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breast aug in Asia :D

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Thank you for writing about the 2 types of BA. Mine was under the muscle just like you. My case the first week was hard then during the second week , I felt a big recovery every day then from the third week I was okay to do go back to my life. Of course the full mobility of the arms took time to be back after 2-3 months.
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I did my BA in April and it was under the muscle and recovery was tough especially the first few days. Can’t imagine going through it without my husband. He had to help me with literally everything since moving my arms hurt my pecs. Took about 3 months to heal completely and even up to now I can’t exert too much of my chest muscles without it feeling sort of weird.
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omg are you being serious? 3 months??!??! I'm heading up to amsterdam 2 weeks after my surgery -_- :O !!!!!!! You have me worried now. Did you do it in Korea? My friends who did it in Australia US and Thailand said their recovery was tough but my friends who did it in Korea said there was soreness like they just finished a really tough work out but no pain thats why i assumed it was to do with the surgeon's skill. Did you do it with an endoscope?
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Yes, I did mine in Korea. Not sure if I did with an endoscope, but I had no bleeding and didn’t require a drain. Mine was BA and fat transfer at the same time, so I had fats liposuction from my thighs to transfer to my breasts.

You can definitely travel after two weeks, I traveled to Jeju island two days after the surgery and I flew home after 7 days and traveled again shortly after, but my husband had to help me with literally everything since I could barely exert any strength in the first few weeks.

It’s not a painful recovery, just massive soreness and discomfort mostly. The soreness and discomfort lasted for about 3 months until it is completely gone. But it is bearable and you kind of get used to it after a while, and you can resume all normal activities (except working out on your chest, carrying heavy things) after one week I think. So travel would not be a problem if you have someone to help you with your bags, etc.

On a pain level of 10, I’d say that it was a constant level of 3-4. The thigh lipo recovery was much more painful.
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hehe thanks so much. I sent you 2 more pms :P. Sorry BA is the procedure im most concerned about since for facial surgery i've done it so many times I know exactly what to expect. Thanks for answering my questions, i was too embarrassed to ask publically LOL
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I've had 2 BA's and have many friends who have had them.

Pain is subjective. Everyone doesn't have the same pain threshold. Many things can dictate whether you have pain and how much. Under the muscle will hurt more than over the muscle. How many cups up you go from your previous size can cause more pain. If you've had a BA before it will hurt less than your first time. Your nerves are disrupted when they are put in, so they are reattaching after the surgery. You're not allowed to raise your arms for 2-6 weeks depending on the surgery and for the first month it can't be anything heavy. By the way if it's done correctly, you won't feel the implant itself.
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Did you have yours through the underboob or the armpit? One of my friends did it in korea via the underboob and literally we went shopping on day 2 she said she felt like it was a tough workout she just had but zero pain. But some friends complained of pain. Strange tho cos my friends who complained of pain all did it in either US, Australia or Thailand. The ones who did in Korea said it was sore not pain
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Are you traveling alone? You won't be able to lift your baggage, trust me lol. You shouldn't be lifting anything heavier than 5kg, and even that is pushing it
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Yeah I am. And i have a 25 kg big suitcase, a 10 kg small suit case, a 4kg lap top bag and ma purse. I'm fuked lol.
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