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Two-Jaw surgery

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I had 2 jaw surgery at I.D in Nov, and it was filled with locals. The girl I shared a room with for recovery had 2 jaw as well and she was a local. Most koreans know how fatal this surgery can be, and Dr.Park is an expert when it comes maxi-facial/orthognathic, I am amazed with my result and happy I have no complications.
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Check Face Line at near Gangnam station, they only do 2 jaw surgeries. My friend went there and her results look great. I was gonna go there but i opted for Dr.Park at I.d.
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Hi guys, very interesting thread for me. I need to do double jaw surgery ( have really deviated jaws) and looking for the best option. I currently live in Europe, but such surgeries here quite costly and they don't practice surgery first approach. Can someone advice where is best to do this surgery ( for me most important it has to be maximum possible safe place, as this type of surgery is really dangerous I guess). What is approximate price for this type of surgery? Does anyone outside Asia did in Korea? How you were contacting the surgeon in case you had to? How orthodontist in your country was cooperating with the surgeon in Korea to do after surgery treatment? Have a lot of questions if someone already passed threw this would be very happy to get some advices.
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Hi swt_innocent so how are You do you need braces after your surgery? Did Dr. Park himself operate you ?:smile:
I may need 2 jaw surgery too and since ID was my initial choice till I read about ID swiching doctors etc and the high prices they quoted me via mail I was scared off.
Will be in Seoul this thursday ^^ (planing on Visiting DAPRS, Wonjin and maybe Banobagi/ BK)
cheers :biggrin:
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Hi guys,
Back to post a 10-week two jaw (+ double eyelid, under eyes fat graft) post-op update!

Most things are back to normal. I eat without restrictions and will start work shortly. These are the symptoms I still have:

Swelling: most people who know me can't tell I still have swelling, but I can see I still have swelling left under my nose, on my lower cheeks and a kind of uniform layer of swelling over my jawline. This makes me look like I have a baby face because my features are soft and not sharply defined yet. I'm 21, but people say I look like I'm 16!

One side of my face is also still more swollen than the other, but I don't see it unless I take pictures of myself or look very carefully in the mirror. Once all this swelling is gone, though, I believe I will look more symmetrical as my current asymmetry is only due to soft tissue.

Energy and strength: My energy levels are much better, but not quite the same as before the surgery. I also still get mood swings sometimes that I didn't use to get before the surgery. My strength levels are way below what they used to be, though. I'm a total weakling – I used to bike marathons and lift weights, but I tried starting exercising beginning last week and was surprised at how easily got tired. Before the surgery, biking 20km was routine for me, but now 10km nearly kills me.

However, I still am very satisfied with the results. I used to be good looking before the surgery and people used to compliment me, but now the compliments have become much more frequent and forthright. I've even had complete strangers come up to me and tell me I look beautiful. This happened very rarely before the surgery, but now it's not something I become surprised about when I go out. Most people I meet in an informal setting comment on how cute and pretty I look and I find this kind of strange sometimes and am still getting used to it. People who knew me before the surgery say I look like a completely different person and almost don't recognize me when I first meet them.

To myself, I know I look objectively more attractive (fixed asymmetry, bigger eyes, higher nose etc), but I think it will still be a while before I get used to what I see in the mirror. Being the self-critical perfectionist I am, I do find that I'm still not quite satisfied with same aspects of my face. Dr Yoon narrowed my nose because two jaw makes people's noses bigger, but I think my nose still looks a bit too big for my now much smaller face (I hear this is a common thing among two jaw patients). I think my nose might become smaller as the swelling under my nose goes away, though. My cheeks are also sagging somewhat now, although this might go away as the swelling decreases and my fat graft gets reabsorbed.

I can't wait until my swelling is completely gone and I get a sharper V-line jawline, less puffier cheeks and overall a more mature face. I'm enjoying my baby face for now, but I'd much rather look slightly older, mature and sexy than baby-ishly cute like I do now. People say how time flies by after the surgery, but for me, this has been a very long process. It probably feels even longer to me because I got double eyelid done 20 days post op and the swelling for double eyelids goes down really slowly as well. I'm really learning patience from this whole journey and I would caution anyone considering two jaw to expect a long recovery, even though the final results of the surgery are mostly very good.
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thank you so much for your continuing update .. 10 weeks so far ! amazing ! .. but can you tell me a bit more about the 'big nose stuff' after the 2-jaw surgery ... it's kind of shocking .. is it right our noses will get bigger afterward or they will become normal as original after all the swellings have gone?
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by the way, I am considering have a 2-jaw surgery in Jan 2015 .. is it a low season or high season for PS?? as I don;t wanna come to seoul in high season because surgeons might be very busy and exhausted. thus not being able to perform best!
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Hi Vitalic,

Glad to hear everything is well! I'm going to see Dr Yoon for the 2nd time in Sep and very likely I'll be doing 2-jaw with him next year.

Got some ques regarding your fat graft. How's the effect so far? any absorption? I have dark circles problem as well. Did your FG fix the problem? How long did it take for your swelling from FG to come down?

Do you think 3-weeks is enough between jaw surgery and FG?

Thanks loads!
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thanks, Vivian! then I think March or April would be great ! :smile:

and how is your recovery now ? btw, where did you have the surgery?
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  • 1 month later...
Hi guys,
here's my review on 2-jaw surgery with EverM.

From where did I start:
I had severe prognathism all my life, but didn't really understand what it is as it doesn't occur in Europe that frequently thus doctors aren't really experienced with it.
Surgeons in Europe blamed my chin for my indisposition and so I ended up having 2 chin surgeries which worsened my situation.
The last surgeon enlarged my chin, and I couldn't feel a big portion of my lower face anymore...

Before coming to Seoul I researched for over a year, and contacted various clinics.
I didn't want to waste my time in Seoul by having one consultation after the other so I shortlisted a long list of clinics to only a few;
Apparently there are hundreds of clinics here surpassing each other in promises, prices and poshness, and after several surgeries which didn't turn out well for me, I was only interested in real results and safety .

I won't go into detail with all the talking and contact I had with each clinic,
but one in particular sticked out leaving me with a very negative feeling.

Fancy clinic, Before and Afters made me want to visit them very badly…
I went there with two friends of mine.
Atmosphere: As some other forumers already mentioned: I didn't feel good there. The girls working there not only for me looked fake and not really attractive at all, they were somewhat sneaky and I felt oppressed…
The Doctor was a lot nicer then the girls there but still he didn't take much time and effort to explain anything .
And who runs this clinic btw??
For the price they quoted me I was not satisfied with that whole package at all...
Aside from that, I wanted to have my chin corrected too, and the doc said it is NOT POSSIBLE after my genio.
Apropos CT- They made my pay 100,000 KRW for a CT-disk which I never get.
The consultant looked at me in disbelieve as I asked her for it: She told me she sents me a mail with the CT and fobbed me off with this… I went away with my girls as I was so shocked of the weird and arrogant behavior ….
Next day I wrote her I would get the CT disk first thing in the morning,
but she replied that she had already sent it to me by mail. lol.100 $ for a mail?
I went there with my friend and told her I'd like to have the disk I payed for and which she had promoted me so eagerly.
She didn't like I came, left for 15 minutes, as she came back I stood up and the consultant just snubbed me, "sit down!"
She told me they don't have any disks, I can buy on my own if I want.

You might say that's a very subjective view, but my friends had the same feeling, and if you read peterpans review for example, you will see i'm not alone with my impression.
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The next day, in contrast to DA clinic, I walked into a clinic that left me with an amazing feeling.
My friend brought me there.
Btw my friend is a forumer, I'm so thankful she came with me, as she was translating for me and supporting me, all day long.
I came to EverM at 12 and stayed till about 4, that's how much time they invested in me.
I simply LOVED EverM from the very beginning. They are honest and charming. The girls working there were lovely and attractive and natural, no false attitude, no interrogation, no "how much money do you have with you? That's how much you gonna pay ;) " as asked by other clinics,….

I felt totally safe there and felt it could be just the right place from the very beginning.
They not only did CT but also pictures of the inside of my mouth and even more.
I was so impressed by the effort they were making and time they invested.
The Doctor was not only sweet and humble he was extremely accurate and explained to me precisely what was wrong with my jaw, where exact angles should be etc.
I felt he would sit there with me forever, he was so patient.
He was constantly referring to my pictures, to my CT, he always made sure I understood everything he was saying.
HE would be able to fix my chin too (remember, at Daprs the surgeon said he cannot fix my chin).

Btw, it's not just a rumor, they indeed have a laminated price list. They are very honest and the price they quoted me was very reasonable and fair.

So I left a deposit (in USD bec. at that time I only had little KWON) and my friend accompanied me to another clinic nearby where they made X-ray of my chest, blood, checked heart….and so on, and after that they took dental imprints of me and at EverM another doctor who was also very nice additionally spend a huge amount of time with me, explaining every detail of the surgery and then they together discussed the best surgery method for me, so they could fix all my problems at once.

They also explained that normally the nose gets wider after 2-jaw so they would use some Nasal alar cinch suture to prevent the nose from widening. They would remove my old screws and use absorbable ones instead.

The doctor checked my TMJ and also asked if I am numb from my previous surgeries, he promised it would not get worse :smile: I was relieved ^^

The Girl working there, and which I would see now almost every day for a long time, Gahee is such a beautiful and lovely girl, she's fantastic and made sure I never felt alone.

She wanted to have the telephone number of my host in case of emergency and said she would go buy medicine with me afterwards If I needed help.
She even proposed me If I cannot stay at my place she would come and help me with my luggage!!!!
I am so thankful that I could go with EverM, and Gahee is a friend now, I miss her really.

Surgery Day:
12 hours fast, changed into their clothes and relaxed at my room at the ward, watching Tv.
The rooms are super nice. Theres a flat screen, computer, and a board for the time after surgery where you can write or draw what you need haha!!! so nice :smile:
They made an allergy test and I got a reaction to it and almost passed out.
That's the moment I realized it gets serious.
The anesthesiologist was super nice too he as the other doctors speaks indeed a little bit of english and informed me that he checked my results (so thorough!) and that I'm healthy yeyyyy ^^
Surgery room: got a mask and had to breath in the gases. I hated it but was already very sensitive and scared, although everyone was very supportive and caring.

Post op:
I had to try stay awake for 4 hours after surgery, and use ice packs. It didn't work out for me cause I was so weak. I "secretly" fell asleep from time to time.
I couldn't move my hands cause I was so weak, ice packs weighed too much at that point lol.
To be honest I felt really bad.

All my doctors came to see me after the surgery and Dr. Yoon said the surgery was successful.
I was so relieved and thankful to be at EverM, to have such good after care and not be in a big factory clinic at that point, I don't know if I would have made it anywhere else, I'm serious.

You need good aftercare. You need that fantastic surgeon that even though he has so much work to do, comes to see how you are afterwards, everyday, and who takes safety seriously; I found this at EverM.
I don't remember much what happened afterwards. I slept a lot, I felt miserable, but at the same time I was happy being able to drink again, watch TV, was happy the doctors came to see if I'm fine, that the nurses treated me so nicely, that Gahee stopped by
and that my roommate was so nice.

Day 3 :
By that time I felt I'm going to be fine, and that
the worst is over. ^^ that was so wrong.
My other doc took out my drain tubes which was bearable.
But then he had to position my teeth manually and wired them.
It hurt so much, I cried so badly.
The Doc was there for me though and said everything will be ok and that he felt sorry.
At my room I got a panic attack of that pain and was shocked to have my mouth wired shut for 2 weeks from now on.
My nose was swollen I couldn't breath properly;
They have methods for this though….they are not enjoyable, but you will want them to apply as it helps you breathing.

I stayed 4 days at the hospital, I didn't need to do any negotiations on that.
Which is strange as 2 other clinics had told me via mail its only 1 to 2 days hospitalization, after that you pay…….

The day before discharge a nurse handed me a paper with post- surgery instructions but recapitulated every point with me, in english.
She even went to the pharmacy for me and bought me my medicine, so I didn't need to go by myself.

Today, Day 6:
I sleep elevated.
Drink pumpkin juice and look like one.
I must add, pumpkin juice is healthy -hopefully ;))))) - but not tasty at all!
They said I must stay in Seoul for 5 to 6 weeks.
I bought some multivitamin supplements and hope I can go home by the 4 week mark.
Vitalic gave me much hope on that one :smile:
After wiring my mouth I started snoring very badly.
That disappears a little now.
I have sense and feel every part of my face as before, Dr. Yoon kept his promise, I haven't lost any sensation at all.
I have to admit I'm not walking around really much as my nose gets more swollen and I'm struggling for air after 15 minutes out on the street. Wearing a mask and having tissues and toilet paper always ready, bec. blood is coming out of the nose.
I guess tomorrow I should stop using my Nose spray, so I hope breathing will be easier till then; Right now I don't think I can live without it ;)
Btw: My nose didn't get any wider. It looks very nice.

Day 7:
I had a little infection but went to the clinc and we changed my antibiotics and its fine now;
Gahee told me I can come to the clinic whenever I feel like it.

Day 9
Stiches out.
This was done by someone very nice. He did it so careful and gentle, I didn't feel anything at all most of the time.
Surprisingly my wires have been removed today too. I have rubber bands now and have to practice opening and closing my mouth.

Day 11
I can open my moth 2 cm now.
Closing my mouth gets easier now.

Day 12.
Ate Soup with Dumpling. Finally real food !!!! :smile:)

Day 13:
Doc said I'm closing my mouth not properly, closing is more important than opening. ;( Check up soon.

Day 14:
I feel I have a lot more power already. I'm getting better in chewing.

Day 16:
They wired me again, it's for the better, as I still have a small gap between my teeth.
Back to liquid diet, I was not prepared for this today ;(

Day 21:
No wBK ires, no rubber bands :smile:) I eat chicken sticks, noodles,…almost everything;
no kimchi, no rice cake ;)

Day 28: Screw removal :smile: Didn't hurt at all. I'm happy.
They showed me post op x rays, and compared them to previous ones and I couldn't believe what a huge improvement the surgery made. There's still significant swelling though.

As It's 4 weeks now, and everything healing fine, I can fly back home.
I took some pictures before surgery on my own and I look so much better now.
Talking feels much easier than before surgery as well. I feel relieved. My life changes for the better now.

Week 6 update:
I cannot comment enough on how I love EverM them and how thankful I am.
I don't have to worry about my bite anymore,
every day I feel so much more at ease.
I eat everything now, but very careful.
I love it !!!!!!

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how much does the surgery cost?
Those scanning is it included in the cost or extra?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you SO much everyone for sharing info here, and vitalic and littlecheetah for sharing your stories!!
I'm trying to gather information to find clinics to consult with for surgery to reduce mouth protrusion. Any other safe and good clinics for bimaxillary ASO?

I'm hoping to travel to Korea in April 2015.

How is the english skill level at EverM? I don't know if I'd have a friend or translator with me and during consultation (and beyond, if I decide to do a procedure with them) I want to make sure we can fully communicate.

How did you prepare? What do you suggest to have or buy - vitamins? mask? other stuff?

What hotel or guesthouse did you stay at, is it nearby?
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Dr Yoon from EverM doesn't speak English and they do not have an English consultant. They do have a Mandarin speaking translator, Gahee.
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