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If your asking me :yes: I have done facial contouring, chin shave and cantopexi on the eyes for droopy looking eyes... unfortunately none of the things I did came out to good, that's why im getting everything revised. I'm going on in June and can't wait. Hope it will turn out better then my last experience...
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Where did you originally have everything done?
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I was probably a little ignorant and didn't go to Korea. I saw this facial feminization homepage on the internet and they're stationed in Belgium (much closer to me in Switzerland) so I decided to go there and now Im suffering from an uneven chin, and uneven jawline, in my jawline, really really bad sagging which didn't come right away but now its pretty bad. I have a double chin when im just looking straight (I never had a double chin) and my face appears pretty flat. you cant tell there are any cheekbones or anything.. I did it last April with Dr. Bart so now I've been waiting over a year to get "fixed" thought it might be better to wait a little since this isn't such an easy surgery...
I really hope that Dr. Choy can even things out a lot. Tlps told me that more than 50% of there surgery's are revision surgery's. not sure if this is true or if they are just trying to make me feel better and not worry... then I tell myself it can't get any worse and I really don't have too much too lose.
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Careful how you post here, as this thread is specifically only about 'TLPS'. So mentioning previously you had these surgeries which didn't have a good result in this thread would lead many to believe you were talking about having a bad experience with TLPS. I thought you meant TLPS at first, not that you were planning on going there to revise a previously badly done surgery.

Regarding European chin/jaw contouring, I just don't think they can do it well. I have seen many examples and also myself had facial contour revision done by a surgeon who specialises in ffs in Europe and the results are unimpressive and very minimal. My revision was due to a poor asymmetric v line from ID. Korea are best at doing the big change and smooth line cut (although this is excluding my experience of a badly cut mandible from ID). If you google search ffs facial contouring you see how uneven and jagged-y the cut is alone the bone when European doctors do mandible shaving.

Anyone else have any feedback on who is best for 3D zygoma reduction between Dr Choi and Dr Kim? I am leaning towards Dr Kim now just because I think he is older and looks more serious in the pictures. I don't want a joker cutting my bones lol. Although will need to be sure no breakdown in communication between us and the translator, as I don't speak Korean. I'm not doing any mandible shaving. I can't touch anymore bone from that area!
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I can't comment on Dr Choi because I did mine with Dr Kim. I think it's funny that he looks serious in the pictures because he is serious in real life! haha

I wouldn't worry about communication with him. He can definitely understand English, I think he just chooses not to consult in English. Maybe he is not super confident in it? But the consultant there speaks great English and she's good with translating everything directly.
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do you have any b/a pics you can send me?
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It's too early for me to try a comparison. Im still swollen (only 3 weeks post op)
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Did you mean he ISNT serious in real life?

What did you have done with Dr Kim? 3D zygoma? How are the results?
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thanks for your feedback. are you happy until now with the post care?
can you share ur experience with me. im going to tlps very soon and would like to talk to someone who has experience with them because I don't know anyone.
thank you.
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yes very sorry about that, didn't want to mislead anyone to think I had gone to Korea before for ps and has a bad experience... sorry about that. yeah that's very true European ffs surgeons aren't as good probably because they don't have that much experience in this type of surgery. sorry to hear that u have already had it revised...
Im also interested in the question wheather to choose dr. kim or dr. choy. dr. kim does look much more serious I think too.. but is that good`? anyone know or have any experience with them two?
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Hehe, that's ok, it just scared me abit because I pretty much had my mind made up about going to TLPS for surgery and then saw that and thought 'noooooo....! I don't want to see that someone had a bad result with them and then have to decide on a new clinic lol. I always thought serious is best, even though of course it's good to have a good report with the surgeon but I don't like when the doctor is too 'jokey'. I prefer them to just be there to do what they are supposed to do, be caring but also serious and professional.
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my I ask you what are you planning on getting? when are you going?
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Of course! I'm going to get 3D zygoma reduction. I hate my cheekbones because they are so round and full, also after doing the v line previously my face just looks out of proportion because the upper mid area is wide. It also gives me the look of hollow temples. I chose TL mainly because they specialise in 3D reduction so I can reduce the frontal roundness at the same time. People often think I have filler in my cheeks or cheek implants because it's so full. I like how TL can move the front back at the same time as making face more narrow. I hope that because my temples are narrow the cheekbone arch can be moved in a lot because I have heard that the cheekbone can be moved only up to the temple area as a sort of borderline.

I plan to go in July or August (more probably August). I just have to make up my mind between Dr K and Dr C now. It may just be a coin toss to be honest...as I really can't find much info on specifically who would be better at 3D zygoma reduction between them both on all the forums. I know Dr Choi invented his own sort of quick zygoma method, but as I want 3D I have to be sure the dr can do a good job at the 3D method, and also my slight asymmetry (one cheekbone being fuller than the other).

One concern I do have is about if this will make my face more round. I don't want a round chubby face which Korean girls seem to love (for some weird reason!). I want it defined, but just narrow and slender. I really hate the soft chubby baby look which is popular among many.
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No no i mean he is very serious so the photo is spot on :P

I did vline and FG.
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Yes, for me personally the post op care has been the best I've had (this is my fourth surgery at third different clinic).

Doc was available when I got bad dizziness 2 days post-op and came to personally check on me and reccomend treatment. I've also had weekly facial, massage and laser treatments for the swelling.
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