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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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I did my nose at jw in December... it was a revision and now I'm at the 7th month post-op.. Dr.Suh did a pretty good job as i had a bulbous upturned ugly nose!!! he made it nice and feminine again! but, he used a silicone implant for the augmentation of bridge.. I found out recently that silicone carries a higher risk of infections and other complications ! even though i'm happy with my nose, i decided to change the synthetic to something autologous :sad: so i'm researching again.. What Dr.Suh did was pretty magical but,as i have a thick skin i'm still swollen ; but looking damn good! do you know anyone who survived with silicone implant for like 5 or more years? will it get infected in the near years to come? I really like my nose but afraid of silicone implant !!
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My first rhino was silicon implant and I still currently have it, lol.. and it's been 10 years.
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Sure! Sure!
As u know, I went with Docfinderkorea, they helped me to arrange the consultation & get the surgery with dr Seul (I was really thankful for dfk recommended this dr), you know what, my face before was sunken (temple, cheek and under eyes) also look older & much tired!!!
As I mentioned, I chose fat grafting with stem cell, I love the result which was not only for my face shape but also the skin condition got better!!! My husband said it's really worth to do it!!!
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Oh awesome! I'm so glad to hear what you have to say about Dr Seul coz I'm getting the exact same procedure under him I feel very assured now about my decision after reading your post!
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I don't think you should remove it if it looks nice and there is no complication/infection so far. If it's ultra soft silicone, I've read that the infection rate is pretty low. And if yours is I-shaped, the risk of extrusion is a lot lower too. I've also read that people who have had silicone implant years ago still have it after 5-10 years; the max I heard was 15.

Anyway, you should also be aware that the possible side effects that come with autologous materials: warping, reabsorption and etc. Although the infection rate is lower than that of Silicone, there is still a chance that you might need to replace those autologous material down the road. So it'd be better if you keep your (silicone) nose now instead of going under unnecessary surgery just to change it to a different material that has lower infection rate, especially that with autologous materials you usually need a really experienced surgeon to carve the cartilage in a way that won't warp and etc. So I think all in all, replacing it is riskier than having it in your nose (when there's no problem with it at all).

Btw, didn't they inform you that it's Silicone before proceeding with the surgery?
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Thanks for supporting my post la~ >///<
I just shared my experience which I went with DFK and the surgeons they recommended tho~
Um~~I still wanna say again \^o^/
they were really nice to me when I was in korea even till now I back to my country~we still keep in touch tho~
Also can let u know, my surgeons (dr soh & dr seul who were recommended by DFK) they also mentioned about it, everyone has their limitations for the surgery, like my nostrils shape will be the same after surgery or the rate of fat survival by fat-grafting, anyway~don't worried la~ they will let you know when you decide to have the consultation there~hope u to make your decision soon ***good luck***
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They did say it's going to be silicone, but when i asked them about the rate of infections and other complications they didn't warn me about the possibility of higher rate of complications :sad:
I have a thick skin and it was really difficult to cope with the swelling i had ; which fluctuates even now! so, yeah , i think i can't just stress out again and go through the same nerve-wracking period just because i need to replace the silicone! thank you ft1212!
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rhinoplasty using silicone on asians usually has a very low complication rate, so low that it is insignificant. The fear of using silicone is due to 2 factors:
1) previous data we come across is from using the old harder forms of silicone. This puts too much pressure on the tissues and cause damage internally. The ultra soft silicone greatly minimizes the threat. Note that ultra soft is a brand name. There's another company that manufactures similar material called hi-soft silicone. Same thing
2) previous data we come across is from the L shape forms of silicone. The bridge is not prone to problems compared to the tip. The tip is prone to all sorts of issues due to the tissue structure. Think of it like how keloids is more common on the body than compared to the face. L shape = very bad = very prone to extrusion. Only bad surgeons still use L shape. Nowadays any decent surgeon uses I shape silicone plus cartilage building for the tip. That i safe
3) much data we come across involves using silicone on patients with thinner skin. That being caucasians. Their skin type is more prone to extrusion. Assuming you are asian, you do not need to be concerned about this.

Anyways ive had many friends who did their nose at JW with Dr Suh. Really well done results. The forumer capri had an extremely beautiful nose done by him too. I think she posted pics you can go do a search through.
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I agree with the other comments. Do not go through with a revision if you are happy with your nose and currently do not have any complications. Each time you go through rhinoplasty the nose becomes more scarred and the blood supply becomes more compromised. If you have a complication, you should cross that bridge when you get there. if you get a revision now, you could end up with a result you hate or worse.
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i did mine with dr park from dream. But his method is endoscopic rhino and is only suitable for certain types of noses. It worked for me because my tissues are very thin and therefore I did not require excessive bulbous excision or alot of tip projection. The closed method's limitation is in these 2 factors. Thats why when you hear complaints about his nose is because those people should not be using that method to begin with unless they want something natural and subtle. For me mine got a dramatic yet natural result ONLY because my nose had sustained previous damage from 2 surgeries, one in LA and one in Bangkok, thus thinning out my tissues. So I had it reconstructed via endoscopic rhino using tuto fascia and dermal graft. I didnt need to worry about any bulbous excision or added projection to the tip because my tissues no longer required that.
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