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Anyone had surgery at JW? Please post your experience here

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Does anyone know about where a foreigner (with poor Korean skills) could go at JW to address problems from surgery? Or who they could talk to?
I had a really surprisingly awful experience there, all the more so because the reason I chose JW, even though it was significantly more expensive than the other clinics I was considering, was that I thought that they were trustworthy, and that if anything went wrong I could be sure that they'd deal with me decently.
My surgery did go wrong (legitimately, not just me being unhappy with less than extreme results) but as soon as my English consultant had gotten hold of my money, she just gave up all pretense of caring.
Now I just stay inside and cry all day and I feel hopeless and devastated because no one is listening to me and it seems like there's nothing I can do.
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Dear lucyhoneychurch, what happened to you? Is your English consultant a in house from JW? How long have you waited? Maybe you wait for full recovery?
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My consultant was in-house. I'm actually a bit nervous about sharing full details before trying to go in and see someone again in case they learn about it, recognize me, and use it as a reason not to fix things properly (I really doubt that would happen, but being newly broke and disfigured has led to some paranoia).
I think I'm as fully recovered as I'm going to get - my surgery was just botched, and I really just need someone reasonable there that I can present my case to in a timely fashion.
The issue is not so much that the surgery went wrong (I knew that there was always a possibility, even with the best surgeons), but how I was treated afterwards. Mostly, I think my consultant is the problem, but since all my communication is through her, I'm feeling very stuck.
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Dear Heidi, I am healing well after my revision rhino. The change is minimal and not noticeable to most people, but I am glad I managed to correct the upturned nose.

Despite the swelling, I do like this version more than the one after my primary rhino.
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Dear Lucyhoneychurch

I am very sorry for your bad experience at JW. How many days post op are you now? Do you have a friend or family member with you to support and take care of you there?

I had a botched surgery before at a different clinic, so I know how it feels...

Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about it.
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That's so scary. What surgery and what doctor?
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