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Part 3:

I don't want to say anything bad about the skill of Dr Kim himself because I am still swollen so cannot judge the results yet, but I do want to tell you all this so you know what to expect regarding their post op care and treatment of patients which I feel needs to be seriously addressed ASAP. I did mention before many times that I never cared about the post op care as long as the results are amazing but actually I think any clinic should in fact ensure a good level of post op care. This is something which is expected as we are the ones paying high prices for surgery. And having one nurse who doesn't speak any English (in a clinic which advertises to foreign patients) and is asleep half the night and not easily found is just not good enough. Hopefully one of the workers for TL who often lurk around in these forums will see this post and take action to improve the post op care because I have seen the results of various people who get surgery at TL and they are known to give amazing transformations, but I feel that this kind of post op pain and discomfort just is not acceptable in this day and age. With the technology and medicines we have available people should not have this kind of discomfort following an operation. Korea may be used to performing jaw contouring operations and more experienced at it than the West, but they still need to learn more about post op pain management from the western countries. Maybe Koreans are too quiet to speak out about this, or they feel it is just expected, but after experiencing similar operations in the west I can assure you that it doesn't have to be this way, in the west I have rarely had much pain at all following the actual operations.

Well that's all I'm going to write now. I am through with all this plastic surgery nonsense and this time stuck in Korea has almost killed me. I am glad to get out of here. I just hope that these operations I have done now will have given me the results I want when the swelling has completely gone down so I don't ever have to think about it again. I am really quite over Korea and the superficial mentality here, along with all the girls acting like babies trying to be 'cute'. It's quite embarrassing for me. But I am only saying that because I have had a stressful few days and am just desperate to get home ASAP, so please don't have a go at me for generalising or being harsh. The first time I came to Korea I found it great and got sucked in to the whole Kpop phenomenon. Now I just cringe at the thought. I am not going to post pics because what I want and see as looking good would be different to what other people see as looking good. I just wanted to write this so you know what to expect and are prepared. There are few full accounts of experiences from start to finish. Melissa was great through it all and is an amazing addition to TL. I am glad she was with me through it all. Dr Kim was also very calm and reasonable through the consultations. He seemed serious and quiet but he listened to what I wanted to say and seemed to be knowledgable on stuff like if I did this then that would happen etc..

I wish everyone success in their quest for whatever they are aiming for. As I am sure you all know already, make sure your surgeon knows exactly what you want and bring pictures as words don't work well trying to convey an image to someone else.

Another thing I found quite weird was the instructions I was told. For example I was told to wear ice packs for one month. I have had enough surgery to know it's not necessary to keep ice packs in for one month. You only keep it on for the fist 2-3 days following the operation. Also, when I was paying for the operation. After a lot of bargaining and we finally decided on a price. I counted out the money in front of me. Then Melissa took the money and walked out the room. She came back a minute later and said we were lacking one $50 bill. She said come with me and showed me on the cash counting machine that it was an odd number (and not an even number as it should have been based on the price we agreed). I felt a bit wary at this point because she had already walked out the room with my money and I had no way to prove no one had just taken one $50 bill during this time. But I hope no one would do that. I gave another $50 just so I could be done with it and secure the operation. Then the following day, Melissa came in and told me that the accountant had told her that I had underpaid by $500. I told Melissa I wouldn't discuss price on here so I won't say exactly how much it was, but let's say it was $?000. Meaning that it did round up to a full thousand figure. She was basically saying that I paid $?500. I know I would not have counter out 500 when sorting the payment because I counted out the dollar bills in thousands, not in half thousands. I told her to check cctv because it would show me counting out in thousands on the cctv camera. She kept saying it was her mistake that she didn't add it up right, but I told her that was bull**** because I know I counted out the exact amount in thousands and would not have counted out dollar bills only adding up to $500. I hope I made myself clear here. Basically she said, either way I don't have to pay the amount I apparently underpaid. I was quite pissed off at this point because I know I paid the exact full amount we agreed on, and I felt maybe the accountant was trying to pull a fast one over me and make me pay an extra $500. But Melissa kept saying don't worry about it anyway. Still concerned me abit and I felt it was important to mention it here with you guys. Just be sure no one leaves the room with your money and don't let anyone tell you that you have underpaid if you have already counted it up yourself and are sure you haven't.

I wrote this all on day 5. Now I am about day 12 or something and have left Korea. I have some updates I want to mention. I went back to see the doctor (first time I saw Dr since the operation day). He showed me the X-ray and basically that was it. Also had a deswelling treatment and a deswelling injection. From what I see for the most part I am quite happy with the result. Not perfect but it looks pretty much what I wanted. I also was speaking with Melissa on my last day and I told her thanks to her everything went smoothly but I did think that the post op care of TL needs to be seriously improved. I told her it wasn't good not having nurses who speak English overnight, and that she was not easily able to be found since she was sleeping in some back room. She explained to me in TL they usually have one nurse per two patients for overnight stays. But this isn't really an acceptable excuse.

For the most part I am doing well now. I have dissolvable stitches in my mouth and my mouth is still sore but it seems to be deswelling daily still.

I won't be posting pics or lurking around these forums much in the future but I wanted to give my review to help others in some way. TL were very good at picking me up and taking me to airport and for follow up appointments too actually which I never got with other clinics. I am happy with how it went, despite the awful post op care. Let's hope my results will be to my satisfaction when all the swelling has gone away.

Best of luck to you all
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Wow Starlight, great posts & thank you for sharing with us your personal experience.I have paid my deposit of $USD500 to TL and will be heading to Seoul early June.I am going to do a facial contouring, nose revision, epi on my eyes and a full body lipoduction.I know it sounds a lot but I am going there with hope for a transformation.I am feeling positive but I have taken all your great points and I will be making sure that TL and I are on the same page re my expectation post ops.I hope you are more pleased with the end results each day.Thanks again for your insight.Cheers 😊
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Get well soon I hope your results are good.. I am v. grateful for you sharing your experience and many other readers on these forums are too ^^. TL was one of my 1st choices as a foreign patient but I will be re considering them after this even if the pickup etc is good, post op care should be much better! :nogood:

That is worrying about the money, I have been emailing back and forth with Melissa who seems nice but they come across as quick to push a foreign (I am German) patient into surgery :tdown: Already ask to put deposit down before I even visit Korea lah..
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I am sure you will get he transformation you are after. I don't want to say anything bad about the skills of the surgeons because I think they are good at what they do, and Dr Kim was obviously very knowledgable. It was only the post op management that wasn't great, but that's only for a few days anyway. My intention wasn't to put anyone off going to TL, just to be prepared and know what to expect. I had previous experiences to compare it with which was probably a good thing and a bad thing. Good in that I knew what to expect (to a degree) and bad because I had something to constantly compare with. Good luck on the transformation. Don't worry about it sounding like you are doing a lot of things, I think most Korean clinics are used to people going in and doing the whole lot together (all face, nose, eyes, cheeks etc).
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I think that's good for finding plastic surgeons in other parts of the world, but not really the case in Korea. In Korea it is very normal for all plastic surgery clinics to have a department solely responsible for advertising online. I would say the majority of clinics in Korea do this
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Starlight,thank you for your kind words and no I think you only went with your facts and points with hope someone else who's about to have the procedures done at TL would have an idea of what to expect.

Thank you once again😊!!!
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Starlight, Thank You so much for sharing your experiences!
I have paid my deposit and will be going in April, but I'm nervous myself about the Post-Op Treatment.
I am similar to you in that results are what I care most about, but of course I should not want to suffer like you did.
I'm so happy you were able to stay level-minded after all that hardship and such a rough overnight stay! Your review of TLPS really helps!
I hope you continue to recover and de-swell and enjoy your results after all your hard work!
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Thank you ^^. I am just doing face contouring which I think is normal :smile:

A lot of the post op management sounds dangerous tho e.g. having Melissa take out the cannula

Are you ok now i hope?
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Hi all! I just paid deposit to do "arp" fat graft with Dr Jung. Supposedly its hylauranic acid mixed wih fat graft and lasts longer. I haven't heard any other clinics offer this and he also told me to do Botox on my forehead so I get a smoother forehead this time. Because of those two things I put down my deposit to secure my spot. Has anyone gotten this ARP fat graft with dr Jung before? Also, is there any chance of shadow doctors or switching of doctors in TL?
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Hi All,

i'm new to this forum.

Just wondering if anyone has had their epi/incisional upper bleph done by Dr. Choi at TLPS and what their result was?

My aim is to have parallel eyelids with about 8mm crease. i've seen some pics of asian girls who've done it (originally small eyes) and it looks amazing. totally the look i am after.

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Hi "iamsummer", I had my incisional upper bleph done by doctor Kim and lateral done by doctor Jeong at TLPS last year. I wanted medium parallel eyelids but doctor Kim said they could only turn out as an in-out fold instead of outfold like the parallel, and epi was not possible. I was okay with what he said, but the main problem is that now I'm having sausage eyelids and they're asymmetric as well. Is doctor Choi an eye specialist? Also, try researching TLPS post-op care, make sure they reply your messages and handle well your complaints after you leave their clinic.
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Hi what was your overall experience with them like? ^^ Were the nurses kind, were they professional etc.? Thanks. :smile:

I am going to consult with them for facial contouring.
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