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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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Hi, I will try to explain a bit
So I got the receipt and it already had my name written on it. When i went back to the airport, the driver who take me there was the one taking care of it (bless him :P), the first part anyway. So i didn't really understand what he did but he just ask for my passport and the receipt then go talk to the lady on the tax refund counter. Then he go back and gave the receipt and passport back with a little paper that show us where to take the cash, i take mine in gate 41. He told us to take the refund there.

In the gate 41, there is 2 counter. The first one using like an atm machine. I took mine there with the help of the lady who sit in front of the machine. The second one is like a real counter, but i didn't queue in there so i didn't know whats the different. It look more crowded though.

I think thats all i can share, i hope that helps :smile:
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That is so helpful thank you! :biggrin: I will make sure to take all this information before I leave. It's 7% of the VAT on the surgery then? :smile: ^^
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hi,add my kakao fera 087867385589,i will sent you b&a photos,i email jw n jay reply me at first,but after arrived at jw jenni showed up ,i dunno why too,i did eyelid n fatgraft btw
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Hi i m choosing betweem banabogi and Jw for my double eyelid and rhinoplasty. Dun know which one to go for but from the reviews it seem that Jw has more natural look? Any advises will be very appreciated
Btw, i m goin with docfinder :smile:
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Dont go with docfinder they take 40% of your surgery money. If you go alone they will discount you so much more than going with docfinder. Just sayin. Unless you're spending extra bux for docfinder. Their service is **** too.
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@fera88 Could you please add me? Jamie49 is my kakao is. Thanks!
And to those who asked, dr Choi is the main eye doctor and there is also dr kang. I would personally choose JW for eyes, but my top choice for nose is bano with dr lee since I don't like dr Suh results and dr lee does closed
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jamie, what's the difference between closed rhino and open rhino
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Hi Everyone, I did primary rhinoplasty, lower blepharoplasty and a facelift at JW in late April 2015. I have been lurking on this forum now and then, and reading some positive reviews here, as well as watching some YouTube videos did play a factor in helping me to choose JW.

My primary concern was my nose. I did not like the bulbous mound of meat that was my nose. It was also upturned, showing my nostrils, and I had a flat nose bridge as well. I tried fillers in the past, but it did not help to give me a more refined nose or correct the short nose deformity. Hence, I decided to take the plunge and started researching for doctors who specialised in rhinoplasty. After some research, I decided on Dr Suh Man Koon. Since he works at JW, that's where I decided to book my procedure.

At the same time, I was going through a mid life crisis, and was feeling old and ugly, so I decided to book a consultation with a different doctor at JW for anti aging procedures like eyebag removal, and a facelift. I admit I did not do as much research on doctors for an eye or facelift procedure, because my main concern was my nose. I wanted a beautiful, refined but natural looking nose, so JW was where I decided to go to in the end. I will post details of my consultation and subsequent operations in my next post.
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