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Two-Jaw surgery

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Hi Madea, I actually didn't consult Dr Yoon before getting my eyes done. I just told Dr Kwon that I had two jaw three weeks ago and that I had a lot of swelling on my face in case that needed to be considered for the fat graft. He said it was okay and that he was aware of the swelling.

I think I've been very lucky with my nerves. I had been reading online so much about how people lost their sensation in their lower face for months, but I think I didn't lose much sensation at all. I had slightly reduced sensation on my lower face for two weeks after the surgery and I think I have reduced sensation inside my mouth – when I gargle, I'm always surprised by how much food comes out that I wasn't aware of – but otherwise I think I can feel everything. I touch my face all over and I can't find a spot that feels numb or anything like that.

I definitely do have reduced facial motion, though. I can't smile or laugh properly, but it's improving every day and I'm doing the exercises the doctor taught me.

Overall, I'm just really happy with how my recovering is going. I've been reading lots of two jaw surgery blogs, but they were by people who their surgeries done by western doctors and they seemed so much more miserable. I had really low expectations because of the blogs, but overall it hasn't been as bad as the blogs made it out to be.
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Yes, many. the risk of death is positive. You can search many of these cases on the news. However since they died they probably won't be able to be here to reply.

2-jaw is a dental procedure for those with severe overbite/underbite. It is NOT a cosmetic procedure for an average Joe because it is the most complicated facial osteomy surgery. Please take note that for a normal person a degree of overbite is normal (1-3mm) so theres nothing needed to be fixed.

There are other bone manipulation procedure that will produce 90% similar results. I have repeatedly urge the risks of two jaws on this forum, don't consider it lightly just because the doctor/website did not mention the risks. For example most PS clinic website says downtime is 2 week for 2 jaw. Such a liar, most 2-jaw patients here will agree with me that it takes MONTHS for your face muscle to move normally, for sensations to be gained partially, also u will be on liquid diets for at least a month to 6 weeks. Be an educated consumer and know what you're into, and talk to local dentists about the risk of this procedure because it's really not a cosmetic procedure.
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What other bone manipulation procedure produce similar result as 2 jaw?

I m considering it cos I hv protruding mouth. But I'm really afraid of the down time.
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A degree of upper protrusion is normal (1-3mm overbite) It depends on your aesthetic, I cant comment because I don't see you in person, but it will be a combination of chin work (genioplasty or implant), sometime panarasal implant, fat graft etc. You should talk to the doctor during consultation about this protrusion concern and insist your preference not to have 2-jaw. Usually safe clinics, caring and experienced doctor can offer you alternatives such as a combination of procedure to choose instead of insisting on one method.
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Hi guys, just posting a quick update 4 weeks post two jaw! Can't believe it's been almost a month! I'm flying back home tomorrow morning and am really excited to finally get back home.

Most of the discomforts due to the surgery have decreased to the point that they don't really bother me anymore. I still do have to use nasal spray to be able to breathe comfortably, though. I also still notice that I don't have all the energy I used to have. It looks like it will take quite a while before I feel like my old self.

My swelling is also still quite significant and I still feel like I'm looking at someone's else face when I look in the mirror. I definitely don't want to meet my friends for at least another two weeks. Added to this is the swelling from my eyelid surgery, which covers the whole upper part of my face, basically making every feature of my face appear swollen. Needless to say, I still look pretty weird!

I had my last doctor's appt two days ago and he said that everything was excellent. They took my post-op x rays and compared them to the earlier ones, and what a difference has the surgery made! :smile: According to the doc, I won't be needing braces. I'd like to have them eventually to perfect my teeth, though.

In terms of food, I'm eating almost anything I like as long as it's not too chewy or too hard.

At this point, I'm feeling really happy that I've had this done, but I also feel very impatient about the swelling. It's going away sooo slowly. The swelling goes down a lot by the end of the day, though, and when I look in the mirror then, I feel very happy with how everything has turned out. This is pretty goofy, but I also sometimes try pushing and pulling my cheeks to see what my face might look like when the swelling is gone, and it looks it will look really nice once my jawline appears and I don't have puffy cheeks anymore! ^^
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Thank you for the update!!
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Researching prices for Korean locals for PS, I came across a price list for 2- Jaw surgery among some clinics and thought it may be of help to someone during negotiations. I can't read all of it, but from top to bottom:

(in korean won )
face dental clinic- 9,500,000
everm- 10,000,000- 12,000,000
wonjin- 10,000,000- 15,000,000
banobagi- 12,000,000- 15,000,000
regen- 13,000,000
faceline- 13,000,000- 15,000.000
grand- 14,000.000
ID- 15,000,000
this doesn't dental care- braces, etc., which this listed in the next column.

It's interesting that the ones with the worst reputation, grand and id, are the ones charging the most.
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Hi guys, just posting a quick 6 week post-op update:
My swelling is still going down very slowly. My left side is noticably more swollen than the other side, but beside me, most people can't tell that I'm swollen, although I do seem a bit puffed up. I still don't feel the same as before surgery in terms of energy, but it's getting better. I guess something new is that last week I had a terrible acne outbreak on my forehead which hasn't happened since I was a teenager. Apparently oily skin and acne is common after two jaw. I also notice that I sometimes feel post-op blues, maybe because I haven't been meeting anyone besides my family for six weeks now.

I think if I had only gotten two jaw, by now I would have been looking pretty normal. The swelling from my eyelid surgery still makes me look pretty weird, though. Besides that, I don't really have complaints. I'm very happy that I had all this done and now I only have to patient and wait for the swelling to go down. I'll start working in two more weeks and I think by then life will be pretty much back to normal for me. It's been such a long and hard process, but it's been very much worth it!
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Thanks for another update vitalic. I feel that you have a very balanced view and attitude towards the whole ps thing, which is very hard to achieve when one actually goes thru it. You told us the good and not so good sides of the stories and always put things in perspective. Your post serves as a good reminder for me to try to do the same and not get overwhelmed by one factor and lose sight of the whole picture, at all stages of ps: pre, during and past.

Don't worry about the slow recovery of eye lid surgery, which almost always take a long time. I had it done long time ago and I remembered feeling normal at the 6 months mark.
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It takes so long? I am now 10 days after removing stitches, 17 days post op! Scar is starting to be a little bit red/brown isn...I was hoping by next week it will be less noticeable that I did double eyelid surgery.....
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  • 3 weeks later...
I had 2 jaw surgery at I.d with dr. park In november, i'm still numb in some places and have to wear braces for a year but I do love the results. Also, had veneers(laminates, korean ppl call them that) and he was able to work with it. I had crooked jaw from an accident when I was young and should have had braces then but didn't really know the severity until Dr. Park took x-rays and explained why i had jaw/bite issues. I heard of a lot of korean actresses going through this procedure which got me interested. It was extremely tough, i had my best friend(who is korean) with me for the whole month of recovery in Korea. It's not something I could go through again. The first couple days our death. The weird thing is, i had my nose done in Korea and went on consultations at Banobagi and Grand 6 months before i went back to Korean for 2jaw, both clinics said I didn't need 2jaw.. Good luck everyone, my friend who had it done before me went to Face Line, i think. Her result were good =) They only do 2jaw and it's located beside Gangnam station
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Truth, I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks and then tofu soup and cake (which was amazing). I stayed in korea for a month for recovery and it is mandatory or you can't get the surgery. I am 6 months post op, and still numb.
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