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Who was your consultant? I'm having the worst post op care EVER here. No deswelling treatment/facial massage. Didn't even show me my CT scan and let me talk to the doctor and told me I don't have to go back anymore.. Kinda suspecting something went wrong now..
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That's not good. TLPS has given me and my friends good after care but, I have heard from a small group that when things became complicated, they became cold. I hope this isn't your case. I was shown my CT scans before and after because I requested it and they had no problems showing me. I would ask again to see and to clear up any miscommunications or problems. Do you have a kakao id? I can talk to you in private there since this forum is flooded with promoters.
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My consultant actually confirmed with me again for my appointment this saturday to see the doctor and have a review of my CT scan before and after as well as laser deswelling treatment. So I really hope nothing goes wrong..
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Girls, Has anyone else had any recent experiences with TLPS? I'm hoping to go this April!
Any advice or Tips would be great! My consultant is Melissa!
Has anyone had Rhinoplasty at TLPS? Id love to see your before and after photos! if you don't mind :smile:
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"Girls (and guys)..." hehe. It's not just girls who do PS.

I just arrived in Korea. Melissa is my consult too. Got a consultation with Dr Kim this afternoon and hopefully surgery tomorrow. Getting revision cheek and v line.
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Hehe! You're totally right! ;) 'Girls!' Just a habit I suppose!
I'd love if you kept me updated! I'm looking at Rhino with Dr. Choi, and I'm considering a fat graft. TLPS has been very helpful, and Melissa has been prompt replying to all my questions.
Can I ask if they asked you to make a deposit via western union, or another method?
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Hello :smile:. I am not sure about western union as I just paid in USD. I had to do a lot of bargaining. Luckily Melissa was great at trying to help me get a low price, although I hate how they always use it being 'a revision case' as an excuse to charge more. All clinics do this. I did find it weird that Melissa went back and forward to discuss the price with Dr Kim himself as from previous experience the Doctor is not the one who deals with the prices, instead it is another department who sorts the prices and how much they can reduce it by.

I met Dr Kim yesterday and he was a very nice man. Very straight to the point (ie no 'how are you?', 'where are you from?' etc). That's cool with me as long as you can do the job I want you to do. He told me what was possible and what isn't. Aparently because the metal plates in the back of the zygoma arch are so small he can't remove them so instead he will have to make another incision in the bone slightly in front of the current back zygoma arch and then one in the front to move one side of the zygoma forward (as it is only one side of the zygoma which is more prominent). Then he will do v line shaving with genioplasty to move forward chin.

I was so surprised to find out the new TL clinic is the old ID hospital building. I had bad memories from being in there from when I got shouted at by Dr Park for returning to Korea and asking for revision after he left me with a slanted jaw and a chunk of my mandible cut out following v line and double jaw surgery, but it also felt nice that I was familiar with the building so I knew where to go and everything. I would say I was waiting a good 2 hours though as Dr Kim was apparently in surgery.

I made my payment and have the surgery booked for the following day (so the surgery will be today in the afternoon). I already am feeling the hunger pangs as I stopped eating at like 1am. I have to go to the clinic three hours before the surgery to do the bloods and other tests. This is another thing I found a bit odd because usually I have always done these tests at least 24 hours before but Melissa said it was ok to do it immediately before because blood test results are known within an hour. Melissa is vey nice, as with all the previous international patient coordinators I have had in the past, they all seem to have spent a long period of time outside of Korea so they can relate to us international and western patients much better. Well I will be going in to the hospital in a couple of hours so will say my goodbyes now. I will stay in over night so hoping they will have wifi in the building. Back in my mini room tomorrow. Will keep you all updated. Wish me luck :smile:

Oh and one other thing is when I was there Melissa told me that there were like three people protesting outside of ID hospital right now. I really wanted to go and maybe stand with them a little while and see others who were left botched after surgery there too but I didn't know where the new building was and when I asked someone the directions to get there it seemed like a long walk so I couldn't really be bothered lol. But funny as Melissa showed me the pic and they even had a big banner. Maybe I will walk by one day this week with my face mask on. It was ID who botched my double jaw surgery and v line but it was DAPRS plastic surgery who left me with very assymetrical cheeks. One side seems like it was not moved in at all. I did try emailing Katie at the clinic (who was the international patient coordinator there) but my email kept bouncing back. I thought perhaps they had blocked my emails but then I tried off other email accounts and they all bounced back so I don't know if they have changed emails or something? Strange though how my emails kept getting 'failed to send' message though.
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Starlight thank you so much for sharing all your insight! I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming journey! It seems you have already been through alot, and I hope TL will take good care of you!

I didn't know you could pay in USD, is this cash upfront?
Melissa asked me to make a deposit via Western Union, she wants me to secure my reservation, once I make my deposit I will also have pick up and drop off from the airport. So I think I will make my deposit since I'm feeling quite good about TL.

I may try to pay USD cash when I arrive, I hope that will give me some haggling room!
I agree I think its odd she kept asking the doctor or pricing, I was under the impression that the doctors didn't involve themselves with cost.
Strange too the TLPS building is the old ID building.
That does make more sense to me though, since on google maps it shows the ID building when you look for TLPS! Now I understand, it just needs to update!

:heart: I'll keep you in my thoughts and send you lots of positive vibes!
I'm excited to hear about your recovery, I hope it goes smoothly and you heal quickly! Best of luck! :heart:
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Thank you so much. I appreciate that. I am in the room now. One hour to go. Melissa just nipped out to get my pumpkin juice and meds for after the surgery. She is lovely. She explained to me today that the bloods couldn't be taken yesterday cos the blood dept was closed (I wonder is she read what I had written this morning, because she randomly told me this today as soon as she met me). I met Dr Kim again and went thru it all. Got bloods done and urine sample (which I never have done before in other clinics). Good to know they are doing extra tests before the op. Feeling a bit sick now but that's cos of the hospital environment. The thought of needles and anaesthesia always make me feel that way.

Regarding making a deposit, I think if you do that you get airport pickup and also they sort of guarantee a slot will be held for you, whereas if you don't make a deposit they can't guarantee (as someone else can pay and take that slot). But to be honest the clinic is really empty today. Melissa said Tuesday is their slow day. And the doctors don't even work Weds and Thurs (not bad if you can afford to have two days off work in the middle of the week!!). I think this hour waiting is going to be the worst because the more you wait the more you think about it. Got a nice big room tho so Melissa just told me to chill in it until 2. I hope nothing goes wrong. Will keep you updated :smile:

And TL must have only just moved in to this building very recently because I was here just in the middle of last year and it was still ID. It's a lot more informal than ID already tho, in that it isn't as if the doctor is some kind of God which is the way ID hospital works. All the staff are scared ****less about Dr Park in ID (I know that because I had a friend who resigned from ID during my time there). He told me all the inside scoop. I get the feeling already it is a much more friendlier environment here in TL.
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So I survived it!!! I am going to be driven home in about 20 minutes. Was going to write about my experience last night after the surgery but I really wasn't feeling up to it. I can tell you that it has been one of the most uncomfortable nights I have had to this date. I will write in more info everything that happened later when I feel better. But they assured me everything went well in the surgery so I have to stay positive.
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They offer "zygoma reduction, jaw reduction and chin osteotomy" for 7.77 million won, is this the same as V line and zygoma? Anyone did facial contouring with them? :smile:


Get well soon ^^
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Omg I was thinking of going to that same clinic for the surgery.. I am glad I have decided to go to Korea now.

I really hope you can get it fixed. I know some Korea surgeries do not do such good a job either, so I am sure you can ^^ x
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I'm glad to hear you're doing well! I hope it is all smooth and easy healing from here on out!
I'm excited to hear about your update and review.
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Part 1:


Ok so I am finally feeling well enough to write a review. I can tell you it was the worst experience in hospital I have ever had. Regarding what people say about the bad post op care at TL is exactly right! I always held the belief I don't care if a clinic gives not very good post care as long as the results from the surgery and the skill are good, but I can tell you it was NOT a pleasant experience at all! And after the amount I paid I think it should really have been better.

Firstly I woke up from the anaesthetic and like always I was desperate for water (but in Korea they never allow it at least 2 hours after anaesthetic). In the west they don't tend to have this rule (at least not in the many hospitals I have stayed at). I just wanted to sleep to try and take my mind off it. A few hours later I was told I could drink but I wasn't even desperate to drink anymore, I was past wanting any water and just felt in too much pain. Plus that there was a tube down my throat. I have had surgery in grand (chin surgery), DAPRS (zygoma) and ID Hospital (double jaw) and only in ID after double jaw surgery did I need to have this type of tube draining blood from my mouth. This was very uncomfortable having it in my mouth. Furthermore I felt myself swelling every hour as Melissa told me that I couldn't put the ice pack on my cheek much because it would freeze the drain pipe. So basically I was unable to put ice pack directly on the side of the cheek and jaw which had been operated on. Very bad as the first 24 hours applying ice pack is probably the most crucial.

I slept for a couple of hours (or just kept my eyes shut hoping time would pass quick, without actually being able to fall asleep). At about 8 ish Melissa came in and told me she was going home and there would not be any nurses who spoke English. I was quite annoyed at this because I think a clinic especially as known as TL should always have an English speaking nurse thru the night if they advertise to English patients. She said you shouldn't need anything though. I just kept my eyes closed a couple more hours and thinking well I can just sleep thru until the morning. After what felt like hours of drifting in to sleep I finally opened my eyes thinking surely it would be 6am by now, but no, it was 12am. I thought to myself how the hell am I going to last here until the morning. I was in a lot of pain and there was no TV or anything to keep me occupied. At least ID and grand had a TV (not sure about DAPRS because I didn't stay overnight after zygoma reduction there).

I walked out my room which felt like a prison and tried to find the nurse. She was wandering around and I waved an ice pack meaning please give me a cold one. She changed my drains and put in some more into my IV. Then I went back to bed and just shut my eyes. I managed to keep my eyes shut for another couple of hours and then at 3am the nurse came in to change my IV and drain again. Then that was the last time I saw the nurse until 7am! From 3am onwards the nurse wasn't even at the middle station. Maybe I was constantly comparing TL with ID because it was the same recovery place. But when ID where in the building they had about 6 nurses in the middle island station area throughout the day and then about 2-3 throughout the night. TL didn't have any in this middle island place. But even grand had 2 nurses readily available (and awake) throughout the night. I didn't know where the nurse was and when I walked out (making a lot of noise with my IV trolley and coughing so she would hear me and come), no one came. I ended up having to go into the back of the middle island station myself to go to the freezer to change my ice packs. The ice packs I tried to apply myself over the drain. They were barely touching the operated areas but I just thought having them touching as much as they can is at least something better than nothing. I can count on one hand the amount of times the nurse came in to change my drain and fill my IV throughout that night!
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Part 2:

Later I said to Melissa that I had to go get my own ice packs cos the nurse wasn't there. Melissa said "I know, the nurse told me" (probably because at 7am when she came in she realised that I had an ice cold ice pack on). I asked Melissa where was the nurse and she just said that "she must have been sleeping in the back room". This is very poor as if you are paid to do the night shift and be the night nurse, it is your responsibility to stay awake and attentive to all patients.

After changing the ice packs by myself throughout the rest of the night and being awake (as I couldn't sleep due to the discomfort), I was just dying for sunrise and for Melissa to come back in. She had told me she works at 9:30 so I knew I had to wait until then. I managed to survive the atrocious wait (but only just). I cannot describe to you the feeling of discomfort and boredom I felt. They need to have a TV so at least you can try and take your mind off it. Instead I was stuck there in a bed which was too small for me thinking "what the **** have I done to myself again!"

Finally Melissa arrived after 9:30 and I tell her about the long night and about the nurse not being here much. She didn't seem surprised and as I said before she just thought she was sleeping as if it was normal for her to be sleeping. I later did find the button which I guess I should have used if I needed anything but I was never told about that button and obviously when you are fragile from facial contouring you can't exactly see what is on the desk at the side of you. Tip to anyone who gets surgery at TL. Make sure you locate this buzzer and keep it near you all thru the night so you don't have to get up and try finding the nurse yourself. But at times you will want to get up just due to pure boredom being stuck in your bed for so long.

Then comes more discomfort. Later I was told it was time to go remove the drain which was draining the blood out of my mouth incision. Another horrific experience. I asked the nurse would this hurt and she assured me it wouldn't. I was laid down on the bed flat. Then I told the nurse, I don't think I should be laying flat as I have had enough surgery to know this only increases the swelling post surgery. She agreed to move the operating bed slightly up so at least my head was slightly elevated. Another dr came in and then with the nurses they basically just pushed on my cheeks and jaw area. They had pulled out the drains and were pushing the cheeks and jaw to try and push out all the blood. This was very very painful. I was actually moaning very loud so they would know they were causing me pain. Then they used a stitch to close the incision while I was wide awake. I said to the nurse "I thought you said this wouldn't hurt." She said to me usually people don't moan or shout with pain so she assumed it didn't hurt. I said to her that I don't think that was very true as I would consider myself to be someone with a high pain threshold, and have gone thru double jaw surgery and various other operations, plus I am a guy, and that HURT like ****!!!!!!!!

My face was about double the size by this point (mid morning). As I mentioned I have had various surgeries before including double jaw surgery and this is the most swollen I have ever gotten on my face. Melissa said it is just because it is revision. But I have had two double jaw surgeries and never ever did I have this much swelling even after the second!! I don't know why it was, maybe due to the ice packs not being applied properly flat on my cheeks and jaw? Or perhaps the way they do the surgery is very invasive? I don't know, but it really was ridiculous!

So then comes the time I was waiting for...when I was about to be discharged. Melissa came in and said she would take out my IV. I was very shocked as Melissa is not a trained nurse. She is the international patient coordinator. I do not expect an office person to be pulling out my IV. She obviously had done it many times and I felt comfortable with her doing it but I do not think anyone who is not medically trained should be doing anything like that. It just isn't professional (or safe really - as these type of needles need to be disposed in a certain manner etc).

I have been in my room hiding out since. The swelling got less from day 3 but now on day 5 while I am writing this it is still very swollen. Now I would say I have the same amount of swelling I have had from other ops. Whereas the first few days it was almost double. I went back for a follow up two days after however I did not see Dr Kim. Instead some random lady just looked in my mouth and said I can start brushing my teeth now. I think I should have been able to see Dr Kim this day as I hadn't seen him at all since the morning of operation day. He hadn't come to check on me at all during my stay overnight.

Melissa gave me some pumpkin juice and soup which are both absolutely disgusting. I have just been eating porridge really and soy milk drinks.
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