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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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Hey girl! It's nice to see a fellow Canadian here on these forums :biggrin: I think your eyes look really good and super natural. I personally wouldn't worry too much about your left eye. I wouldn't have noticed the difference if you didn't point it out. :smile: Heck, even my left eye is naturally smaller than my right. No one is perfectly symmetrical.

Do you by any chance have KakaoTalk or Line? I'd love to ask you more about your experience at JW since it's one of the clinics I'm considering. Hope to hear from you soon girl! ^^
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My kaokao ID is pinkjade316 :smile:
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My complete journey – this review aims to capture the entire journey from consultation -> decision making -> the actual event -> recovery

I hope my input is going be helpful to all of you non-Korean-speaking seekers of beauty. It could be hard because not everyone speaks English in Korea and I don’t understand a thing on Naver. I happen to have had a positive experience and a decent result and I really want to give y’all an idea of what you could expect throughout the entire journey as well as the service of JW. I only speak from my own experience with nose reduction.

Chapter I: Research

I am a patient coming from a multi-ethnic background, I became fed up with my crooked, wide and fleshy nose at some point in life and I decided to do something about it. Hearing about Korea’s prestigious PS industry, I was determined to go there to put an end to the unsightliness of my nose.

And so here I was, reading about many of the well known clinics, I ended up short-listing three of them. The first one prides itself on being the No.1 and the biggest PS hospital in Korea, the second was JW and the third one offered the least intrusive method (i.e. closed rhino) while having won several positive reviews here.

To be completely honest, due to the fact that I am prone to scars, I was most impressed by the third one before I got to any one of them for a consultation. Especially after our conversation via email, I must say that the third one did a great job explaining my options and the law of things via email, very informative it was, to say the least. I didn't care if it was a copy-n-paste piece of work as long as it was informative. Besides, I had much faith in the doctor who was trained to Brazil, a country that might be able to rival Korea with their PS industry. With all these in mind, I headed for Korea with my consultation schedule arranged the way above.

Chapter II: Consultation

I got to the first on my list in the morning; it was also the grandest with the entire building (so much like Emerald City in Oz with the logo and all that) all to themselves. The staffs are quite friendly, especially the English speaking lady who received me there. She led the way to the rhino SPECIALIST. Being communicative and fairly young, he was observant and a very skillful sketcher, who captured my face accurately with just a few strokes. That was quite reassuring because he appeared to have skillful hands. He suggested that I undergo nasal bone reduction, hump correction and tip-plasty. The price was reasonable and at 12:30 I left being quite impressed, and then I went for lunch.

Being tired with a stuffed stomach and without much expectation, I got to JW and was greeted by their English consultant. She was very sincere and approachable. I waited at the lobby for a while until she led my way to Dr. Suh’s office. Being so satiated I didn't ask a lot of questions. I threw him the default questions and he replied them with modest answers. One of the key things he told me was that I had thick skin and a lot of soft tissues in my nose and that I needed to have realistic expectations. He insisted that the procedures had to be performed with the open method and the procedures he suggested were fewer than the two other doctors as well. He told me, and I’m paraphrasing, on a scale of 100, with 100 being completely ideal and 0 being what I had, I would probably end up getting 50. He also added that he wouldn't know how far he could go until he actually performed the surgery – very realistic in contrast with the other two who emphasized what they COULD do or what I SHOULD do. The price at JW, too, was reasonable but I left not feeling anything and headed straight to the third one, the one I so favored.

I got there on time but I was told that the doctor was in the operating room and that I could either reschedule or come back in 2 hours. Being so anxious about it, I waited for two hours and had a long chat with the consultant who was quite keen on suggesting other procedures beyond the ones I planned. I was suggested to have alar reduction, which I never considered, and septal deviation correction. I finally got to meet with the doctor, who is almost 60. We had a conversation with an interesting dynamic – I spoke to the doctor, who is proficient in English and Portuguese, the doctor spoke briefly to the consultant and the consultant answered my question with very long answers in English. I don’t think the doctor ever spoke to me directly, save for salutations of course. I couldn't figure out what kind of a person he was; I could only tell that he looked very expensive and indeed the price there was quite stiff. Turned out, my experience was not all that unique. I am speaking retrospectively after reading the specific thread about the third clinic. Member peterpan88 put it in his/her post “and honestly, I came there to talk to the Doctor, not the saleswoman” post #458 under that thread. And no, I don’t know who peterpan88 is, we just so happen to have had a similar experience, a VERY similar experience.

Chapter III: Consideration

I went back to my hotel being torn between the first and the last, until I had a chat with one of my friends who had worked at a hospital for a long time.

My initial factors of consideration, which were very universal:

Open method vs. closed method (chance of scar formation)
Doctor’s personality

The other factors my friend inspired:

Doctor’s age (experience, training, specialization and eyesight)

Size of clinic – (large clinic/hospitals may allow trainees or junior surgeons into the surgical room at some point of the surgery for training purposes, and also how much attention/care they could devote on a client)

Open method vs. closed method (how obvious of a result they can achieve)

Having only one nose, I had a very long calculation – taking out the too young and the too old, the too grand and the too quiet as well as the unspecialized and the unknown, I was about to reach to a decision with only one qualm left: the scar. I googled it in order to have a better idea and I ended up I finding it quite acceptable, although never as ideal as having no scar of course. It would be quite hidden and from what I’ve googled, it could be virtually undetectable at all in some cases. That was when I thought I should give JW a chance, especially when the other one I so favored didn't even reply to my email inquiries after the consultation which was totally disappointing.

Chapter IV: Second-round Consultation

And so I went back for another consultation in the evening, I went prepared: a pile of pictures of celebrities with beautiful noses, and a head full of questions:
I met with Emily again, the English consultant and I already were bombarding her with questions – I asked about Dr. Suh’s experience with foreign clients and his credentials. Turned out, he had been a rhino specialist for the past 16 years and at least one publication on this subject (don’t remember how many). He was also experienced with foreign clients of racial groups other than Asia; definitely no stranger to nasal reduction and tiplasty. The information was very assuring and encouraged to take them more seriously.

I finally got to talk to Dr. Suh, and again he told me I shouldn’t expect a cloned nose of Efron’s or Crawford’s because we were after all, restricted by our natural attributes. I asked him if he would recommend septal deviation correction like the other doctor had, and to my surprise, he replied “oh that is included in your tiplasty (tip debulking and projection with septal cartilage)” He also respected my decision of avoiding alar reduction (unlike one of the other clinics), as I didn’t want to risk more scars.

I then asked about the scar and how exactly the procedures were to be performed, basically taking a chunk of his time. All I can say is Dr. Suh is a man of modesty and honesty. I thought he offered so much more than what he spoke of.

Being relieved and having gone through all my calculations, I paid my 1/10 deposit that night and waited for the big day of joy and, probably, agony.
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Chapter V: Lucky Trouble

Soon that day came. I was schedule in the evening when the crowd at the lobby had dissipated. Again, Emily was there taking care of everything. Upon the first glimpse of my face she noticed the pimple on the tip of my nose. Not good, still it would be the doctor who would make the decision. I got into Dr, Suh’s office one last time, again, showing him my celebrity pictures. He assured that he understood what kind of a nose I wanted but finished with a piece of bad news: the surgery had to be postponed because the pimple on the tip of my nose could lead to “disastrous results” as he put it. Indeed, a piece of bad news, because I would have to wait until the Korean New Year Holiday period was over and also my pimple’s recovery. I was given some antibiotic tablets and ointment to accelerate the healing process. The real deal took place a week later than originally planned.

Chapter VI: Operation

My nose job required a fasting period of 6 hours, no liquid, no food, no nothing. I had lunch early just to prepare for the magical moments in the evening.

I settled the balance and got into the recovery room before the operation. I looked for a locker with a lock (some of them didn’t have it, and that lock, trust me, is important) and put my belongings and clothes into the locker. I waited for a bit and I headed for the operating room in my patient costume.

Having an extreme fear for injection, I was a bit concerned, but luckily, there was only one that I was aware of – the sedation injection. I must admit that I made a bit of a fuss there to the extent to which the nurses had to put their English to good use by saying “oh my god” repeatedly when I kept sitting up on the surgery table. I probably was one of the clients leaning towards the crazier end…

After the medication kicked in… hum…. I don’t remember; I was asleep… I regained my consciousness in the middle of the operation. Although I knew my nose was under construction, I didn’t feel any pain. The most uncomfortable experience, let me warn you, was the last bit of the operation when Dr. Suh had to stuff my nose with cotton strips, but overall I was quite happy with my experience there in the operating room. It was way less terrifying than I thought it would be; it was a bit cold inside though.

Chapter VII: Recovery

I was expecting a terrible post-op night being tortured by my burning and swollen nose and, probably, the headache that would come with it. Ah, that didn’t happen AT ALL, the credit should probably go to the anesthesiologist. I regained all my sensation on my nose the next morning.

There had been moderate bleeding through the second day and I was on medication again (antibiotic tablets and ointment for the incision scar). Just make sure that you have toilet paper or paper napkin handy, you will need them a lot on the first 2 days.

There were 3 required visits within the first week after the operation:

First visit: wound cleaning (painless) + cotton strips removal + complimentary hair wash

Second visit: wound cleaning (painless) + LED phototherapy to help your nose de-swell

Third visit: stitch removal (acceptably uncomfortable) + checkup by the doctor

The third visit was when Dr. Suh once again impressed me. He asked me when my departure date was at the end of the checkup, only to offer me ANOTHER checkup! I felt that he was genuinely interested in making sure that everything was intact and I ended up having another checkup the morning before I left.

Chapter VIII: A New Nose

I was born with a gigantic nose particularly on the tip and now my nose is visibly smaller. The tip is significantly more defined and the entire nose is straightened. There is a huge improvement in symmetry and the entire nose now looks quite natural. At this point, 2 months post-op, the swelling is anticipated to further subside. I don’t think I’ll be interested in another nose job and I believe with the help of Dr. Suh, I have challenged nature to the most extent. I would say that my nose was hideous and now it’s decent, quite decent if not beyond, I really can’t complain about it. And by the way, I am not anyone easy to satisfy.

Appendices - Additional impression & information:

Emily: patient, genuine, approachable, honest, reliable, caring, although she could reply to my emails more promptly

Dr. Suh: modest, realistic, truth-teller, willing to listen, respectful

JW Service: yes, it was commercial (I was surprised to see that pedicure booth at the lobby, it would be fun to kill time with it though) just like a lot of places but I felt that I certainly had enough attention, even for my untimely pimple and overall recovery

Type of operation:

Tiplasty (bulbous tip reduction and projection with septum cartilage),
Deviated nose correction (osteotomy)
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HI Effietrinket,

thank you so much for your detailed post. I know many who have had successful surgery would have simply gone off the forum. Hence, thank you for taking the time and effort to write. It makes the decision making process for those of us who are still in the process of research so much easier.

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Hi Forumer,

I try to contact JW to arrange appointment for cousltation. i emailed to the clinc last two months ago and no one reply. Now, i try to contact through what's app but also no reply. It is because of miscommunication ! It is only to me or other members of this forumn has problems like that? I do not know what to do. I m having second thoughts for JW even though there are good comments about this clinic.
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It's around 6 weeks post-op now and I think my eyes are getting better and better.

Although, I did partial incision for my eyes, I'm still worried that it can be "undone" and I'm extremely careful when putting on contact lens because I'm worried that I might tug it too hard and it'll become monolid again LOL.

Ok, picture time!


1: before
2: two weeks post-op
3: today! - around 6 weeks



I didn't wear any eye makeup so hopefully this give people a better idea on how my eyes are healing.
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I have had some issues communicating with JW for consultation, but after I added their Kakao I was able to finally get an appointment setup. Sadly, the person told me that I could not go this Saturday as I wanted to because they don't have English translators working?! I thought this sounded strange because I hear of a lot of walk-in's, but whatever. They scheduled me for Saturday the 19th and said that she would translate for me.

I'm trying to get Liposuction done there and I only have two times I really can (if I want rest) the first weekend in May and then during voting time in Korea the first week of June. As a teacher I can't just take off or leave early or it goes against me. :sad:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay so I went to JW, but didn't get to see 365MC since they are ridiculous and let me make an appointment for when they CLOSE!! uhh
Anyway, JW was absolutely wonderful. The doctor was very personable and even spoke mostly English. The translator was a very sweet girl and understood completely MINUS here telling the doctor I wanted everything done when I really just wanted my thighs and arms first. SO the grand total for Full body lipo there is $10,000 (10 million won) and I would have to stay over at least one day. THIS is the main issue not the money. They said that even if I got only my legs and arms done I would still have to stay over one day because they need to check me the day after and they said that's when they normally put the dressings on you or change them or something. Then one week later you get your stitches removed.

My issue is that I am a teacher and I can't just take off of work and I don't want to request to leave early either. I really love my school and I love being there for the full day.

My vacation isn't until August so I will try my best to drop some weight by then and then see where the problems areas lie.

I think JW is a great place though. Very nice staff even if a little bewildered by the foreigner presence. lol

BTW I didn't see a pedicure booth. You must have gone to a different floor than I.
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Do you mind to share your B/A picture with me?
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  • 2 weeks later...
After reading up on a few blog posts of people that have gone to Dr Suh for rhinoplasty, I've decided to take a chance and have my revision rhinoplasty with him. Im from sydney, and i wanted a dr that was experienced with asian noses, as well as someone that did very natural noses. I have to say even though i have researched for a while, i really did book the whole thing on an impulse. I mostly communicated with Emily, so theres no need for a translator if you speak english. She was absolutely great, she contacted me a few times whilst i was overseas to confirm my booking, as well as contacted me to schedule surgery dates as i was only seeing dr suh and only had 11 days in soul.

Consultation: I arrived on the 7th/5 for my consultation, and was operated on the 8th the next day. Dr suh as expected had a nice calming influence, he first asked me what my issues were and then made suggestions on what i wanted and what he thought needed to be done. I have to say, i was a little scared, as my revision rhiniplasty was more complicated than expected. i already had septal cartilage in my tip, but dr suh suggested to use ear cartilage and rib cartilage. I was quite scared doing so, and then he suggested donated rib cartilage which is the option i took. So i was going to do alarplasty, straightening deviated septum, and revision of slightly upturned nose.

Day of surgery: I was asked to fast for 4 hours beforehand, no food/water. Came in, washed my face, got changed into jw outfit, then waited in a small room with bed whilst waiting to be taken to operation room. Emily was there throughout the whole process. Nurses measured my blood pressure, put a needle in me and after a few minutes i was out. Midway i actually woke up, and could see/hear nurses and the dr whilst working on my nose. I could feel tugging, and movements and none of it was painful but just strange. My operation was meant to go for 2.5 hrs but actually went for 4 hrs, because as it turned out my deviated septum was a lot worse than anticipated. After it was all nose, i laid in bed for half an hour, a pack of pumpkin juice, ice masks, gauze, medicine for 7 days, and ointment for stitched areas.

Cost: 5 million won (i thought was reasonable)

Day 1-3: didn't actually feel as bad as i thought, though a headache would sometimes come and go, i did experience some bleeding from nose but was reassured that this is completely normal. Slept with ice pack as much as i could, and tried to eat non salty foods to help swelling, but sometimes couldn't help myself and had fried chicken n so on. I took vitamin C for a week before surgery and am still continuing to do so, as I've been told it helps with healing.

Day 3: so ill update more after this, but so far they've just taken out the cotton that was inside my nostrils, cleaned my stitches, and gave me a shampoo service, as well as LED treatment to help with the swelling. I have to say after care is quite good. Sweeling was the worse on day 3, with eyes super swollen, and cheeks as well. No bruising so far.

So far nose is definitely not upturned like previously, which I'm happy about, but with the cast on i can't tell much else.

Other info: i booked through airbnb for about $65AUD a night, such a convenient location, taxi to JW only cost 3000 won (3-5 min drive), theres so much shops around for food and shopping too. pm for more info
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Hi again,

decided to write the above posts up to help people make more informed decision
so far I'm happy with JW, but its only day 3 so ill have to update more

these are some of the research I've done on people that have gone to jw which i found really helpful

Canadian girl: (very in depth info, especially for ppl travelling from overseas) http://livelovedream.ca/korea-plastic-surgery-trip-surgery-recovery/

Singporean girl: http://mizub.wordpress.com/

Singaporean blogger (had rhinoplasty, eye lid surgery) http://reieek.blogspot.sg/2014/04/jw-plastic-sugery-part-3.html
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