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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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I saw you also posted about going to Banobagi for V-line+Rhino. I think both clinics are fine, they both have good reviews (just make sure you consult with the head surgeons!) but it comes down to your consultation, how well you think the doctor understands what you want & how comfortable you feel with your doctor :smile:
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Hey guys! I'm new to posting in forums. I'm thinking of travelling to Korea this July for rhinoplasty and most likely advance genioplasty (as recommended by 2 surgeons I inquired with) .. anyone here getting procedures this July? Never really considered JW but after reading this thread, I think I wanna give it a shot. Also, if you guys can add me on kakao, it would be great! Would like to hear experiences/thoughts/advice from you guys.. my kakao is mxm027
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Hi I am also going in July and interested in eye revision , rhino tip Plasty end under bag removal
I'm starting my research now
If you know of any kakao forum, please let me know
Thank you
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I'm on/off researching because I have 5 exams coming! yikes.... Anyway, do you have a shortlist of clinics/surgeons? I currently have 5..

Also, I don't know any kakao forum yet but there's this lovely girl named Michelle who added me. She arrived in Korea today and I'm watching her journey on snapchat ;) She's very cool and replies really fast.. Hope her surgeries will be a success!
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Ooooh I love you!!! :heart: good luck on your exams!!!! I have my first consultation today ^^ I'll keep you updated.
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Good luck on your exams!
I've been really busy with work so I Haven't had a chance to look into much. I hope to do this in the next couple of weeks
I sent you a message
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OMG heeey! Just saw your snap..you're in Banobagi! Hope everything goes well and will wait for your update!
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Thank you! My first one is tomorrow...very nervous and not prepared at all..just hoping for the best!

Replied to your message ;) ....OMG..added someone with a very similar kakao ID as yours..and it was a guy! Started talking to him and he just kept replying with a question mark.... lol :lol::lol::lol:
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Hello! Which Doctor did your eyes? Which eye procedure did you have done and do you like the result?
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I'm going to do my EYEs @ JW soon

Epi & Lateral canthoplasty :smile:

Has anyone done it & could share their experience & results?

Humbly asking people who've done it to spend some time educating me:smile:

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I'm looking to do revision rhinoplasty(again), paranasal implant, chin implant (or whatever they recommend for a less obvious double chin). I went to Korea last year and had rhinoplasty revision but I am still not satisfied. I hope this will be my last revision. I'm thinking of consulting Dream, Top Class, Lamiche, and JW. I will be staying in Gangnam for 3 weeks. If anybody have gotten their noses done at any of these places please tell me more and it would be super helpful if you can provide your before and after pictures! I want a higher nose bridge, defined tip, and oval nostrils instead of circular lol. Thanks in advance!
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I'm looking into JW too, along with Banobagi & ID :smile:
I'm planning to do Epi & Lateral Canthoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Alarplasty & Zygoma reduction.

Where did you go for your prior surgeries? Do you mind sharing your upcoming experience with your revision when the time comes? :smile:
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