list). And there are before and after pictures in the clinic's website also. Btw, when are you planning to go Korea to have surgery? Hahaaa. As I also there are so many clinics in Korea, it's too hard to find the best one tho. But you can research about the comments online or ask advice from agency like docfinderkorea. Hope my information can help you:smile:
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Hi, OliviaCom :smile:
May I ask you how much your friend paid at JW for the nose job with Docfinder? As I heard JW is very expensive.
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Hi kkp1994

I'm planning to go to korea this November and have a consultation booked with dr Suh. I'm worried now after reading your post..
How can it be crooked? Was the silicone implant not being placed properly?
Are you going back to fix it? All the best
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Hi, when i asked the dr. said my nasal bones are asymmetrical so that's why it looks that crooked . . but, dr.Suh did the osteotomy as well..if it's crooked it's also because of his fault ! but when i palpate the implant it feels deviated as well.. Dr.Suh is a good doctor ! but he does few deviated silicone nose jobs.. i'm not the first..
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Thanks kkp1994 for replying.. I'm back to point zero now. I was almost certain that I'm going to do my rhino with dr Suh and I'm having my doubt now.

I have consultations booked with dr Suh this November and also dr Choi for DES and dr Seul for fat grafting
Anyone cares to share their experiences with those doctors?
Is dr choi better than dr kang for DES?
I know there's another forumer mybeautyjourney who did her eyes and fat grafting with dr kang. Is it better to do 2 procedures with the same doctor or is it better to do DES with dr choi and fat grafting with dr Seul..
Or do you guys have any recommendations for rhino and DES?
Nov is getting close and I'm already anxious :sad:
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  • 2 months later...
Good day all
I did my nose and eyes with JW 2 years back. Results ok, eventhou I didnt heal that well. I have the keloid at one side of my nose, eventhou not that obvious, I still think it can be done better.
Service was really so-so, my 5 cents advice after reading from many forums is, pick jenny or emily as your translator. I didnt get them as mine, therefore my experience wasnt that good as compared to many others.
Both Doc Suh n Doc Choi are nice docs, but due to their tight schedule, you might only have very little time with them.
I spent almost sgd13k for all my surgeries, but I didnt get any pick up / send off airport services, they didnt offer any hair wash service for me (I thick skin, i ask and they reluctantly wash for me wearing rubber gloves!!! the feeling sucks cos the fiction feeling is terrible!!) let alone spa, or help to order food to your hotel.
I knew that there might be a little infection on the left side of my nose but they dont seem to be bothered that much, they did give me some antibiotic cream to apply, but other than that, they didnt really show much concern abt it. That soon became a keloid. i had 3 steroid injections done but still... it didnt disappear. it just keeps re-appearing.
So ladies, must take note of all the side effects and be prepared that there is a chance for keloid to appear eventhou chances are slim.
I am definitely 100 per cent better looking than before, above is just my experience that i want to share. hope it will help.
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You try to contact the Korean Consumer agency with your case to see what you can do at http://english.kca.go.kr/index.do they have an English line, perhaps they can give you advice. Good luck!
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