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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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Hi you look good. I saw fat lumps in your face during recovery, Is it because you did a fat graft surgery too?
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thanks for your quick reply :biggrin:
are those also other clinics that I should enquire too ?
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Yes, Emily is GREAT girl who works at JW and been really helpful during my rhinoplasty.

She helped to relax me down, The nervous we all had before surgery and after the surgery, i been bugging her, constantly asking her when my nose bleed, she patiently assisted me.

She even took care of my meal , offering me some food delivery, since i cant really talk due to my chin augmentation (stitches inside my mouth) and if i do talk, my voice sounded weird due to the cotton inserted to the nose.

It wasnt only me that she been helping alot, also my mom and my sister, 3 of us did surgery in JW.

JW and Emily are beyond my expectation :smile:
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Hi, you look great. How did you decide on JW?
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Hi Dan Dan, how did you decide on JW? I'm undecided between Dream and JW. Would be nice if you can share with me how did you end up going with JW?
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Hi mizubunnie,
Sorry just got the time to reply,
I did rhinoplasty and chin implant,
Yaa , sure, i could send you my after photoo,
I am not sure, if tpf allows me to post photo, i havent reached the minimal posting.
Mind to give me your email.

Oya, You are very prettyyyy,
JW. Definitely did an awesome surgery on you.
Love how you look now ;)
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Hi Jennifer,

Can you post your before and after photos here? I am considering JW too.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi guys, I did my rhino, acculift and one facial thing with jw in end April and it's been six months now... I didn't managed to get jw appt before flying over so I asked my translator to book it for me, she knew the manager for Dr Suh. Prior to flying there, I watched the jw YouTube video and I really liked the result. I went to pitangui, dream and, jw for consultation and finally decided on jw. My friend chose dream as dream was slightly cheaper. I can't really remember the exact price but I think I paid a total of 7.8mil won for my nose, double chin acculift and the facial (facial should be 400,000 won). The whole surgery was very comfortable and I do not feel painful at all except that it is very uncomfortable as I had the cotton stick stucked in my nostrils so I can't breathe through my mouth for 2 nights. I went back to jw once every two days for review, free hair wash and some uv thing that helps to de swell. To remove the stitches it was quite uncomfortable but bearable.

For my nose, I had a silicon put in and nose tip done with ear cartilage. Nose will starts to look natural after 2 weeks and after two months, I almost forgot my nose were fake. Haha... Overall my nose bridge are higher, overall features are more proportionate, none of my friends realised I did my nose but I told them all. Some new friends only asked if I did fillers as I have a higher bridge. Compared to my friend who did hers in Bkk, I think Korea is far better as she is looking for revision rhino.

Hope that helps.
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Hi Mizubunnie

What kind of nose job did you do? Is it like putting silicone on nose kind? ;)
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Hi happypills

Thanks for sharing your experience, do you mind to share with me your b&a picture ? my email is alvi.lee@hotmail.com

Will appreaciate so much so much
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, I did full face fat graft at JW. At 1 month post most of the fat has dissolved. I am quite disappointed at this moment. Still trying to get in touch with the clinic to find out what went wrong.
Is there anyone who has similar experience?
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